Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 123: The Vampire Queen (Part 1)

When I heard his voice, Nian Bing recognized it, and said in surprise: "Dark Witch Safin, you didn't die? Well, you didn't die. Last time you didn't die, it doesn't mean you won't die this time, I I think, the Master will not let you go again this time. "As he said, he also pointed to the Holy Yao knife inserted on the ground.

Safin's breath was stagnant. When he saw the holy sword, he felt a sense of fear from the depths of his soul. Where did he know that the holy sword that exudes holy breath had already lost its relationship with the holy teacher Connection, although the divine atmosphere above is extremely strong, but the strength of Nian Bing is not enough to pose too much threat to him.

"Oh? Safin, do you know?" Xie Yue said lightly.

Safin replied respectfully: "Return to the evil Lord, this kid is the man I told you that I almost destroyed my form last time. He has the holy sword of the Holy Master in his hand. It is very powerful. This was the last time. The holy flame emanating from the handle knife made me so weak. "He hated reading ice in his heart. If it was n’t for the ice, it was n’t for the light magic sword, how could he be so weak that he was caught back by the ghost, more He will not be a servant of Xieyue. For a powerful dark creature like him, there is nothing more painful than restricting freedom. If it was n’t for Xieyue, he would have touched him, he would rather explode than be used by other dark creatures. Goodbye Nian Bing at this time, if he has eyes, I'm afraid it has already spewed out fire.

Xieyue glanced at the seven sharp swords on the ground, and there was a trace of surprise in the dark green eyes. He did n’t move forward, calmly said: "Human, if you leave now, I can think that nothing has happened, Our goal is just the Seven Dragon Kings, and call them out. "He was not sure about this action, and he was never willing to take advantage of it.

Nian Bing smiled indifferently and said disdainfully: "Do you want to find the Seven Dragon Kings just because of you little ones? It is enough for me to have one of you. Yes, the magic circles outside are arranged by me, but that is just before the meal. Appetizer only. "

Xieyue looked at Nian Bing quietly and said, "Since that is the case, don't blame me for being rude." Then, he waved at his hand, and suddenly two black shadows flew out behind him, lightning in the direction of Nian Bing. Rushed.

If Nian Bing had n’t experienced the baptism of the earth dragon king fat man for more than three months, he would definitely not be able to cope with such a quick attack, but now it ’s different, the other party ’s speed is faster, he can also see through the sky eye, that is two A giant with a height of more than one foot, his strong body exudes a strong evil breath, they have no arms, their skin shows a dead gray, a pair of dim eyes without any breath of life, in the process of rushing, the dead gray air flow Condensed into two long knives, cut from both sides of Nian Bing.

Nian Bing didn't move, he wanted to give the other person an unpredictable feeling. When Xieyue and his entourage appeared, he had already prepared the spell, and watched two to the dark shadows rush into his front five feet, suddenly, seven colors The light flashed instantly, and the seven blades on the ground disappeared. With seven fuzzy shadows passing by, what could be faster than energy? The puppets of the whole family of shadows appeared again.

The bodies of the two Wraiths froze in the air, and at the next moment, they had become a piece of ground meat, and the wind blew through, and the ground broken into ashes disappeared.

Xieyue's brows were wrinkled. Indeed, he couldn't see the depth of Nianbing from the surface, especially the previous seven-handed knife in front of Bing's body made him very puzzled, and each knife exuded enough strong breath, Although the two Wraiths are not very strong, their bodies are strong enough to instantly kill the two Wraiths so that he can't see how to shoot. The ice in front of him has attracted enough attention from this evil master.

The young man in front of him obviously knew the Sacred Witch, he could stay here, and naturally knew his own strength, but he still had no intention of retreating. Obviously, he was not afraid of himself or others. What relied on, none of the seven dragon kings appeared, is this a trap? Xieyue was hesitant. After all, he did not have absolute confidence in this operation.

Nian Bing sees that the other party is not moving and is happy to wait. All he has to do is delay the time. The seven shadow puppets are hidden behind him. These shadow puppets that can absorb the innate gas by themselves will not consume his energy. Although Safin hated Ning Bing very much, he had deep scruples about Sheng Yaodao, and he dared not take the initiative to fight for a while. He only watched Nian Bing standing there and looked at his side with disdain.

"Evil Lord, let me come." Sina's charming voice sounded, her figure flickered, and she had flown out for more than ten feet, stopped not far in front of Nian Bing. She looked up and down at Ning Bing and smiled slightly. , Said: "Boy, you are very handsome, don't you know how the blood tastes?" There was a wicked light in his eyes, his eyes flashing, staring at Nian Bing.

Nian Bing looked at her eyes, only to feel a dizziness in her mind, the dark path in her heart was bad, she quickly closed her eyes, and dared not stare at Sina. Although these days he knew a lot about dark magic, but Compared with the real dark world powerhouse like Sina, it is far worse. Sina Jiao laughed, her figure flew forward, and the evil light in her eyes was more intense. Just when she was about to attack Nian Bing, suddenly, the silver-white light flashed on Nian Bing's forehead, emitting countless silver-white light. , Sina's forward body stopped abruptly, screaming, and flew back. Her demon pupils lost their power under the stimulation of silvery white light, and could no longer release evil breath through their eyes.

Nian Bing opened his eyes again. With the help of Heaven's Eyes, he had seen Sina clearly and said indifferently: "It turns out to be a bat, your evil light has no effect on me, or avoid it."

Xieyue said in surprise: "The eye of the sky is open, no wonder. It is the master who opened the eye of the sky, human beings, presumably you came from the land of God."

Nian Bing moved in his heart, neither acknowledging nor denying, still holding an inscrutable smile on his face, standing there calmly, watching the evil existence in front of him.

The charming in Sina's eyes disappeared, the evil ice cold dimmed the surrounding light a lot, and her original bizarre eyes gradually turned into gold, with a loud sound, a pair of blood-red wings spread out, and a huge pressure suddenly emerged As if on the side of Sina, there appeared a huge invisible magic mouth, which could swallow Nian Bing at any time.

Nian Bing was shocked in his heart, he already felt the power of Sina through Tianyan, but now he can't retreat, he can only quietly look at Sina, thinking about countermeasures.

Si Na's hands formed a bizarre hand shape in front of her, chanting something low in a weird voice, and a clear black breath continued to condense in front of her.

Nian Bing knows that he can't wait any longer. If he lets the other party condense the energy, once the energy reaches the level of the curse that he can't resist, there will be no chance. When the thought moves, the light and shadow puppets come out, and the holy sword Shining brightly, he rushed to Sina in an instant, and gently stroked his hands in front of Sina. The white light of the evil gas encountered by the sacred breath became more holy. Nian Bing seemed to hear the fear of the evil gas in the air. The powerful light of the Saint Yao knife in the hands of the light and shadow puppet erupted, and had reached Sina.

Sina looked at the puppet of light and shadow coldly. She did not dodge. Her hands and fingers suddenly grew a half-foot nail, and flicked her right hand. The dark energy bombarded the slashes of the Saint Yao knife, air There were several strong explosions in succession, and the body of the light and shadow puppet flew back. Although the Saint Yaodao was an evil nemesis, the strength of Nianbing was too far after all.

Sina smiled yin, her red wings spread behind her, her figure was like sliding on the water, and she came to Nian Bing in a flash. Every time her figure changed, the evil breath around her body would be stronger, the vampire queen How easy is its strength? Seven lights and shadows flickered, and all the puppets of the shadows of the whole system started moving at the same time. The seven-handed magic sword burst out the solid light of each department, and the light and shadow were interlaced. But she was shocked to find that the speed of this female vampire was no worse than that of her shadow puppet, especially when the shadow puppet attacked her, she could always dodge easily without the prophet, and her body continued to twist and swing like a ray of light. The smoke continued to shuttle between the seven shadow puppets, and the black air flow flicked the body of the seven shadow puppets again and again, avoiding the sharpest side of the seven-handed sword and gradually approaching the ice.

Nian Bing has stood still, staring at Sina who is getting closer and closer to her, feeling her ever-increasing evil breath, with a bitter smile in her heart, Galamandis, you must be quicker!

Sina also hesitated when she first started working with Nian Bing. After all, Nian Bing's seemingly unfathomable strength made her bottomless, but when she repulsed the light and shadow puppet, she couldn't help but relax a lot, even the most against the darkness None of the effective light knives exploded enough force to retreat oneself. It seems that the human in front of him is not terrible. He only relied on the seven-handed knives.

The speed of the seven shadow puppets did cause Sina a lot of trouble. After all, this was carefully researched by Nian Bing. At first, even the super-strong defensive earth dragon king fat man had suffered a loss, but Sina's speed Coupled with the innate instincts of bats, her evasion skills are far from comparable to that of the earth dragon king fat man. In order to retain more strength against the seven dragon kings, Sina did not use her strongest ability, only relying on the vampire queen ’s strong body and The speed of passing is close to Nian Bing. In her mind, it is enough as long as Nian Bing can be destroyed.

The puppets of the whole series of shadows gradually receded under the pressure of Sina, getting closer and closer to Nian Bing's body, and their own energy was gradually weakened because they could not catch up with the speed of condensation. Nian Bing is not in a hurry, he still hasn't moved. He is waiting for the best opportunity. There can only be one surprise to the other party, and if this only chance can't hurt the other party, then he has no chance.

Finally, Sina had entered the first three feet of Nian Bing. The tyrannical evil breath continued to flow in the direction of Nian Bing. The surging evil force stimulated Nian Bing's skin for a while, but he was no longer one. An ordinary magician, after his physical transformation, coupled with his own dark energy, this stimulation is not enough to pose a threat to him.

The distance of three feet quickly became two feet, and then changed from two feet to one foot. Under the persecution of evil breath, Nian Bing had closed his external breath, completely maintained by the innate breath.

Sina ’s body flashed seven times in a row, and the dark magic suddenly burst out, forcing the seven shadow puppets back at the same time, and her body flickered in an arc. The right hand with long nails had reached the front door of Nian Bing. At this moment, a circle of colorful halo burst out centered on Nian Bing, and Sina's original light body suddenly sank. She was shocked to find that her dark energy was weakened rapidly, and her body seemed to be frozen. A layer of viscous energy wrapped around it. At this time, the seven shadow puppets were killed at the same time. The seven shadow puppets suddenly rose to the strongest state in the increase of the sky eye field. The seven-handed magic knife was full of surging energy and speed. Suddenly doubled ~ ~ and Sina's speed has greatly diminished in shock. This is the lore that Nian Bing left her.

However, after all, Sina is an evil creature that has survived for thousands of years. The experience in actual combat is too rich. At the juncture of crisis, she can no longer care about saving her strength. The dark evil in her body suddenly burst out, and the red wings seemed to be Bleeding came in general, a layer of red blood mist sprayed out, and even wanted to directly use the energy of tyranny to trap Nian Bing's congenital field and completely open it.

The abnormal dominance of the blood gas not only doubled the effect of the Sky Eye Realm, but also blocked the shadow puppet ’s attack like a solid barrier, but her blockage only blocked six puppets including light and shadow puppets. The black figure flew into the air, ignoring the presence of blood, and struck the wings of Sina's body with lightning.

"Ah--" The dark breath in the severe pain blew out along the wound, as if to drain Sina's body, the vampire queen's body contracted instantly, and the original golden pupil suddenly returned to normal, frightened. Her touching face became a little distorted. She didn't know what happened, but the dark energy she had cultivated for thousands of years in her body was constantly absorbed. The knife behind it seemed to be a bottomless abyss, swallowing her body.

(To be continued) ()

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