Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 102: The pursuit of the phoenix (Part 1)

It was originally full of hostility, but the scene at the door made Enoch cry and laugh, and his beloved even had a brother like him, which really surprised her.

Feng Nu smiled and said: "Hello, I am Feng Nu. I heard your conversation at the door, and I also misunderstood when I first arrived in Dutiancheng. However, Nian Bing was not as lucky as his brother and was beaten by me for nothing. "That day Nian Bing's injury was not serious, but the bruise on her chest didn't go down until today. Nian Bing was unreasonable and let Feng Nian rub him for a few days.

Enoch grinned and walked to Feng Nu, "You are so beautiful! I thought I was pretty good, but still not as good as you."

Then the melting ice who entered the door smiled bitterly: "This is also the source of your jealousy."

Enoch turned his head and froze. "Are you disappointed with my appearance, eh?"

Rongbing frowned slightly, and said, "Tell me what to do. When my younger brother and younger sibling, you should converge." Except when facing Nian Bing alone, he always felt a little cold on his face.

Yinuo's small mouth pouted slightly and said, "Convergence, Feng Nu, we ignore them. You tell me quickly, how did you admit that they were wrong."

Watching the two girls sitting there and chatting, Rongbing took out a book from her arms and stuffed it with Nianbing, saying, "Let them talk, let's go out for a walk. There are too many things in these days, I haven't come."

Nian Bing didn't read it, and put the book directly in his ring of space, saying: "It doesn't matter, you are the little prince, there will be many things to be busy." The brothers said as they walked out of the hotel.

I found a place in the garden in the hotel and sat down. When Nian Bing went out, he used a brooch to change his appearance. "Brother, you seem to be worried! Is it because of Miss Enoch?"

Rongbing shook her head and said, "Eno is a good girl. Although she is impulsive at times, her surname is very kind. I am very satisfied that I can get such a good wife in political marriage. My worry is Because of you! Now, some people in your family know that you are back. Many people advocate putting you under house arrest to find the whereabouts of the Stone of Fire God. "

Cold light flashed in Nian Bing's eyes and said, "What's the reaction of Prince Rong?"

Rongbing said: "Grandpa said nothing, neither recognized nor opposed, but said that this matter is not urgent. You have been away for so many years, and some things are not clear to you. The fighting within the family is very fierce. It ’s nothing. The father ’s excellence made other uncles never dare to think differently. However, the second and third grandfathers have several outstanding uncles who are very powerful in power. Now the grandfather is still alive and everything Not obvious, but once grandpa is 100 years old, I am afraid that all the conflicts will surface. Dad can scare his peers. But the second and third grandpas are ten years older than grandpas. If they come by then , Everything is hard to say. "

Nian Bing frowned: "Brother, do you have to participate in such family affairs? Power is like a cloud, I prefer to live freely."

Rongbing sighed softly and said, "It would be nice if I could be like you, but I can't! You don't understand, there are many things involved in power. Grandpa is the master to let me and Enoch, one of the important The reason is to make the relationship between the father and the royal family so that when there is something real, it is better to respond in time. "

Nian Bing thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said coldly: "Brother, in fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem."

Rongbing looked at him in surprise, "Oh? Do you have a way?"

Nian Bing said indifferently: "It's very simple, military power."

Rongbing shocked, "You mean, let me get the military power?"

Nian Bing smiled and said, "Yes, nothing is more solid than military power. If you and Uncle can hold military power in your hands, who else dares to move you? If I were you, I would not continue to stay at home now, and It is to ask the grandfather for a redeployment. The Flame Lion Knights are the progenitor of the Prince Rong, and they are absolutely loyal to the Prince Rong, so you do n’t have to worry about them at all. Let ’s make a fuss about the Flame Lion Knights. In fact, they are too stupid. As long as the Prince finally made the decision, the Flame Lion Knights will definitely obey, so you do n’t have to worry about Yanjing right now. Transferring out, not only It is exercise for yourself, and at the same time, you have the opportunity to get in touch with the legions outside and have a good relationship with these legions. In the future, it will be extremely important for you and your uncle to take over the power of the prince. "

After listening to Nian Bing's words, Rong Bing's eyes shone brightly, "Sure enough, it's a bystander! You're right. Now, our Rongjia really has only the Central Army, and the senior generals of the entire Army have 60%. Under the control of Rongjia, even I was named as a deputy army commander of the Central Army. The other four major armies extended with time. Although the power of the Rongjia was also there, most of them were only some old people from the side and grandfather. The subordinates are in charge. I will briefly tell you about the current distribution of forces. The Central Army is divided into three major factions. Among them, my father controls a large faction and has the strongest strength. The other two factions are controlled by the second grandfather and the third. In the hands of grandpa ’s eldest son, although their single strength is not as good as that of my father, they are much stronger when they unite. It is because of this delicate relationship that everyone is asking for the support of the Flame Lion Knights. But the eight big gold of the Flame Lion Knights The lions have never made a clear statement. According to what you said, they may have remained neutral under the advice of grandpa. There is nothing in the group army that the people of our family are fighting. After all, they are far away from Yanjing, and the internal fighting within our family cannot spread so far, otherwise, your majesty will definitely be aware of it. Among the three group army, the northern group army The fighting power is the strongest. The Southeast Army and the Eastern Army are similar. And because his father has gone to the north with his grandfather for many times, he has good relations with the senior generals of the Northern Army. They all respect his father. When necessary, they will support his father. The current commander of the Southeast Army is the Magic Shuai Arc, this man is very cunning, and has always been around, and he is not from our family, so it is difficult to say. "

When I heard that Rongbing mentioned arcs, Nianbing couldn't help but interjected: "Brother, you don't have to think about the southeast. I have seen the man who is the magic handsome arc, he has some special hobbies, I think, he is just a south. Chrysanthemum, a friend I know can be called the two largest chrysanthemums in the north and the south. If you go there, depending on your appearance, I am afraid ... "

Rong Bing listened to the whole body for a while, and said with a smile: "The special hobby of the arc is already a well-known thing, but he is really capable, and can have the status of today. It is completely climbed step by step by himself, so you Don't underestimate this person, his fierceness comes from his bones. Nianbing, you will not be disturbed by him. "

Nian Bing shrugged and said, "That's not there yet, but I don't want to see him again. Since there is no choice between the north and southeast, it is only the Eastern Army. However, there is a border with the Qilu Empire, I am afraid that Promotion is not easy! "

Rong Bing sneered and said, "Don't think that our relationship between Huarong Empire and Qilu Empire is so good. There are also many interests involved, but Qilu Empire is not as strong as us, so it looks like it has been Attached to our side, in fact, the king of the Qilu Empire is a very ambitious guy. Once he is given the opportunity, it may be harmful to us at any time. The Huarong Empire is now the first empire of the Yangon mainland, and it is also targeted. The empire of China is staring at us. So the last military operation against the Oran Empire took the Qilu Empire and gave them many benefits. Otherwise, it is not so easy. Although Huarong is strong, it is impossible to The entire continent is fighting against it, just like the current Central Army, it is powerful, but it is surrounded by two sides. Although Langmu and Qilu are not in harmony, if we use troops to either side, think of the relationship between the cold and the teeth. , I am afraid that the other party will act immediately. "

Nian Bing thought for a while and then nodded, "The original situation is so complicated, no wonder that the Oran Empire is so hungry and has not been wiped out. The five empires on the mainland of Yangon are like a set of links, and the whole situation is triggered. Even if the Huarong Empire has the strength to deal with the two neighboring countries at the same time, I am afraid not to act rashly. "

Rong Bing smiled and said, "I don't hide from you. In fact, our belligerent grandfather had long thought of unifying the mainland. Even the strategy has been set, nothing more than far-reaching and near-offensive, but there is only one point that restricts him. It is the existence of the goddess of ice and snow. No one knows her powerful strength better than grandpa. As long as there is the ice **** tower, it is impossible for the Huarong Empire to rule the entire continent. Maybe others are afraid of our flame lion knight Regiment, but the ice **** tower with hundreds of snow magicians is not afraid. The mainland has today's peace. From some perspectives, the goddess of ice and snow sacrificed a super forbidden spell to destroy 100,000 soldiers. The feat played a great role. "

Nian Bing clenched her fists, "The goddess of ice and snow sacrifice, one day, I will let her die in my hands."

Rongbing sighed and said, "I understand the hate in your heart, but you must not act rashly before you are sure. Oh, yes, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Listen to grandpa, you are already a magician It ’s a taxi, and you can use many lines of magic, but, do you know why you did n’t have a chance to play against grandpa that day? ”

Nian Bing shook his head blankly, yes! Even if the opponent is a magister, he has desperately used the strongest magic he can use, why did he lose so badly in the end? Could it be that there are still some secrets?

Melting ice lowered his voice and said, "Because, three years ago, Grandpa finally reached that height."

Nian Bing's whole body shook, his eyes widened in surprise, "Brother, you mean, he also ..."

Rongbing made a mute gesture and said, "This is the biggest secret of our Rongjia family. No one knows except a few of my grandfather's close friends and me, my father, and my second and third grandfathers. Lian Huatian Dayan Jing does n’t know the strength of Grandpa now. Think about it, that day you were faced with Grandpa ’s eleventh-order banned Purple Flame Devil Lion, how could there be a chance? That ’s why Grandpa stayed and did not send you Only the surname can be left. "

This news was too shocking for Nian Bing. He never thought that the Prince Rong, who seemed to be much older than before, would make a breakthrough in his later years and reached the level of Divine Divine Master. No wonder he doesn't even have a chance. Although the Magister is the best among the magicians, how can he compete with the highest-level Divine Divine Master?

"Brother, can you say that Grandpa can compete with the goddess of ice and snow?"

Rong Bing smiled bitterly: "No one can tell this question when they haven't encountered it again. However, it is no longer a day or two for the goddess of ice and snow to become a **** descender. Ice and fire restrain each other. Depends on the depth of strength. Frankly speaking, I am not very optimistic about grandpa. However, compared with the war that year, grandpa ’s chances are much greater. Nian Bing, this is the absolute secret of the family, but I am not afraid I ’m telling you, although you do n’t want to admit it now, you still have family members in your bones, blood is thicker than water, and you have the blood of Rongshi flowing through you. I wo n’t persuade you, but I am waiting for you to come back at any time. ”

Nian Bing was silent. Although he didn't want to admit it, his heart was trembling slightly, "Brother, thank you for telling me this. Perhaps, I will come back when the family is the uncle one day. I hate Rongjia, hate the Prince ~ ~ But, after all, they are not my enemies. "

Melting ice patted Nian Bing's shoulder, a faint smile appeared on his face, "We should go back, presumably they are almost talking, I will remember what you said, when the new magician contest is over, I Just ask Grandpa for a redeployment and go to the Eastern Army. I hope there will be some gains there. "

The two got up and walked back. At this moment, Nian Bing suddenly raised a warning sign in his heart. He subconsciously looked in one direction. Melting Bing also felt that Nian Bing was wrong. He looked down his eyes, but only looked There was a touch of light figure.

"Not good. Go back quickly." Nian Bing exclaimed and ran towards the hotel with the fastest speed. Because, what he had previously felt was the breath of the Phoenix family.

Melting Ice followed behind Nian Bing, but he didn't run far, but he found himself farther and farther away from Ning Bing, thinking in his mind whether his younger brother was a magician or not, and how he looks like a samurai.

Nian Bing is of course a magician, except that his body has been transformed by the Fire Dragon King Galamandis, which is much stronger than ordinary people. Only in this way can you practice advanced magic.

(To be continued) ()

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