Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 61: Fire Dragon Race (Part 2)

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The originally silent group of dragon people heard Nian Bing say the three characters of the dragon family, and suddenly caused a commotion. The elder at the forefront frowned slightly, "Do you know us?"

Nian Bing nodded and said, "I have heard of the existence of the Dragon Clan before. Then, the treasure you are guarding should be the treasure of a giant dragon."

"Yes, we are the Fire Dragon Clan. I can also tell you that I am the only elder Jin Yong of the Fire Dragon Clan. Even knowing these is useless, you must die today. The dignity of the Dragon Clan cannot be offended. Kill."

"Go, water dance waves." The old voice sounded, and a circle of blue halo suddenly showed a huge light mask scattered around, just in front of the looting fire dragon people. It turned out that Nian Bing talked with the other party by giving advice. In order to get more time to sing the spell, the other party didn't let go of their meaning at all, so they had to fight hard.

Shui Wubo, an eighth-order large-scale attack on water magic, is a magic that consumes a lot of mana, but in the current situation of facing a large number of enemies, it is obviously the best choice. It is a pity that in this territory of the Fire Dragon tribe, the power of water magic is reduced sharply, and the eighth-order magic can only exert the power of seventh-order.

The water wave was scattered like a wave, with a violent water arrow blocking the impact of the fire dragon clan, the red grudge flew around, resisting the continuous impact of the water dance wave, the phoenix suddenly shouted, "rushed to Go inside the cave, where you can better defend. "

Nian Bing's eyes lit up, yes! Retreat forward. Before Carlo, Gatling and Flower broke into the hole, he spun out two magic scrolls. This is his trick to save lives.

Ice and fire, the strongest sixth-order magic scrolls that can be made by two ice bursts instantaneously. The red and blue lights collide in a hurry. The violent roar seems to shock the entire mountain range. Under the action of Nian Bing's full urging, the tremendous impact of up to eighth order erupted around the other elder.

The impact of magic was completely one-sided. The elder of the Fire Dragon clan changed his face when he heard the call of Feng Nu. The silver grudge was all over his body and his hands were pushed forward. The attack with the scroll has arrived.

The eighth-order attack magic cannot threaten the warrior class samurai, not to mention the fierce body of the Fire Dragon Clan is not comparable to ordinary people. In the huge shock, the Fire Dragon Clan elder just took a step back and stood firm, and was originally beside him. More than ten Fire Dragon tribes were flew up by the sudden magic shock. They seemed to be afraid of the huge cave behind them, but were rather shocked by the impact of magic than daring to pull back, barely controlling their body to fly diagonally, leaving only the elder of the Fire Dragon clan in front of the cave. At this moment, Hua Rui's huge wheel axe arrived.

Ding, Ding Ding and Qing Yue ’s voice, the stamen spurted blood and flew back. Two traces of her battle axe were ejected by the other party. Carlo and Gatling were not flying faster than her. There is no chance for a true martial arts fighter. The Elder of the Fire Dragon clan was obviously angry, and the silver fighting spirit on his body was completely inflated, and he was attacked by magic and three martial artists in full force. He was as strong as him, and he could not help but have some blood.

The mercenaries have rushed up in the words of the Phoenix Girl, and at this time, the first attack was a red light. When the red light rushed to the front of the fire dragon elder Jin Yi, the red light suddenly It turned into silver, and the loud sound of phoenix sounded at the right time. The silver sword shadow was so elusive in Jin Yan ’s eyes, his face slightly changed, Jin Yan ’s double fists burst out at the same time, and the holy grudge burst out like an entity. The sword curtain.

"Phoenix-Ling-Cut-." A broken voice sounded, also a silver grudge, the sword curtain suddenly condensed into one body, and the grudge sent by Jin Yang was cut open, and the tail flame went straight to Jin Yang's chest And go.

"Are you really going to die?" Jin Yi roared angrily, his body suddenly jumped, a dragon chanted in his mouth, flashing the sword light, and attacked the phoenix who rushed to the position where she had stood before.

The phoenix's eyes were unusually calm, and there was a loud sound of phoenix in her mouth, and the silver grudges around her body instantly expanded a little, "phoenix-dance-nine-day-." , The simple one picks up, but the figure follows the graceful dance of the Excalibur.

Jin Yan's complexion changed greatly. Although his arrogance was superior to Feng Nu, he suffered strong enemies one after another. In addition to Feng Ni's hand away from Heavenly Sword, he had no confidence to contend. His hands were waving strangely in the air, and he wanted to find the sword spine from Tianshen sword to explode his fighting spirit. However, Feng Nu didn't give him this opportunity at all, and Feng Wu showed his singularity in nine days. Stop fighting hard for a while.

The blood collapsed, and Jin Yi's scales scattered on his left chest, leaving a half-inch deep, half-foot-long wound with blood flowing out, making the scales on his body look more vivid, and his body was fluttered. Going out and falling outside the hole, although his face covered with scales could not see the expression, Nian Bing noticed that there was a trace of panic in his eyes. Obviously, he wasn't losing money. What was he panicking for?

At this time, Li Tak's magic was finally completed under the madness of a large number of fire-type grudges. Fortunately, Fengyun used a sixth-order earth magic in time, plus the dragon's large-scale ice blade, only to help the mercenaries temporarily resist Live fire dragons attack. The attack power of the Fire Dragon Warrior is extremely powerful, at least they are the strength of the Great Swordsman, and there is no lack of martialists. Resisting the impact of the other party, so that the formation of the mercenaries has not been disrupted. Nonetheless, most mercenaries have already won.

Feng Nu hurriedly said: "Hurry, enter the hole."

Nian Bing also got out at this time, and threw out four precious magic scrolls. It is also the same source of ice and fire, but this time it is a combination of five levels of magic. The four scrolls are combined into two powerful magics. However, this time is not a single attack, but a double, because each scroll is made by The formation of fusion magic, the subtle changes of which are breathtaking.

In an instant, four red and blue entangled flowers suddenly broke out in the center of the Fire Dragon Warriors. The brilliant light made the sunlight inferior, and the violent explosion completely suppressed the attacks of the Fire Dragon Warriors, but the Nianbing I was surprised to find that the attack magic powerful to the seventh order, at most, could only injure these weirdos in scale armor, but they could not really take their lives.

However, using the four bursts of magical shocks that erupted instantaneously, the mercenaries quickly rushed into the cave, and the strongest mercenaries were guarded at the entrance of the cave under the leadership of Carlo, Feng Nu, and others. The Fire Dragon warriors continue to fight. After entering the cave, at least they have no worries for the time being. Although there are many enemies, they can only rush in waves.

A sword shocked Jin Jin, and the female Feng Chen said: "Elder Jin, let your clan retreat. You should see that I have never been a killer. I just don't want to embarrass the nobility. Is it impossible to meet soldiers? Ca n’t we quit the Tiandang Mountains and keep secrets for you? "

Jin Yang said angrily: "You dare to enter the Dragon Dragon's Fire Dragon Cave, which is the greatest insult to our Fire Dragon tribe. Only blood can wash away the shame. If you are still a dignified warrior, come out of the cave and be upright with us. decisive battle."

A fireball and an ice ball collided in the air, and once again forced the Fire Dragon clan, Carlo's voice came from behind the Feng Nu, "We are only mercenaries, not soldiers, you have to rush in and have the ability. Go outside. Are you besieged? Unless we are fools. Everyone withstood it, it ’s up to us to see if we can go back alive. "

Jin Yi smiled angrily, "Okay, I want to see how long you can last, kill me. The archer tree, give me the first few magicians destroyed." He has found that Before a magician kills, it is difficult to break through the opponent's defense.

On the mainland of Yangon, as Hillard told Nian Bing, some humans used dragons as totems to form dragons, and these dragons were divided into several categories according to the dragons they believed in. The fire dragons in front were One of the branches, the Ice Moon Mercenary Corps has good luck. Although the Fire Dragon Clan is strong, it is much weaker than the other Dragon Clan. Since they only have one Dragon Elder from the Wusheng Realm Can be seen.

Dozens of fire dragons have climbed up the big tree outside the hole, pulling out hard bows one by one, threatening the mercenaries inside.

Jin Yan glared at the Feng Nu, and said: "The Phoenix and our Dragons have always been well watered, and if you leave now, I can let you go."

Feng Nu said in a deep voice: "Then please let us go together, the promise I just said is absolutely valid. If anyone leaks the trace of the Dragon Race after leaving here, I am responsible for the law enforcement of the Dragon Race, how?"

Jin Yan sneered and said, "Do you think we are a human city here? Come and go as you want. I don't mind enemies with the Feng clan. Since you are obsessed, don't blame me." As he said, his hand waved forward, and the Fire Dragon Warriors once again launched a violent impact.

The harsh shriek sounded, and a rocket fell like a meteor from the top of the tree, and the mercenaries who had resisted in front ran straight to the four people. They were all arrows with fire qualities, and their bodies could not be resisted by Nian Bing.

"The water curtain meets the sky." The only magician, Technetium, showed strong magical power. The blue light curtain lit up, not only completely dissolving the rockets, but also the Fire Dragon Warrior rushing towards the mercenaries. A few points, weakened the impact on the mercenaries.

Jin Yang did not participate in the battle again, but just looked at the enemy in front of him, directing the clan to continue to attack.

This hole is indeed too large, at least half of the mercenaries are needed to completely block the hole, and the Fire Dragon Warrior rushing to the front has the strength of the martial artist. If it is not the magical support of Nian Bing and others, plus the mercenaries In order to save their lives, they exerted a strength of 120%. I am afraid that their defense line would have been broken long ago.

"Fengyun, use the earth extension technique to block the hole and smile a little." Nian Bing said urgently. At this time, the narrower the hole is, the better it is for Nian Bing and others. After all, there are not many strong men in their mercenary groups. If they are narrower, there are Phoenix girls and a few martial arts masters in front. There will be magic support later, at least for a while, there will be no problems.

Fengyun smiled bitterly: "I tried it, but the structure and peculiarity of this mountain, the earth element is very inert, and very strong, it can't spread and move!"

Nian Bing secretly sighed. He knew that in this situation, he would undoubtedly lie to dreams when he wanted to rush out, "Feng Nu, don't be merciless, otherwise everyone will die here, killing one will save one."

The light flashed in Feng Nu's eyes, and the body's momentum suddenly changed. Jin Yi also noticed this, and rushed up quickly before Feng Nu's killer. The advantage, while Feng Nu has the Divine Sword ~ ​​ ~ The two are fighting together, and it is a tie situation for the time being.

Breeze blowing constantly, making the leaves rustle, the foot of the mountain with fresh air should have been a paradise, but at this time there was a fierce battle. The samurai in the realm of the Great Sword Master can't beat the martial artists any more desperately. The wounds on the mercenaries continue to increase. The dragon spirit can no longer attack the enemy, and he puts all his thoughts on healing the mercenaries. . But lost control of the earth, the current earth magician Fengyun is equivalent to waste, and he can only watch the battle in front of him. His attention was focused on the battle, and no one noticed him.

Li Tik has a heavy responsibility. He needs to defend against flying from the top of the tree outside. This requires long-term support from magic. Although he is a magister, he can support for so many samurai attacks It keeps decreasing.

Of all four magicians, the only thing that can assist the attack now is Nian Bing. For the first time since leaving Taohualin, he spared no effort to use all his abilities. With both hands holding the sigh of the ice goddess and the roar of the **** of flames, with the two artifact-level treasures, he greatly saved his consumption of magic power. Once the attack of the Fire Dragon Warriors was exploded, it was precisely because of his full play that Long Ling had the opportunity to heal the wounded who were replaced ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book friends to read, the latest, The fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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