Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 106: Powerful magic 8226; 0 magic realm (...

At the same time, he also saw that Bing Yun was injured. When Vulcan's right hand broke out, her body must have been strongly shaken. Although she tried her best to maintain her original appearance, the hand holding the staff was Shivering slightly, although the performance is not obvious, but Nian Bing still sees clearly.

The fourth game was held between the second group of No. 3 melting poles and the second group of No. 4 space magicians from the Oran Empire. At this time, due to the death of two Qilu Empire magicians, the rankings of the two groups of games have changed slightly. A group of No. 1 Mu Rong, No. 2 Feifei, No. 3 Bingyun, No. 4 Rongbing, and No. 5 (Death). Two sets of No. 1 Nian Bing, No. 2 (Death), No. 3 Rongji, No. 4 Oran Empire Space Department Magician, No. 5 Wood Crystal.

Rongji helped Rongbing back and tried to practice the temple, but at this time Yi Nuo also quietly left, apparently to take care of her beloved man.

Rong Ji didn't say much and went directly to the stage. The space magician of the Oran Empire was already ready. When he saw Rong Ji on stage, he smiled at him and revealed a pair of cute little tiger teeth. "I will definitely defeat you." , Remember my name, my name is Lan Lan, a space magician. "

Rong Ji said indifferently: "Hua Rong Empire Fire Department Magician Rong Ji."

The smile on Lan Lan's face suddenly converged, and he sneered, saying, "I will not be merciful." The hatred between Oran and Huarong has already deteriorated in the last war, facing the magician of the enemy, Lan Blue eyes almost burst into flames.

Rongji is still in the wood, "I don't kill women."

Rongfei glanced at his nephew and shook his head helplessly. Rongji's talent in magic was not inferior to that of melting ice. Unfortunately, he was only interested in magic. Otherwise, the three generations of Rongjia would not be allowed to let it go. Melting ice is the only one.

"Game start."

Lan Lan ’s reaction seemed to be much faster than the melting. A small silver magic wand had appeared between the wrist flips. Taking a step forward, the space around her body suddenly became illusory, and she quickly sang the spell. Order time-space distortion magic, ordinary low-level magic is invalid for her.

Rong Ji's eyes seldom showed a pity, shook his head, he didn't even take out the magic wand, and also sang out from his own self, the red flame suddenly rose, and did not burn like real ice to the blue of the real fire level. The speed of his singing is fast, and his voice is low like a murmur, making it impossible for people to hear what he is singing, but the flame around his body has become stronger and stronger.

Nian Bing was shocked when he saw how Rongji sang. He knew the difficulty of this chanting method. Changing the vocal tone required a full understanding of magic. He also tried it, but because he later put most of his energy All spent on practicing mimic magic, so until now it has not been successful. At this time, he has regarded his brother of the same family as the most powerful competitor in this group.

Lan Lan's chanting speed is also very fast, perhaps because her magic is lower than Rongji's level, and she completed it first.

"Time and space rotation." The silver light turned into a halo, and the space on the stage gradually became distorted where the halo passed. No one knew what she was doing. This seemed to be a peculiarity of the space system. magic.

Lan Lan couldn't help but feel a little proud. She seemed to have studied this magic by herself. It was with this magic that she could participate in this competition as a space magician with weaker attack power in various departments.

Rongji opened his eyes and looked at the silver halo that was about to approach. The flame around his body suddenly rushed out, but when the flame met the silver halo, the flame turned back and rushed towards Rongji. Come.

Rongji didn't panic, just watched Lan Lan shaking his head.

Lan Lan said angrily: "What kind of head do you think you can still win? No matter what magic you use, under the effect of time and space rotation, it will be imposed on yourself. Hurry up and admit your defeat. I will spare you."

Rong calmly said: "You are too complacent, although your magic is strange, but I am a flame itself, even if the magic is back, no matter what magic, no matter what role magic has, its endurance is limited. Yes, take my attack. Meteor fire rain. "The red light condensed around his body, although the silver halo had enveloped his body, but the melting pole was like no awareness, meteor, condensed by fire The meteors appeared one by one, from three to five at the beginning, and gradually became dozens, each with an unusually violent atmosphere, Rongji did not attack Lan Lan, nor did he control these fires Meteor, let them fly continuously on the stage.

Seeing this, Nian Bing couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He already understood the way of melting the pole. Although Lan Lan's magic is very strange, the main thing of her magic is to form a spatial force field on the competition stage. In the space realm, the enemy's attacks on her will be counterattacked back, but this field has a certain tolerance after all. If the magic of the attack in the realm reaches a certain level, the realm will definitely not pay for it. Very domineering, that is, to win by virtue of your higher magic power. Although this method is not clever, it is undoubtedly very effective.

Sounds like the broken glassware came from the stage, the explosions controlled by the meteor bursts one after another, and even spread to the side of Rongfei. Each explosion would make the whole stage violently shake, and the glass shattered. The crack-like voice became more obvious.

Finally, time and space rotation can no longer work, and dozens of fire stars have surrounded Lan Lan's body. As long as the extreme intentions move, the little girl in this space system can be turned into fly ash.

Lanlan's face changed greatly, "You are fooling, you are fooling. Woo." She was crying in the face of failure.

He was very confused. For the first time, he faced such a situation and hurriedly withdrew his fire meteor. There was a murky saying: "You lost."

Lan Lan looked at Rongji bitterly, and tears continued to fall from Qiao's face, "You only lost, you are fooling."

Rongji frowned, and for a while, I didn't know what to say. Rong Fei on the side also felt a little ridiculous. This Oran empire is too much a play, the contestants sent are so fragile, like a child.

The game ended with a slapstick ending. Although Lan Lan did not want to admit it, she still lost.

Emperor Huatian announced that all players who won in the first day of the competition will receive a reward of one hundred purple gold coins. Tomorrow will continue the game, the contestants who are in bye may not come.

Nian Bing was anxious about his brother's situation. When he was struggling to find nowhere, Yi Nuo appeared.

"Nian Bing, come, your brother asked me to let you go." Yi Nuo's eyes were a little red and swollen, apparently crying.

Nian Bing was overjoyed and hurried forward to ask: "Sister-in-law, how is my brother? The injury is not serious."

Yi Nuo glanced at the people who gradually scattered around and said, "You come with me first." Under her leadership, the two walked toward the inside of the palace. As Yi Nuo, there was no one to stop. While walking, Yi Nuo said to Nian Bing: "Your brother's injury is not too serious. With the fire cloud necklace he carried, he offset most of the impact of the fire god's right hand explosion. The blow is very heavy, you need to persuade him to do more. You also know the relationship between the Huarong Empire and the Ice Moon Empire, your Rongjia and the Ice God Tower have always been dead rivals, this time failed ... "

Nianbing nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, rest assured, I will persuade him more."

When Nian Bing came to the place where Mian Bing was healing, she was surprised to find that Yi Nuo brought Mong Bing to her boudoir. Nian Bing couldn't help but smiled secretly, stopping at the door of the room, "Sister-in-law, you and me Brother has n’t formally been married yet. It seems wrong for you to let him recover here. Is it appropriate for me to enter? "

Yi Nuo snorted and said, "I don't believe who dares to talk nonsense, even grandpa will not object, others talk nonsense, I will cut his tongue and hurry in with me, don't you Are you in a hurry? "

Melting ice lay quietly on Yi Nuo's bed, looking at the ceiling of the roof. His eyes were a little confused, and he seemed to be thinking about something. Even Nian Bing and Yi Nuo didn't find it.

Yi Nuo whispered to Nian Bing: "You tell him, it's easier for you guys to communicate. Nian Bing, you need to help him more! Apart from you, I really can't think of anyone else who can make He recovered. Did you know? Ever since you came, the smiles of Melting Ice have been more than I have known him for so many years, and I feel a little jealous. "

Nian Bing nodded to Yi Nuo without saying much, but his eyes already told Yi Nuo everything.

Yi Nuo seemed relieved and slowly backed out to close the door.

"Brother, I'm here." Nian Bing walked to the bed and sat down.

Rongbing's eyes were a little more glorious to Xiang Nianbing, "You have seen it, I lost." His voice was calm, and there was no gloomy breath.

Nian Bing sighed and said: "Winning or losing is not important. Losing this time does not mean that you will lose in the future, will you?"

There was a smile on Rongbing ’s face, and he said, “Relax, this hit me still bearable, I let Ino call you, I do n’t want to hear you comfort me, I want to hear you What do you think about magic? "

Nian Bing was relieved, "The woman's magic is really powerful, what is the realm of the thousand fantasy that she said? I can't see the change from the outside, brother, you are in it, you should feel The most profound. However, one thing you did not find, although she won, but she was also injured. "

Rongbing proudly said: "That is, of course, the same as a magician. If she can overcome me, I will practice it for so many years."

Nian Bing thought for a while and said: "Brother, what was the situation at that time, how did you lose? And what is this so-called field, I have also seen the field in some magic books This concept, but I do n’t always understand it. What is the domain? Does it mean the scope of magic coverage? "

Melting Ice shook his head and said, "Of course it is not that simple. The magic field is not a mysterious thing. Every magician can have his own field, but the strength of the field is different. The so-called field refers to magic. The teacher builds a space based on his own imagination based on his own magic. The stronger the magical power, the larger the space. And the built space is created according to the magician's own ideas, so it will produce specific effects. For example, in the field used by Thousand Fantasy Ice Cloud today, the most obvious feature is the elimination of all magic elements except the ice element. In her field, my magic power will be consumed at a faster rate without being replenished. Although in the end I broke her field with the outburst of Vulcan's right hand, but I felt that her ability in this field has not really been exerted. There is probably a secret in it. After all, it is the goddess of ice and snow. In the field she completed, the changes in it could not be that simple. The reason why Qianhuan Bingyun was injured was not because her field was not Strong, but because she did n’t expect that I would risk killing herself and let Vulcan ’s right hand explode ~ ~ so she could hurt her. Unfortunately, after detonating Vulcan ’s right hand, I have no extra magic power , Otherwise you can fight again. Nian Bing, if you meet her, you must be careful, she has reached the point of control of the ice element, especially in this thousand fantasy field, the best way to deal with it Just don't let it exert its power. "

Nian Bing thought for a while and said, "Brother, her magical power seems to be the level of the Magister, but did you feel that when you are fighting, her magical breath seems to be more pure than you, which allows her to consume Less magical power achieves the same effect. Although your magical powers are equal at the beginning, even if she does n’t use the Thousand Fantasy Realm, her magical power will gradually prevail in the gradual battle. "

Rongbing looked at Nianbing with some surprise, then recalled the previous battle and nodded deeply. "The bystander is clear, you are right. Her magical purity is very high. I always thought that my magical purity was already Very good, but still worse than her. What's going on? Is it true that the goddess of ice and snow is so magical? Or does she have any special magic items? "

Nian Bing shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this secret will only be known to her. Brother, rest assured, when I meet her, I will definitely avenge you."

(To be continued) ()

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