Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 48: Zixi, the God of Camel (Part 1)

Continue to lift the ban. Binghuo ’s VIP Primary Three has been completely updated, and the book is 2 million words. This is the sixth work completed by Primary Three. In order to thank everyone for their continuous support, Primary Three specially wrote a special external article-Primary Three All The six protagonists and the stories that Mahjong has to tell are presented as gifts to everyone. Longbow, Lei Xiang, Dumb, Hailong, Tianzhen, and Nian Bing will look like? Hey, let ’s watch it for yourself, special Published in the outer part of the new book, everyone is welcome to read it. At the same time, the zodiac patron saint officially began to update, please support the bookkeepers of Primary Three to collect a lot, vote, and the Jiajing Conference at 12 o’clock this Sunday night will be transferred to the zodiac patron saint In the district, the more recommended tickets, the more essence. The zodiac patron saint ’s address is, /showbook.asp?bl_id=101839

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The smile on the face of the dream girl has long disappeared in the flash, and said: "You look away, I am 22 years old this year, my name is Zi Qingmeng, you can just call my name later, don't dream girl, dream Girl. Our culinary department is a small department in the academy, except for the magic department with the smallest number of people, it is counted as us. There are only more than 1,000 people in the academy, divided into five grades, five classes for each grade. He teaches hot dish cooking, cold dish cold spelling, noodles, medicated meals and local snacks. Among them, the most people learn hot dish cooking, accounting for about one-third of the number of each grade. As for me, I am the fifth grade of cold dish cold spelling Student, at the same time, I am also a swordsman teacher in this department. So, you can do whatever you think. "

Teacher teacher? It seems that he has not blinded himself! She is also the best at Dao Gong, and has the opportunity to learn from her. Nian Bing thought, and had followed Zi Qingmeng to the entrance of the academy. When the four students in charge of the guard saw her, they straightened their bodies and showed respectfulness in their eyes. They said in unison: "Good seniors."

Zi Qingmeng just nodded his head and did not stop. He walked into the academy with Nian Bing. "Why did they call you a senior without calling you a teacher?" Nian Bing asked his doubts.

Zi Qingmeng glanced at him and said, "Because I am a student in the martial arts department, and also a fifth-grade student, they will naturally call me a senior. Oh, I forgot to tell you, as long as you have enough ability in this college To cope with the exam, you can study several majors at the same time. Of course, tuition is necessary, and you must pass the exam of the department. "

Nian Bing felt a cold breath in Zi Qingmeng's heart and said, "I think, you should major in martial arts, and the culinary department is your elective?" His eyes did not stay in Zi Qingmeng. On his body, he looked at the huge playground in front of him. At least thousands of people were active in the playground, some chatted, some learned martial arts, some were walking, and thousands of people looked very deserted and huge on this playground. I don't know what the ground is used for. The ground is bluish-grey and feels very hard. Around the playground, there are eight-storey buildings. Those should be teaching buildings. Nian Bing was the first time to see such a tall building. The curiosity about this dream school at Lanmeng School added a little bit.

Zi Qingmeng looked at Nian Bing in surprise, and said, "How do you know."

Nian Bing smiled and said, "I said it was a guess, do you believe it?" Of course he guessed, but the guess is based on evidence. When Zi Qingmeng introduced Lan Meng Academy, the first thing he said was the martial arts department rather than the chef. Art department, and when she talks about the glory of the martial arts department, the look on her face is obviously a bit proud, and when it comes to the culinary art department, the look is much more bland. Nian Bing is good at observing, and she made a correct judgment from the slight expressions she inadvertently revealed.

Zi Qingmeng did not ask. The two walked silently across the playground. She took Nian Bing and walked directly to the west teaching building. When she walked to the teaching building, Zi Qingmeng did not enter with Ning Bing. Take him by the side of the building and walk to the back. "The teaching building outside is mainly the teaching place of several major departments. The culinary department is in that building. Don't forget it later. The dormitory is also in the building."

It is a five-story building. If it is somewhere else, the five-story building is already very tall, but compared with the eight-story building outside, this is really nothing. The whole building looks very small. The academies are wearing the same dark blue uniforms as the students on the playground outside, except that the small sign on the chest is written with the word culinary.

Zi Qingmeng took Nian Bing to the fifth floor, came to the door of an office, and pushed in the door directly. Nian Bing followed her. Before I saw the situation inside, I heard a scream.

"Ah! Who is so unruly and doesn't knock on the door and came in ...., Xiaomeng, it turns out to be you! You want to scare me, please knock on the door later."

Nian Bing looked inwards from the probe behind Zi Qingmeng, and saw that a man and a woman were packing up their ragged clothes. The man looked like he was in his fifties, with a little hunchback and a red hair on his head. Bare in the middle, like a barren hillside, with small eyes, garlic nose, big mouth and fork, the adjectives almost used to ugly looks are not excessive on him. The strange thing is that the woman who was obviously intimate with him looks much younger, only about 30 years old, looks good, and has a good figure and appearance. At this time, his face is flushed. Corset.

Zi Qingmeng said coldly: "Great love, I will bring you new students."

The humpback man coughed a few times and said, "The new student is fine if you say it. Why do you have to bring it to me? Well, you come in. Xiao Yiyi, you go out first, I'm looking for you when you're free . "

Listen to the three words of Xiao Yiyi with his howl. Nian Bing really has the urge to turn around and leave. Is this the head of the culinary department? The middle-aged woman threw a wink at the head of the department, as if she didn't see the handsome and handsome Nian Bing, and dragged her jacket away. Zi Qingmeng seems to have become accustomed to these, and his face has not changed.

The head of the Humpback Department coughed and said, "Come on, let's sit first. I'm a little messy here." It's really messy, and it's not a little bit. Things are scattered all over the big office, and there is even a small pool of water on the table, but The air in the office is still fresh. Ziqing Mengmeng and Nian Bing walked into the room. After simply tidying up the table twice, the head of the department set his sights on Nian Bing. "It seems that I can bring Xiao Meng to me personally. The young man, What do you know? "

Nian Bing coughed, and still kept a smile on her face, "I just learned cooking a few days before. I want to learn cooking in your college."

The head of the department turned to Zi Qingmeng. Zi Qingmeng said coldly: "Don't look at me. Have you ever seen someone who has only been cooking for a few days? Let's do it. "After that, he seemed unwilling to stay in this room for an extra moment, and turned around and left.

Hearing the four words of Jinzi Xuye, the head of the department's original yellow eyes glowed, "Jinzi Xuye, would you know the Jinzi Xuye in the five famous swords?"

Nian Bing looked at the protruding hands of the head of the department and said, "It's true, it's just that the fire is not home yet." He is not modest at all, whether it is a plaque with a plaque or a dragon dragon dance. It ’s not a small gap, but now it ’s not a stage where you can have an effect just by practicing. Just like Cha Ji said, he now needs an enlightenment.

"Is Cha Ji letting you come to me?" The head of the department returned to his position, but his words shocked Nian Bing and smiled indifferently, saying: "Apart from Lao Cha, I am afraid no one can teach You do n’t need to be surprised if you have a plausible character when you ’re 20 years old. I did n’t expect that the old investigation has disappeared for 20 years, and finally there is news again. ”

"Do you know my master?" Nian Bing's voice was no longer calm. The obscene old man in front of him gave him an unpredictable feeling.

Department director hey smiled and said: "Did your master never mention the obscene camel purple repair with you? That old guy won't even forget his old friends."

The obscene camel Zixiu listened to the four words, and when thinking of Bing, he remembered a passage that Cha Ji once said to himself. It was an evaluation of the chefs of his era. In his era, there were five of the best chefs. Culinary skills are called the five great chef gods, and they have the nicknames of ghost, fierce, camel, spirit, and wonderful. Among them, the wonderful chef is also the master of Ming Yuan and Ming Hui. He is also known as the fairy of the kitchen, and is best at some Small craftsmanship and pasta making. And his master Cha Ji is the head of the five chef gods. The five of them once gathered three times to set the ranking. Those three times are also known as the strongest peak showdown in the culinary world ever. With the ability of ghosts and axes, each time they win the final victory with a weak advantage, and the other four chef gods only have a slight difference in order. When Cha Ji evaluated the camel chef, his expression was very weird. He said: The old and unrepaired hunch camel is the most characteristic of our five. The guy ’s cooking is not only smart, but also weird, maybe you do n’t believe it. The most famous dishes he is good at are all the inspirations found in women. The camel chef, Xiu Zixiu. Unexpectedly, the camel chef who ranks third among these five chefs is actually a department in this culinary academy. director.

Nian Bing hurriedly bowed to Zi Xiu and said: "Senior Xi Xiu, you are a famous camel chef! The juniors are really rude."

Zi Xiu said a little impatiently: "Okay, I hate these vulgar rites, boy, how long have you been studying cooking with Lao Cha Ji! Where is he now? Over the past 20 years, he has a little training No, the culinary world outside has changed a lot. "

Sorrow radiated from Nian Bing, recalling the master ’s teaching, he could n’t help but take a deep breath, “Senior Xi Xiu, my master has passed away. He died before I left. I followed the master to learn art for eight years. Chunchun taught that Nian Bing did n’t forget it for a moment. Senior Zixiu, since you are an old friend of my master, could you tell me who was making a bet with my master in the end, making him a miserable defeat and judging Gently. "

The camel kitchen Zixiu rolled his eyes, "Is Chaji Laoer dead? Okay, he died well, he is dead, there will be one more in front of me. I die, die, shit, how can I pay Not dead. "Although he was cursing, Nian Bing clearly found out that his big hands with prominent bones and should be extremely stable were shaking slightly, which was almost impossible for a top chef In the situation that occurred, tears of light continued to flash in Zi Xiu's eyes, but tears never remained, and he sat there dumbly, like a statue.

"Senior Purple, are you okay? My master has already gone, but when he went, he was very peaceful, so don't be sad." Looking at Zi Xiu's appearance, Nian Bing understood that the old man in front of him had fought with the master all his life. However, there is still a deep friendship between them.

"I don't have anything to do with you. Damn, the old thing like Cha Ji died so early. I don't know how much you learned his skills. If the skill of the ghost chef is lost, I won't be able to spare even if it's underground. He, kid, do you want to know who forced your master to sever your tendons? Well, as long as you can win me in cooking, I will tell you. Otherwise, you never want to know. After all, there is absolutely no possibility of accommodation. I will arrange for you to take classes in the fifth grade first, and one year later, if you can't achieve the cooking skills that I can compete with, you can get out. "

Nian Bing respectfully said: "Senior Purple, I don't have to wait so long, I will challenge you now, I hope you speak arithmetic, and tell me the situation of the challenger after losing."

"Now? Good boy, as stinky as your dead master, are you very good? Did your master tell you what I am best at ~ ~ Camel Chef's voice is full of arrogance.

Nian Bing smiled, although Zi Xiu was constantly cursing Cha Ji, but he understood that the relationship between this camel chef and his master was absolutely very deep, "Senior Zi Xiu, please forgive me At that time, the master commented on you like this. He said that the old, unrepaired thing is not worth anything except for playing a few hands on the green curtain, and tearing and tearing the heavy eagle hands. Mention, again, that the creativity she gets from women is not bad. Damn, the old camel is much uglier than I am, but there are women who do n’t open their eyes like it, it ’s a lame butthole-evil (inclined) door. "What Nian Bing learns completely is the tone of Cha Ji, with vivid sounds and colors, just like what Cha Ji said personally here. The camel chef Zixiu's complexion changed suddenly.

"Well, you are a tremendous person, you're all dead and you **** blame me, you are the lame's asshole. You even judged me in front of the junior, hum, wait for me to plan your grave." I heard Nian Bing's words , Camel kitchen Zi Xiu suddenly jumped like thunder, pointing at Nian Bing's nose and screaming, but his tears finally couldn't control, flowing down on the angry face.

Nian Bing seemed to have not heard the insults of the camel chef. He lowered his head and said, "Master said that the last one of the five famous knives is the Cui curtain end congealing knife method. Only you can achieve the perfect state. In contrast, the five famous knives are actually in no particular order, as long as they can reach the perfect level, they are the pinnacle of the culinary world. He also said that your second torn live eagle is ranked second in the seven forbidden hands. The hand is the hand of all the seven forbidden hands, and the only way he can make a dish with his own hands is that he ca n’t match it. With the subtle grasp of the power in hand, you are definitely the first in the mainland. "

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