Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 115: The opening of the Magic Eye

As the consciousness gradually recovered, Nian Bing gradually remembered everything that had happened before, and suddenly opened his eyes, he found himself in a wilderness, the sun shining on him brought a burst of warmth, and the fresh air made him feel A lot better.

Looking down at him, Nian Bing couldn't help but screamed, the hedgehog vest was still there, but there wasn't even one of those scrolls on it. That's money! Moreover, it took energy to make these scrolls and read the ice for a month. The research and analysis of the role of various scrolls and the matching have consumed him a lot of effort, but now they are all used.

Fat, what about fat? Nian Bing was sober and the first person he thought of was a fat man. Of course, he was not worried about the safety of the fat man. He was worried about the phoenix girl who was put in the space bag by the fat man. If the fat man was killed by himself, would n’t the phoenix girl also ... ... just as Nian Bing added regret, a slow voice sounded from behind, "Why, are you awake? Okay, okay! It seems I have something delicious. Hey."

Nian Bing turned around and saw that the fat man was leaning against a big tree, looking at himself with a smile. Seeing that the fat man was okay, Nian Bing was relieved. At least, this can prove that his phoenix girl is still alive, which is enough.

"Damn, what are you, a fat man? I haven't killed you with so many magic scrolls."

The fat man smiled slightly at this unwilling Nian Bing, and said, "You have more magic scrolls, and most of them can have a chain reaction. Unfortunately, the single strength is not enough, even if I don't run at that time, I can't give What harm do I bring. Unfortunately, those scrolls are still very good. If you can control it with your mental power, the power you can achieve should be greater, but now it has just exploded a hill and a forest. Is n’t it easy to make those things? It does n’t feel like it hurts you to use them. "

"Fart, you don't feel distressed. That is all my baby!" Looking at the fat man, Nian Bing couldn't help crying and crying. The opponent's strength is more powerful than he thought. Is he a demon warrior with a martial arts level? No, it will not be so simple, his strength is too arrogant, and a martial art cannot easily dissolve his two ninth-level magic so easily! This fat man is terrible and unimaginable.

The fat man looked at Nian Bing's anger, and stood up and walked over. "Boy, don't think about it. Did you lose this first competition? At that time, you didn't have the ability to fight again."

Nian Bing snorted and said, "You are so much stronger than me. Is it possible for me to win? What level of arrogance did you reach? You can't even take me so much magic."

The fat man smiled and said, "I'm lazy, but it doesn't mean that I'm stupid. If your magic scrolls can be added together, let alone me, even those who call themselves gods can't fight. Unfortunately, magic The power of it is very difficult to superimpose, even if you can superimpose one or two, but you ca n’t make them all superimposed. One of the magic scrolls you last sent did not pose a threat to me, and I ran directly with you. Was it then? Haven't you thought about yourself? The power of so many magic scrolls to explode, I'm afraid your little body can't stand it. "

Nian Bing is silent, yes! If I was still there at the time, I'm afraid ... looking up at the fat man, "So, did you save me?"

The fat man smiled and said, "Of course, you don't have to thank me, just show your skills when cooking."

Nian Bing snorted and said, "The ghost will be grateful to you. Well, this is the first time I have admitted losing."

There was a hint of joy in the fat man's eyes, "Well, then you start cooking for me now."

Nian Bingdao: "Fat man, how do I discuss things with you?" Since he is incapable of enemies, he can only outsmart. Although he is very confident in himself, especially in the future development, he also knows that he wants to overcome The fat man in front of me may not be able to do it in a few years.

"Oh? What do you want to discuss with me? It's best to have something to do with eating. I like talking about eating the most, which will increase my appetite."

Nian Bing barely squeezed out a smile and said, "Look, you are so powerful, how can I compare it. Not to mention one time, it is impossible to beat you ten times or one hundred times. , You specify a number, let me make you how many dishes, after completing this number, you will return my phoenix girl, will it work? There is no loss for you! And, although my cooking is excellent, but You always get tired. After you finish the numbers you said, I will introduce a good chef to you. "

There was a ray of thought in the fat man ’s eyes, “What you said seems reasonable, but I prefer to sleep. I usually go to sleep after a big meal. It ’s not good. I ca n’t promise you. If I say You ca n’t do an astronomical figure! Boy, why are you so unsure of you? Among ordinary people, there are few people like you who can even open the sky eyes. You know, the sky eyes are those who claim to be Unique to God's fellow. With this thing, as a magician, your speed of improvement in the future is very fast, and one day, you will reach the strength to compete with me. "

"Tianyan? What's that?" Nian Bing's heart moved, subconsciously thinking of the transparent ball at his eyebrow.

The fat man said: "It's normal that you don't know, ordinary people rarely know that the sky eye exists. The sky eye can also be said to be the third eye of a person. Everyone has it, which is unique to humans. The sky eye can see What you can't see with your own eyes, except that the sky eyes of ordinary people are automatically closed after birth. Although I don't know how you opened the sky eyes, being able to open it has endless benefits for your future development. "

Nian froze for a moment and said, "Is it so good? Why didn't I feel it? It just seems clearer to see things with it."

The fat man snorted disdainfully and said, "You know what a fart. The eyebrows of a person are where the acupuncture points are. You not only open the eyes of the sky, but also your spiritual consciousness. Tricks will also be turned on and become a wise man in a short time. Trick points are amazing. It is said that there are seven trick points in the human body. If they can be fully opened, they can become real gods. This day's eye is exactly one of the seven most important points. "

Nian Bing thought for a while and said, "You said so much, and I haven't seen how big the eye's real use is. I wasn't a fool, even if I became a little smarter. Isn't this day's eye compared to Is the innate field better? "

The fat man said angrily: "Your kid really doesn't understand anything. The innate field is nothing. If the broken thing can be compared with the knot, then there is no God's continent now. The real beauty of the Tianyan How, I do n’t know. Anyway, what I can tell you is that with this thing, you can at least become a divine descendant within ten years. "

"What did you say?" Nian Bing stood up in surprise, and the dizziness of his brain could not make up for the surprise in his heart at this time. Can you become a divine division teacher in ten years? Is this really possible?

The fat man smiled and said, "Amazed, now you know the benefits that Sky Eye can bring. Sky Eye also has a title called the Eye of Judgment and the Eye of Discrimination. With it, you can see many peacetime What you ca n’t see, understanding many things that you simply ca n’t understand, any knowledge will become easier in front of you. With Sky Eye, it ’s also good for opening the other six tricks. Do n’t say it ’s you, Even on the continent of God, there are few people who can open the Tianyan Point first. You must know that every time the Qiao Point is opened, and you want to open the next one, the difficulty will be doubled. If the Tianyan Point is not the first one, then It is bound to be the last one to open. As far as I know, the so-called strongest **** on the continent of God has only opened six tricks. After working hard for thousands of years, it failed to open the eye of success. If the sky eye can be opened for the first time, then it will become easier to open the other six tricks in the future. Although the difficulty will increase one by one, the degree of increase will be doubled. If calculated according to time, to You can birth two-thirds of it. "

Nian Bing was shocked, he suddenly thought of a possibility, "fat, are you a **** from the continent of God?"

The fat man froze for a moment before realizing that he had talked a lot. "It doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter if you want to be willing, but I'm not so thick-skinned, and I never say what God I am. There is nothing noble about God. The so-called **** is actually a **** person. It ’s nothing more than to put gold on his face. What's the point? "

Nian Bing had a strong shock in his heart and smiled bitterly: "Fat, how can you be at least a demigod, why should you be embarrassed by me as an ordinary human being? Do you love eating so much? God also wants to eat Is it? "

The fat man grunted and said, "I have said that there is no **** in the world at all. Those are people who claim to be themselves. Since they are human, of course they have to eat, but they are powerful and can not eat for a long time. Relying on the energy in the body to maintain life. Eating is an art, and it is something that people can always enjoy from birth to death. In my mind, nothing can compare with eating, so well, this hobby of eating, I will never change it in my life. "

Nian Bing took a deep breath, the fat man didn't seem so scary, but why did he tell himself so much? Yes, he must think he can't escape his palm anyway. Oh my god, it was actually a half-god who caught the phoenix girl. It seems that she wants to rescue her beloved woman through an extremely long process.

"Boy, what do you want? You can rest assured that although I love to eat, it is still very reasonable. Whatever you want to do does not matter. I will not restrict your freedom, but I will always follow you near you. You If you want to run, you can run as long as you do n’t want your wife ’s life. By the way, I can tell you something. Although your wife was locked in a space bag by me, it happened outside. She can see everything, you work hard, maybe, when you rescue her, she will be very moved. You do n’t have to be afraid that I ca n’t find you, your mental power has been locked by me, unless You leave this continent, otherwise I can find you no matter where you are. "

Nian Bing took a deep breath and said, "Looking at what you mean, it seems that you are the one who has decided on me?"

The fat man smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"Okay, eat as much as you want, but fat man, I have a question. Can you answer me."

The fat man nodded and said, "Of course, I don't know how long it will take you to eat in the future. What are the answers to your questions? Ask."

Nian Bing nodded and said, "You said that what is called a crypt is so magical, so, how many crypts did you open?"

The fat man's face was stiff ~ ~ but soon returned to normal, saying: "My cultivation methods are different from those of you ordinary people, so my strength improvement has nothing to do with the tricks. I have no problem with this. I can answer you. However, if you look at the strength of other acupuncture points besides Tianyan acupuncture point, my current ability should be equivalent to opening about two and a half acupoint points. "

"Is Tianyan acupuncture very different from other acupuncture points? Are other acupuncture points directly related to strength?" Nian Bing immediately asked the doubts in his heart. Since he couldn't beat the other side, it is naturally best to continuously improve his strength Way, and want to improve his strength, the fat man around him is the object of chasing. There are many things he brings to himself that he can't achieve by imagination at all, so, only ask more, this fat man looks It is very easy to speak. If you can learn some cultivation knowledge from him, the benefits for you are undoubtedly huge. After all, this guy is a demigod!

The starting point, more chapters, welcome to the starting point to support the author. The fat man nodded and said: "Of course, the difference is very big. The Tianyan Point can also be said to be the spiritual point in the Qiqiao Point. It is not to enhance strength, but to enhance learning. Ability and adaptability, you will gradually understand in the future, when the Tianyan acupoint opens, your body will gradually change. Of course, you need to practice more if you want to gain more powerful strength. Only then can the Tianyan acupoint be fully displayed. The role. "

(To be continued) ()

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