Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 87: The Love of the Fire Dragon King (Part 1)

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Galamandis said happily: "It's too late to know that you are wrong, haven't you seen Kateosis smile? You have said such a long sentence, you guys are in trouble, but you should have suffered Such a punishment. "

Dimantti snorted, "Galamandis, you are not beautiful either. According to the information I got, you should have lost the bottle in your hand too. There are also fat men, how did you three do it? Lord Longshen ’s mission? Tell me about your situation. "

Galamandis said a little embarrassingly: "This is not because I was not careful, but because the enemy is too cunning. They even prepared a space scroll of order ten or more. I grabbed the bottle and ran away while I was distracted. I grab it again. It ’s too late. The other day I suddenly felt the breath of the bottle, but when I chased it, the breath was still small, and I got your message and hurried over. ”

Dark Dragon King Kateosis smiled again, "Okay! You are really getting better and better. In your opinion, it must be a problem to lose one of the seven bottles. You also come to us as a guest."

This time it was Cao Diris's grief, "Gara, this time Sith's words seem to be longer, you are miserable, hey, our brothers work together, it may not be a loss."

Galamandis proudly said: "Whoever is a brother with you, you will be a guest, but I will say it first, Sith, I will never join forces with the dirty guy Cao. If your hand is itchy, we will It ’s one-on-one. "

Dark Dragon King Katiesis nodded coldly, "You have ambition, you are stronger than him."

Di Mantetti turned his eyes to the wind dragon king Carlo Diris and asked, "Carlo, where is your bottle?"

Carlo Diris said: "I was not as careful as they were. The bottle was sealed with a dragon force in a secret place in the white village. It was guarded by four powerful white summoners. With their spiritual magic power, the enemy wanted to steal It is impossible. If it is a hard fight, not all of the four white people ’s summoning skills can be confronted. Moreover, the white friend with whom I have a contract recently conquered a golden backed dragon that has initially evolved into a real dragon. There is no problem with it to assist in nursing. "

Dimantti nodded and said, "You have always been cautious. We have believed this. However, after going back, it is better for you to protect yourself. From the current situation, the enemy has received three Meoda. The bottles of the company seal are clearly organized and premeditated. The remaining four bottles we have must be their goals. We must not only protect these four bottles, but also try to get the other three bottles back. Otherwise, Lord Dragon God will blame, and none of us can afford it. "

King of the Wind Dragon Karodiris said: "Dieman, the enemy is hiding in the dark. Since they dare to steal the bottle, they naturally have the ability to cover the breath of the bottle. Do they really want to open the door of space and let those abandoned races come back? "

Dimantti nodded and said, "In addition to this purpose, I really can't think of any other reason. Now most of the gods are in a deep sleep. Once those abandoned races return to Yangon mainland, it will inevitably bring Bloody storms, even if the gods can wake up in time, it may not be able to avoid catastrophe. After so many years, who knows how strong those abandoned races are? After all, when the gods were in war, they were just defeated. And it hit the gods hard, if the gods had the power to destroy them, they would have done it already. "

Space Dragon King Kaodiris said angrily: "What gods abandoned the race, not all human farce, I really don't understand, since these seven bottles are so important, why don't the gods guard themselves and let us come How about guarding? "

Dimantti snorted and said, "You don't understand much. If the gods can protect seven bottles by themselves, they have already done that. These seven bottles also have a great impact on our dragons. You should understand this. "

Kaodiris said: "It's not the clan of the Sith boss ..." Speaking of this, he suddenly felt Katie's fierce gaze, and he couldn't say anything in the latter sentence.

Dimantti's eyes flashed coldly, "I hope you understand that Sith is one of us. Although he used to be a prince in the dark dragon clan, he has nothing to do with the dark dragon clan. Whoever mentions him again Sad, do n’t blame me for turning your face. "

Kaodiris confessed: "I, I'm the fastest, I'm sorry. But ah, Diman, when can you change your temper, but you will soon be a mother, if your temper is passed on to you Child, it's not a good thing. "

Di Mantetti said angrily: "I want you to control, my child, it must be the best."

Galamandis took a deep look at Dimantetti and said, "I also want to see what attributes the children born by the Dark Dragon King and the Light Dragon King are. Since the enemy has determined to exist, then we have to start acting too Now, we still have four bottles in hand. The first thing to do is to protect these four bottles first. The second is to retrieve the other bottles, Diman, you are about to give birth, and the strength will be great by then. In order to weaken, and Sith in order to take care of you, I am afraid that too many things can not be taken into account, and your children will need some time to hatch, so, I want to get the fat guy back, that guy has always been too lazy, Let him look for the stolen bottle. After I find him, I will look for you immediately and protect you during your childbirth. "

A trace of tenderness flashed through the eyes of the dark dragon king Kateossis, "Thank you."

Karamandis said coldly: "No need to thank you, you should know that I did this not for you, but for Diman. I don't want her to be okay. After all, I have only loved her in my life, although she chose You, but, she always matters in my mind. Katiesis, you know, I have hoped that you are not good to her more than once, so I have reason to grab her back. "

Katiesis looked at Calamandis calmly and said in an unusually firm tone: "Unless I die, no one can hurt or **** my beloved. Although you are my rival, I never You are not seen as an enemy, do you know why? "

Karamandis gave him a cold look. "Today, your words seem to be very much. I don't know, and I don't want to know. I'm going to find a fat man. Before I come back, protect Diman. With you, Cao, remember to arrange more enchantments around Diman's production area. "When the words fell, his human figure suddenly expanded and changed back to the shape of a fire dragon. The huge dragon wings made the surrounding white clouds drift away. , Disappeared in the blink of an eye like an arrow from a string.

Cao Diris watched the huge back of Galamandis disappear gradually, curiously said: "Boss Sith, why don't you take him as an enemy? I'm not the one to blame, but when he chased Di It was like a fly saw shit.

Katiesis snorted dismissively, but did not speak, but Di Mantiti seemed to remember something, said indifferently: "That's because, in Cartieris' eyes, Galamandis is a real man At least, he knows what kind of true love is. In order to make me happy, he finally gave up the pursuit of me. At first, if it was not for his help, Lord Dragon God would not allow me to join Katiesis. Yes, the other few of you do n’t know about it, but Galamandis is really a good person. If there is an afterlife, maybe I will marry him. "

"No, even if he is a good person, even if there is an afterlife, you can only be mine." Katieosis's voice was deep and powerful, full of indomitable domineering, and he looked around Dimantti's waist deeply. With her golden eyes.

"Xingla, you are like a jar of vinegar, I just said it is possible, okay, Carlo, go back and protect your bottle, Cao, you go with us." From now on, the four-color dragons of gold, black, blue and silver circled in the air for a week, and then went in different directions.

The high mountains regained their calm. Only the snow peaks, which had been lowered by hundreds of meters due to Galamandis, could witness the special changes that had happened before.


In the early morning, Nian Bing stood in front of the window bathed in warm sunlight and stretched his body freehand. After a meditation night, he felt the sun and the sun was his favorite.

Today, the Hualong cooking competition is about to be held. He is about to face indifference and Xiaotian. He has confidence in himself, but he will never underestimate his opponent. Xiaotian ’s confidence will never be without reason.

Take a comfortable bath, change to a new coarse cloth, touch the ring of space in your hand, the ice and fire homologous force in the body runs in harmony, the running track is so clear, the ice and fire elements in the surrounding air Constantly condensing towards his body, between hands and feet, it seems like there is magic forming, that feeling is so beautiful, Nian Bing knows that he has taken a step further on the path of magic, and has been suffering continuously these days. Repairs are not in vain. However, what he did not expect is that he can have today's achievements, which has a great relationship with his eight years of cultivation in the Peach Blossom Forest. During those years, Nianbing only felt that his magic was gradually improving. In fact, he did not know Every day, with the stone of the goddess of ice and snow and the stone of the **** of fire, I continue to practice. The energy bred by the two superb gems has already unconsciously moisturized his body. Eight years of continuous meditation has changed his body in a subtle way. After many years, after the fire dragon king Galamandis helped him remove the impurities in the body, the results of eight years of meditation finally appeared gradually. This is the fundamental reason for the rapid progress of his magic in recent times. Of course, the progress of magic It is also inseparable from his constant comprehension.

Taking a deep breath, using his mental power to cover up the magical fluctuations around his body, he combed his long blond hair with his fingers, and pushed the door out of the ice. After last night's meditation, he suddenly figured out something, No matter whether it is magic or cooking, there is no need to hide for yourself. The goddess of ice and snow is known as the first magician in the mainland. Does anyone dare to provoke her? No, the reason is simple, because she is strong enough, as long as she shows the strength of the same source in the eyes of outsiders, then the future pressure will become his biggest motivation, so he has already made two decisions, and today, first What you want to accomplish is your first goal.

There is still an hour to go before the finals. Talu Square is already crowded. Before the game, Hua Fatzi is leading his Hualong Hotel guys to distribute some small snacks made by the restaurant to the people watching the game, although the number of snacks Limited, only part of the people get it, but his way still makes the people of Talu City thunderous. For a time, the prestige of Hualong Hotel has reached a new height. It is undeniable that Huafazi is an excellent businessman. He has a long-term vision and is liked by the people of Talu City, so that there will be more business.

On the rostrum, the magical arc of light was sitting in the center, and the dragon summoner Hilade sat beside him, the light in his eyes was constantly flowing, and he seemed to be looking for something in the crowd. With the crowd of people below, she is full of confidence in Nian Bing, and now she is dreaming of tasting the delicious dishes made in the Ning Bing finals ~ ~ Ling Chu sat comfortably on the side of the rostrum, Dozing off leisurely, and the gourmets specially hired by the senior officials and fat Chinese in Talu City are whispering their heads, talking about who will win the final championship this time.

One minute and one second passed, and half an hour was left before the start of the game. At this time, the busy sweaty Chinese fat man had put on a new coat and walked to the central round table, and the staff had already been arranged. The materials needed for various games, the fat on the face of Hua Fatzi trembles slightly, holding a magic loudspeaker: "Everyone, fat guys are almost exhausted, everyone quiet down first, the finals will start soon, fat guys Although the fat that has been tired in the past two days lost a few pounds, the fat man's mood is always excited. It is an honor for so many friends to support the Hualong Culinary Conference held by the fat man. Without your support, there will be no Hualong. Today. Okay, fat guys are not much nonsense, before the game starts, we first invite the ten players who participated today. First, we have the only female in the final, Miss Momo ~ ~ Welcome readers to visit and read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works ~ ~ Click to see the picture link: \\ u003cahref = / showbook.asp? Bl_id = 173050target = _blank \\ u003e Emperor, "" Emperor Qin "," Qin Emperor, "" Emperor Qin "," Qin Emperor, "" Emperor Qin "\\ u003c / a \\ u003e \\ u003cbr \\ u003e

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