Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 108: Earth Goddess Field (Part 1)

Nian Bing was silent for a while before saying: "If my extremes can never be changed, hatred still affects my view of the world, will you still be with me?"

Feng Nu gently rubbed Nian Bing's shoulder, "Since I have chosen, I never thought of leaving. If your heart can't be changed, after you get revenge, I will accompany you to find a beautiful place, no longer Contact with the outside world and live our own lives, okay? "

Nian Bing's body shook slightly, "Thank you, Feng Nu. I will try my best to change myself, as long as you are by my side, my heart will be much calmer. Wait for me to come back." Recalling every word that Feng Nu said, Nian Bing left the hotel. Today, he will face the second opponent of his group.

On the third day of the game, due to the accidents that occurred on the first day, the Five Kingdoms New Magician Competition changed from four games a day to two games a day. Today ’s first group is a battle between Mu Rong and Bing Yun. , Bingyun has already won two games, Mu Rong has won one game, at least from the current situation, they are the two most likely to get the top two in the group, and this game is particularly important for Mu Rong, as long as He can beat the Thousand Fantasy Ice Cloud, not to mention the group first, and even the first in the entire game may be achieved.

Nian Bing and Mian Bing watched below. No other contestants including them were optimistic about Mu Rong. Thousand Fantasy Bing Yun was not only strong, but also from the match between the first game and the melting ice to the bright one yesterday. In the magician's flying game, the magical control she displayed was magical, giving people an unfathomable feeling. Relatively speaking, Mu Rong's strength is not weak, but he only relies on the strangeness of natural magic and wants to win. A battle with Bingyun is almost impossible.

The blue light flashed around Bing Yun's body. Her expression was still so cold. Without any extra words, Mu Rong appeared a little nervous. Rong Fei immediately waved his staff in the hand as soon as the game was announced. The direction of the cloud swept away, still the same way he used to deal with Feifei, but unfortunately, Bingyun was not Feifei.

A layer of frost appeared without warning, a large piece of ice and mist emerged from around the body of the ice cloud, and her figure drifted back, and she was already hidden in the ice and mist.

Mu Rong sneered secretly, thinking that as long as the other party's life exists, his own natural magic can be detected. Even if the eyes can't see it, it is enough by virtue of the perception of the breath of life, while controlling Tengsi into the ice mist In the middle, he chanted a spell in his natural field.

Natural magic does have its own characteristics, especially its ability to detect life is unmatched by other departments of magic. As soon as Tengsi enters the ice fog, he locks the position of the ice cloud, and faces the ice cloud in a crazy surge. Pounce. However, at this moment, it suddenly snowed on the stage. Pieces of goose feathers fluttered out of the ice mist. That was not ordinary snowflakes. Each piece fluttered in the air like a sharp blade. The rattan silk was tough again. It was still silk, rotating snowflakes, in the ice mist. In the midst of shock, when the snowflakes were in contact with the vine silk, the cyan vine silk suddenly scattered.

Mu Rong felt a big pain in his heart. The staff of rattan silk was his treasure. With this staff, he had defeated many opponents of similar strength. Seeing the destruction in the snow, how could he not be distressed? However, his movements did not stop. After all, the dark green gem at the core of the rattan stick still exists. As long as it is there, it is not difficult to remake a rattan stick. The most important thing now is to obtain this Victory of the game.

The floating snowflakes quickly spin up, and the snowstorm is gradually forming. Mu Rong recites the spell while receding. His purpose is simple. As long as he can drag it to the natural field, he succeeds. Bingyun slowly came out of the ice mist, the snowstorm was spinning around her body, a faint cold light appeared in her eyes, watching Mu Rong did not attack.

Mu Rong looked at Bingyun with some surprise. At this time, his magic was finally completed. The dark green beads fell to the ground, and the green light was hidden in the ground.

Qianhuan Bingyun said indifferently: "If you are not allowed to use the most proud magic, I am afraid you will not be reconciled to lose. I want you to understand that the realm of nature is invalid in the world of ice."

Mu Rong snorted coldly, "Is it really ineffective? My seed of life can resist any side effects. Ascend, my natural realm."

The ground slowly shook, the ground began to vibrate slightly, the seeds of life germinated in the ground, the situation that appeared on the first day of the game reappeared, and countless green lights floated out, winding to every corner of the game table. At this moment, Bing Yun moved. A blue six-pointed star rose from her feet and instantly diffused to the surroundings. The temperature on the competition table fell sharply. The growth rate of the originally fast-growing branches suddenly slowed down. Bingyun's palms stood on his chest, and the fingers touched Together, a blue sphere of light changes from small to large, gradually condensing.

Nian Bing from the audience said in surprise: "The eighth-order ice magic is absolutely frozen, no wonder she has no fear." Absolute ice, magic in the ice system is neither an attack nor a defense, just like a blizzard is generally used for short distance flight Similarly, this absolute frozen magic is generally used by ice magicians when they spend some insurmountable sky. Under the control of mental power, it can condense a space into ice and pass through the surface of the ice. This magic The biggest advantage is that it is extremely frozen, but due to the limited control distance and a large amount of magic power, ice magicians rarely use it.

The blue ball of light floated into the ground, and the faint blue light on the ground of the game platform instantly diffused, including the branches and the ground itself, which immediately condensed. At this time, the snowstorm moved, and the frozen branches suddenly stopped under the blizzard After being cleared, the ice powder drifted on the stage, and the entire stage was completely filled with ice.

Mu Rong looked at this scene with dumbfounded eyes, and he was so proud that the natural field was broken. Although he could still feel the breath of the seed of life, under the absolute ice suppression, unless the ice seal was lifted, otherwise The realm can no longer play a real role. The snowstorm floated to Mu Rong and stopped, Bingyun calmly said: "You should admit defeat."

Mu Rong looked at the blizzard in front dullly. His magic power was not completely consumed. At this time, he still had the counterattack power, but will the blizzard in front of him give him time to sing a spell?

Bing Yun frowned slightly, she didn't wait any longer, the snow storm rushed forward, rolled up Mu Rong's body and "sent" him off the stage. The fire cloud cover can only defend against magic. The snowstorm disappeared under the filter of the fire cloud cover, but Mu Rong's body also fell under the stage. The first game ended so quickly, and the ice cloud calmly achieved the first. The victory of the three games, so far, her group stage has been completely over, firmly seated in the first group position.

Melting ice touched the ice and whispered, "See, seeing that in front of the two magics of ice and fire, natural magic will be greatly restricted."

Nian Bing nodded slightly, a faint smile appeared in her eyes, and she glanced at Mu Jing on the side. Mu Jing frowned slightly, looking at her brother who had lost her soul, and there was a trace of disdain in her eyes.

Qianhuan Bingyun came down from the stage, and the cold eyes in blue eyes fell on Nian Bing. Nian Bing's gaze was opposite to her. Bing Yun nodded to him and turned to walk to his own group of stations. Down. Nian Bing was a little surprised in his heart. When Bing Yun looked at him, there was a touch of friendliness in his cold eyes. Will the people of Ice God Tower be friendly to themselves? Oh yes, after all, she and she both represent the Ice Moon Empire. Isn't she encouraging herself to get the second group first place?

"In the second game on the third day, the second group No. 1 vs. the second group No. 5 and the contestants took the stage." In the announcement of Rongfei, Nian Bing and Mu Jing took the stage at the same time.

Mu Jing was not affected by the failure of her older brother, watching Nian Bing pouting, and said, "Are you going to kill me today?"

Nian Bing froze for a moment, and consciously swept from under the stage. He found that, in addition to the ice cloud and the melting ice, the other contestants looked at their eyes a little weird, and suddenly understood that they were because of the spontaneous match under the first game The resistance that he had produced, after communicating with Feng Nu, the coldness in his heart has been eased a lot. He smiled indifferently and asked, "If I kill you, will your brother rush up?"

"You ..." Mu Jing's eyes were filled with anger, "Do you think I am the two wastes that day?"

Nian Bing Gu said in surprise: "Don't you see how your brother lost? You ask yourself how much stronger you can be?"

Mu Jing said disdainfully: "Then who do you think you are, do you also come from the Ice God Tower?"

Rong Fei on the side looked at Nian Bing, then looked at Mu Jing, and said angrily: "Is the two of you coming up to play or chat?"

Mu Jingdao: "You don't announce the start of the game, how do we play?"

Rongfei snorted and said, "Okay, the game starts now." After that, he walked towards the edge of the ring.

After listening to the start of the competition, Mu Jing instantly seemed to have changed her personal appearance. Her dark green hair was windless and automatic, her face became very calm, the breath of life spontaneously radiated, and the faint green light surrounded her body like water waves Constant rhythm.

Nian Bing also moved, his hands stretched out, each drawing a triangle in front of him, and the blue and red light interweave into a strange six-pointed star, "ice, you are the representative of the cold, fire, you are the hot source, ice With the breath of fire, please allow me to merge your special surnames and use your common source as a reference to resonate. "Left blue and right red, two colors of light rise from the sides of Nian Bing's body, he finally used Out of his own favorite homology of ice and fire, the two magical elements of ice and fire are constantly condensing around his body. At this time, with the homology of ice and fire, he can make various magical changes, natural magic that he is not familiar with. He chose to brake statically.

Mu Jing's eyes completely turned into two groups of green light. Her body floated from the competition platform. Although it was only about a foot away from the ground, at this time, she was like a goddess from nature, and her body was full of strangeness. Breath.

Mu Rong from the audience said to himself: "Boy, wait for your death, my sister is the daughter of the innate earth, how can you deal with it."

When Nian Bing finished her spell, Mu Jing's separated hands were folded in front of her, a green light radiated outwards centering on her body. Suddenly, her eyes were full of light, and dozens of them were thick into her arms. The vine rushed towards Nian Bing with the sound of screaming through the sky. The location of the rush was very clever, not only attacking Nian Bing, but also blocked all his dodge positions.

So quickly, Nian Bing was slightly startled, and with his hands turned, he directly condensed dozens of low-level ice and fireballs and greeted him up. In the loud noise, the explosion continued to sound. Every explosion brought countless green debris, The explosive power of the ice fireball destroyed the vines one by one. Under the traction of the air machine, Nian Bing was shocked by the shock wave generated by the explosion, but he found that Mu Jing was still floating in mid-air, and all the shock waves came to her by the layer of green The light dissolves.

Nian Bing knew that he couldn't wait any longer, the light flashed, Aotian Dao started, his arm instantly turned into a phantom ~ ~ Aotian Dao's own wind blade skill turned into dozens of wind blades floating Out of the way, attack Mu Jing from different angles. At the same time, the force of the same source of ice and fire merges into the proud sword in the mobilization of the ice, and the light chant of the wind of freedom appears.

Mu Jing didn't pay attention to those wind blades at all. Because her eyes had turned into two green rays, she couldn't see the look on her face at this time. Her hands on her chest did not change, but the ring behind her Numerous branches and vines have been drilled on the ground, and they are constantly entangled and entangled.

The wind blade touched the green halo, and like the previous shock wave, the silence disappeared silently.

The disappearance of the wind blade did not make Nian Bing too surprised. He was surprised by the growing vines and plants behind Mu Jing. That was clearly the natural field that Mu Rong had used before, but Mu Jing didn't chant a spell! How can this magic of at least the seventh order be used so easily?

Mu Jing said, "Water, fire, earth, and wind all come from nature. In my field of the earth goddess, these are invalid. Unless you cast more magic than the earth goddess realm more than two levels, you can break it. Drop my realm. However, my realm of earth goddess itself is eighth-order magic, can you have the strength of a magister? "

(To be continued) ()

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