Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 80: The Life of the Phoenix Girl (Part 1)

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With a spit of blood, Feng Kong looked at the distant ice, and said a little bit hard: "This strange magician, such a young and powerful magician, is the first time I have seen it. It is actually possible to use four types The magic element attacked me. If you are stronger, maybe it will be me who died. Unfortunately, you are not strong enough after all. Hey, I should n’t have killed you. You just let Fengxiang go. "" Speaking of this, Feng Kong suddenly thought of Feng Xiang, who was previously read by Bing Zhenfei, and was shocked in his heart. He gritted his teeth and endured the huge pain from his body. To his surprise, Fengxiang lay there intact, and was not baptized when the two previous flames exploded. It was tempted. Although Fengxiang fainted, the breath was still stable and did not receive more. Signs of injury.

Picking up Fengxiang from the ground, Feng Kong let out a long sigh, shook his head helplessly, and took a deep look at the charred ice, took a faltering pace, and slowly walked towards the depths of the forest .

Just when Feng Kong's figure had just disappeared, a man in a red suit walked out from behind a tree in the distance. Although he seemed to be walking slowly, he only took two steps and came. Before the ice that became coke. He is the Fire Dragon King Galamandis.

Galamandis looked at the miserable image of Nian Bing and couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Normally, you grilled the meat for me, but I didn't expect it to be grilled by others this time. Um, it's bad to die, not at all It ’s not fragrant, but your roasted meat is more delicious. You stinky boy, do n’t pretend to die, get up for me. ”He said, kicking in the waist of Nian Bing, kicking him all over stand up.

The screaming sound came out of the ice mouth that was already coke, with a big spit of blood spitting out, and a weak voice sounded, "I rely on, Karamandis, you do n’t have any sympathy for fucking, It ’s clearly nearby, why do n’t you save me. Damn, do n’t let me cook for you again. ”

Galamandis made an injustice: "Who said I was nearby, I just came here, and it was too late to think about it. Hey, can you blame me?"

Nian Bing, who was dark all over the body, sat upright, opened his eyes, and there was an angry look in his eyes, "You deceive the ghost, don't you and I know? It must have been on the side for a long time. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid it would be true Was cooked. "

Galamandis smiled and said, "Since you have a solution, why should I help you? At the last minute, you have the strength to protect the woman, how can you die? However, I don't understand, you Why do n’t you try your best, under the influence of the situation you created yourself, you have basically leveled the strength of the fellow Phoenix family. Why take risks? Are you so sure you ca n’t die? "

Nian Bing snorted, shaking off the coke on his body, revealing a blue light in the coke, the cold breath filled out, it was the sigh of the goddess of ice and snow-the morning dew knife.

Galamandis suddenly said: "Good boy, it turns out that you survived a disaster by it, no wonder you are so sure."

Nian Bing's weak mouthful gasped, "Wu Sheng is really not easy to deal with! I didn't even think that the elder Feng Kong, who was so weak, was still so fierce in the end. Fortunately, I kept my back hand and prepared the morning dew knife in my arms. Otherwise, I must have died. I am not a fool. If I am not sure at the end, I will definitely use the curse. I save Fengxiang, I do n’t want to have a deep enmity with the Phoenix family. For the Phoenix girl, I have to take risks. Give it a try! It hurts. "He moved the wound on his body during the speech, and Nian Bing couldn't help a spasm, glaring at Karamandis:" You don't have any sympathy at all? Don't hurry to treat me. "

Galamandis thought deeply and said, "Sorry, read ice, I forgot how the mimicry of light magic is used."

Nian Bingnuo said: "You fart, light system forget you will not use water system? I am suffering from fire."

Galamandis still has the same expression, "But, I also forgot the water system. So, I will be a good person to help you." Yao Dao sucked into his hand and threw it in front of Nian Bing. "You heal yourself."

Nian Bing wanted to argue, but he didn't have much talking strength, healed himself, if he still has magical power, would he still use it? Clenching his teeth and bitterly suffering from the pain in his body, barely condensed the last trace of mana in his body, and applied an ordinary hydrotherapy to his body. Although the effect is very poor, it is always better than nothing.

There was a feeling of faintness in his mind, and the feeling of dizziness became stronger and stronger. He wanted to fall to sleep. At this time, a hot airflow entered the body, causing Nian Bing to shake his body, and the low voice of Galamandis sounded. , "Nian Bingzi, if you don't want your magic to regress, immediately give me meditation. If you want to save your parents, you must be stronger than anyone."

Nian Bing was shocked, his brain was awake for a moment, and he opened his eyes to look at Galamandis. From Galamandis's eyes, he saw a bit serious, took a deep breath, and barely sat cross-legged. Without saying a word, I started to meditate immediately. It's not that he doesn't want to complain, but that he has no extra strength to do that now.

Seeing Nian Bing enter into a state of meditation, Galamandis withdrew his hand that was pressed on him, smiling at Nian Bing, his eyes showed a compliment, muttered to himself: "This kid's perception It ’s really good, the congenital conditions are good, and it ’s a material that can be made. I ’ll help him. After all, he still has to eat what he does. ”

In the previous battle, Nian Bing made the best judgment immediately after discovering that Feng Kong appeared. If he confronted head-to-head, he knew that he was definitely not Feng Kong's opponent. However, as a magician, as long as he can complete the spell, he can have a stronger attack power than the warrior of the same level. When the foot is not stable, the attack is strong, the purpose is not to hurt the opponent, but to weaken the strength of the opponent.

Nian Bing ’s calculation is very accurate. He knows that Feng Kong and Fengxiang are injured in the battle with Yu Ruyan in the afternoon. Internal injuries will not be so easy. Even if the fighting strength is strong, the body will need time to recover It is precisely because of this that he did not use curses to enhance his strength. Then, he used the strongest magic attack he could use.

The siege of Hurricane Ice and Rain gave the opportunity to read Bing for a long time to sing a spell. After the seventh-level magic of the Holy Light was quoted with the help of the holy sword, he immediately launched his strongest eighth-order fire magic-burning sky In order to survive, this time he did not retain at all, and all the magic power was bet on this fusion magic of light and fire. Since there is no conflict between the light magic and the fire magic, there is no difficulty in merging these two magics, one eighth and one seventh. When Feng Kong was weakened and attacked himself with a phantom magic body, he used the dragon dance to seduce himself as a fusion magic holy flame, and suddenly exerted an unimaginable powerful power.

The hurricane ice rain reached the ninth order, but the holy flame of Nianbing surpassed the ninth order and entered the tenth order category. A wounded and weakened Wu Sheng may not be able to take advantage of his magical attack that reaches the level of the Magister, which he has already calculated and calculated with the help of hurricane ice and rain. Hurricanes and ice rains are based on the study of snow storms. The holy flame is based on the concept of the dragon dragon dance that was suddenly used under the pressure of Karamandis. These days, the application of mimicry and fusion magic plus the improvement of its own strength have made Nianbing With such a big improvement, if it is not the effect of hurricanes and rains, even he himself cannot believe that all this is true.

However, Wu Sheng is a Wu Sheng after all. Compared with the single tenth-order attack magic issued by Nian Bing's full potential and magical power, although Feng Kong's strength has weakened a lot in various situations, it is still better than Nian Bing's imagination. To be more powerful, the tyrannical phoenix flame is almost based on the phoenix demon body to almost ask for the life of Nian Bing. Fortunately, Nian Bing has prepared the morning dew knife in advance. With the sigh of the goddess of ice and snow, she simply resolved the residual fire poison. Coupled with the tough body transformed by Galamandis, this was spared. He was right, Feng Kong talked more than Feng Xu, and he was seriously injured in his attack. Naturally, he would not look at his coke-like self any more, so he pretended to lie there. Of course, at that time, he was already only a line away from the fainting. If it was not to determine whether he was safe, I am afraid that he had already passed out. There is another important reason, that is, he must take back his own few swords. Treasure like life! Without them, how can Nianbing play to today's level? Unfortunately, he pretended to have concealed Feng Kong, but he couldn't hide Galamandis.

With the help of the energy input by Karamandis, the almost exhausted magic power in Nian Bing re-condenses and begins the recovery process, perhaps because it is consumed too much. This time when he entered meditation, the mental power I completely fell asleep and lost all perception of the outside world.


"Please, Elder Xu, just let go of the ice. I will never leave the Feng Clan for him. Please, please." Feng Nu kneeled in front of the elder Feng Xu with tears in her face. It is full of pleading colors, and the blue sky is full of worries.

Feng Xu looked coldly at the phoenix girl kneeling in front of her and said indifferently: "Late. I will not allow any chance to exist. Feng Xiang has already killed the kid. I think she should be back soon. Although Fengxiang is not as good as you, you should be clear that as long as it is my order, she will never disobey. "

Feng Nu was shocked and lost her voice: "What? You, you have let Xiang Xiang go, why, why?" She knows the strength of Nian Bing. Although the magic of Nian Bing is very strange, Feng Xiang is close to Wu. The martial artist of the Holy Realm did n’t enter the Martial Saint Realm only because his perception was worse than his own. From the time of cultivation, Feng Xiang had been practicing for three years longer than her. Nian Bing meets the cold-hearted Fengxiang alone, without any chance at all. There was only a glimmer of hope in her heart now, hoping that Nian Bing would not leave the Duke ’s Palace or be with the dragon all the time.

Feng Xu looked at the pale girl with a pale face, "As the Phoenix of Hope, you should know how much responsibility you have. You are the future of the Phoenix, and I will never allow anyone to destroy your family. Loyalty, I ’m not against you releasing your feelings, but the object can only be people of your own race, even if the kid only has feelings for you unilaterally, I can never let go, I do n’t want to have a second phoenix appear."

"Why? Why?" Feng Nu looked at the elders in front of her, "I didn't have a childhood at all when I was a child. Since the day when I was sensible, I have been practicing hard. At that time, you all taught me to help the Phoenix You must work hard in the future, you and several elders take good care of me, and demand me strictly. For more than ten years, I have been thinking about how to improve my strength almost all the time. I found him. He used his body to make Litianjian as a final memorial, and taught me his amazing casting skills before he died. Elder Virtual, you should I know that my sense of responsibility has always been very strong. No matter what I do, I have always focused on my family. Why ca n’t you believe me and kill the innocent? "

Feng Xu sighed a long way, "Boy, maybe you still don't quite understand such things as feelings. If feelings really come ~ ~ you can't stop it. Love is a mysterious power. , Your mother ... "Speaking of this, Feng Xu stopped suddenly, as if to say something was missing, covering her embarrassment with a cough.

Feng Nu was shocked, "Elder, my mother? What happened to my mother? Didn't you say that she dedicated herself to the safety of her family? You ..."

Feng Xu just wanted to explain, the heavy footsteps suddenly sounded, and he looked back between his brows slightly, and a red flame had risen on his body.

"Big Brother, it's me." The weak voice came with heavy footsteps.

Fengxu was shocked in his heart, recognizing that it was Feng Kong's voice, and hurriedly rushed over, just to see that Feng Kong, who was all black in the whole body, faltered and walked back holding Fengxiang.

"Kidang, what's wrong with you?" Frightened, Fengxu quickly took Fengxiang from Fengkong's hand. Feng Nu came to Elder Feng Kong in a flash, held his body, and put her humility into Feng Kong ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest Serialized works are available at ~ ~ Click to see the picture link: \\ u003cahref = / showbook.asp? Bl_id = 173050target = _blank \\ u003e "Qin Di" "Qin Di" "Qin Di" "Qin Di" Qin Emperor "Qin Emperor" \\ u003c / a \\ u003e \\ u003cbr \\ u003e

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