Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 88: Phoenix Blood Juice (Part 2)

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"It's so fragrant!" Cat Mao's beautiful moan seemed to tell the hearts of all the judges. The crisp and refreshing watermelon appropriation and the warm and fragrant juice made Xiaotian's dish almost perfect. Including the strictness of Ling Chu, each judge's face showed an intoxicating look. In fact, when Nian Bing identified the juice component inside the watermelon stick, he already knew that Xiao Tian had exceeded indifference. Although the main ingredient in the watermelon stick is watermelon juice, it really produces aroma, but there are other things. That is raw salted duck egg yolk. The salted duck egg yolk has always been a very fragrant food, but when it is still raw At the time, it is liquid like ordinary egg yolk. Only after it is cooked and becomes solid, the fragrance will be emitted. However, Xiaotian used the egg yolk of salted duck eggs to make this dish. Although Nianbing understood the basic principle of this dish, he asked himself that he could n’t do it, but he did n’t change the salted duck eggs from liquid to solid when heated. , Nian Bing can't do it if he asks himself.

Every judge at this moment understood the meaning of the previous Xiaotian. Indeed, in any way, the dish he made was better than indifferent.

Next, the seven chefs who envisioned introduced their dishes one by one, but compared with Momo and Xiaotian, both in creativity and the taste of the dishes, they were inferior. The public judges turned around the rotating round table After a lap, I finally came to Nian Bing and saw the exquisite dishes made by the first nine chefs. When they saw the watermelon pressed by Nian Bing, they couldn't help but show their curiosity. For Jiao's sake, no one dared to underestimate Bing Bing this time, especially the scene in which he displayed the gorgeous fire dragon magic on the stage, which became the focus of this game.

The master of ceremonies handed the magic megaphone to Nian Bing, and looked at the watermelon pressed in his hand in doubt, and said, "Nian Bing chef, please start introducing."

Nian Bing smiled lightly, holding a magic amplifier and said, "Actually, I have nothing to introduce in this dish. Maybe you have also seen my production process. When making this dish, I didn't use any seasoning. , I think that watermelon itself is the best among fruits. No other fruit can have the characteristics of watermelon. Therefore, using watermelon as the main dish, you do n’t need anything else to match it. Since watermelon is used for fruit platter , Then it should be used to do this, so why bother to cook? I have nothing to introduce in this dish, please read it. The name of the dish is called Phoenix Blood Juice. "As he said, he said Loosen the left hand, which was always pressed on the watermelon, and put the plate up.

The center of the half-diameter plate is naturally watermelon, and around the watermelon, there are nine cups in a circle. The distance between each cup is exactly the same, but is this a dish?

Just when everyone was in doubt, the watermelon on the plate suddenly moved by itself. Nine thin pieces of watermelon slipped and fell into nine cups. Then, the piece of watermelon gradually became red and a bright red drop The juice slides down the watermelon into the glass. The following people may not be able to see clearly, but the judges on the stage were shocked. No one, including the spirit chef Ling Yan, understood what Nian Bing did. The red watermelon juice kept flowing with the strands of filaments Flowing into the cup, as the juice in the cup increased, the watermelon began to crackle slightly, as if the egg was about to hatch, the sound was fine and crisp, without any interruption.

Just when everyone was surprised and couldn't close their mouths, the change happened suddenly. The clear cracks on the watermelon suddenly gave out a faint golden light. Suddenly, the dazzling gold busy rose from the watermelon, Straight towards the sky, at this moment, no one can see everything in front of me. The watermelon enshrined in the ice is like the sun with a very strong luster, that is a holy breath, that is a soft breath, rich The fragrance seems to bring people to the field, and the refreshing and cold feeling is refreshing and so comfortable.

Finally, the golden light gradually dimmed. Only the plate still contained a layer of golden light mask. People couldn't see everything in it. When Nianbing waved his right hand, the golden light mask disappeared in an instant. Because, everyone found that the watermelon in the plate was gone, the nine cups were already filled with bright red juice, and in the middle of the plate, there was a lifelike phoenix phoenix doing wings and flying, Phoenix At the foot, there are engravings of flames. It looks so miraculous. The cold breath permeates the air. The phoenix like agate is as if it is alive.

Nianbing handed the plate in front of everyone, "Please taste, Phoenix Blood Juice." Arclight first took the glass. He took a deep look at Nianbing and lightly drank the juice in the glass. The sweet air mixed with the cold breath instantly penetrated the lungs and spread to every corner of the body, the pores on the skin were opened at this moment, the arc machine Lingling fought a cold war, and the feeling of exceptional comfort spread to the whole body. I ca n’t wait to drink a whole glass of watermelon juice. The holy breath nourishes his body. The blood in the meridian seems to be much smoother, so comfortable, just like being baptized by a light magic magic treatment, the spirit The state suddenly reached the best. The nine foods I had tasted before were completely forgotten at this moment. In his mind, there was only the gorgeous Fire Phoenix in front of him. Subconsciously, the arc exclaimed: "Okay, a phoenix blood juice, reading ice, I'm really curious, although I know you are applying magic to this dish, but what kind of magic are you? What about the teacher? The fire dragon is playing, the frozen watermelon is carved, and the bright baptism and eyebrows just now, it seems that all this should not appear on one person at the same time. "

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "There are many magical aspects of magic that we haven't realized until now. This is just a dish, and there are not as many mysteries as you said." In fact, his dish is not that great The dishes are nothing but iced watermelon juice with a bright atmosphere. However, Ling Chef Na Yan once said that a dish is divided into five parts: color, fragrance, taste, meaning and form. When one of them reaches an unimaginable level, even if the other aspects are worse, it can be done. Make up. Nianbing's Phoenix blood juice has reached the extreme in terms of color, meaning and shape, and the fragrance and taste are not bad. Coupled with the magical effect of magic in it, it naturally won the approval of the judges. No one would think he made this dish ordinary.

Xiaotian walked to Nian Bing and whispered: "Why do you have more magic? Entering the kitchen with magic, this is your trick. However, I doubt the role of magic for cooking, in addition to gorgeous, What else? In this first game I lost, but not in your magic, but in the first sword of the Chinese culinary arts, Dragon Dance Collection, but the same thing will not happen again. . "

Nian Bing smiled indifferently and said: "I will let you see the effect of magic on cooking. Your cooking is good, but if you want to win me, you have not performed like this just now." He understood Xiaotian's heart now The feeling is not a real magic chef, absolutely can not feel the effect of magic on cooking, that is not only gorgeous, magic can play a great auxiliary role in cooking in all aspects, just read ice to lightning The general method of removing watermelon seeds is the role of mental power. Without the magical use of mental power, how can he detect the location of each watermelon seed?

The result of the competition was announced very quickly. As Nianbing and Xiaotian judged in the conversation, Nianbing scored a perfect score of ten stars, while Xiaotian received nine stars and eight indifferences. Top three. In order to allow the chefs to play better, the second game will be held in the afternoon. Ten chefs will step down in turn, led by the staff, rest in the lounge area, and wait for the second game in the afternoon. The lounge area has all the best equipment. Each final chef has a comfortable large sofa to rest, and a variety of snacks and drinks are available.

"Nian Bing, you come out." Nian Bing just sat down in the rest area, but the **** was not firmly seated, but was screamed out by Ling Chu.

"Senior, are you looking for me?" Nian Bing smiled to Yan Yan very respectfully for the senior in the culinary world.

Then nodded solemnly and said, "Nian Bing, is your master all right? Originally, when I first saw you, I saw that you were a disciple of the old ghost, but I'm still not completely sure. Today you I performed the Dragon Dance Dance, which made me see the old ghost's stunt again. Even the old ghost has never performed the stunt before. It seems that you are already blue. "

Nian Bing lowered his head and said sadly: "No, my cooking is far inferior to the master. It's just because magic takes advantage of it. If I don't freeze the watermelon flesh in advance, I can't finish carving like that. Yes, in terms of cooking experience, I am far from your seniors. I have a long way to go. Senior Yan, my master passed away more than half a year ago. "

The whole body was shocked, "What? You, you said that the old ghost is dead? How could it be? This is absolutely impossible. The old ghost's body is the best of us, how could he die."

Nian Bing sighed a long time, "Everyone is going to die. At first, the master lost his gambling appointment and cut off his hamstrings and hamstrings. The physical blow was far less than the mentally heavy one. The master went when he was finished, he walked very calmly, perhaps because he had passed down his skills. "

"If you die, the old ghost should die like this. It seems that we old guys are really going to withdraw from the stage of history. The culinary industry in the future is your young people. Well, you go to rest. Let me go "That's gone." His back looked a little sullen. The sorrow in his eyes made him think of everything about Cha Ji when he left. Master, Master, you have so many friends thinking about it, why did you have to stay in the mountains? If your mood is better, you may not die so early.

"Brother Nian Bing, you are awesome!" Cat Mao didn't know where he jumped from, he smiled and came to Nian Bing, holding his big hand, his eyes full of excitement.

Seeing cats and cats, the sad mood of reading ice suddenly relieved a lot, "How is it? Is the watermelon juice delicious?"

Cats and cats smiled and said, "Of course it's delicious, but it's too few. Brother Ning Bing, next time you will make cats and cats drink alone, OK?"

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Of course it is good. Cat, please go back quickly, don't make Senior Hillard anxious." He didn't want to be reprimanded by Hillard for his relationship.

Mao nodded cleverly and said, "Brother, you must also win in the next two games. Cats will always cheer you on."

Nian Bing said with a smile: "I will try my best, but if you are willing to give me your pets as materials, maybe my chances of winning will be greater."

Cat looked startled and looked at Nian Bing's weird smile before he realized that he was being tricked. "Nian Bing, you are so bad. You are not allowed to remember people's pets. They are all good. I'm gone."

Mao Mao left ~ ~ Nian Bing returned to the lounge, the other nine chefs did not talk to each other, they were doing their own things, Nian Bing was also happy, sitting in his place Entering a state of semi-meditation, the pursuit of magic is what he most desires now, and he is not willing to waste any time.

Hillard and Cat are invited to rest in the military camp by the magical arc, sitting in a comfortable carriage, Hillard closed his eyes and recalled the way the dish of Ning Bing was last displayed. Originally, he always thought that Ning Bing was only one. Great magician, but when the bright light shines, he finds himself underestimating Nian Bing. Ice and fire homogenous magician is already extremely rare, why can he still have bright power? what the **** is it? Should I start with him according to the original plan so that he will never be able to reach his daughter?

Just when Hilard was thinking, the magic handsome arc started to speak. Although his soft voice sounded very comfortable, but such a voice came out of a man's mouth. After all, it was difficult to be accepted by people, "Old Hey! You! What do you think about the chef named Nian Bing? You are a magician, why does he have three kinds of magic? Is there already a magician who can perform three kinds of magic at the same time on the mainland? Not so evil. I see , He should be a fire magician, as for the two magics of ice and light, it should be performed through the magic scroll ~ ~ welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial The works are all in ~ ~ Click on the link to view the picture:

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