Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 135: Tianyan Pofengshen (Part 1)

The seven shadow puppets quickly retreated to Nian Bing after sending out a blow. This time, they did not disappear after sending out the sky eyes. This is the progress of Nian Bing. He added immediately after the seven shadow puppets attacked. Seven congenital qis give them, and they control the absorption of the congenital qi around them by their own congenital qi. The speed at which a person absorbs the innate qi can never be higher than eight. Since he possessed the innate field, not only did he not slacken because of his strength, but he worked harder every day than before. He even put his favorite cooking skills aside and devoted himself to the practice of magic, every day In addition to the necessary things, he will divide the remaining time into 70% to practice magic power, 30% is used to practice various magical controls, simulate the attack and defense of the enemy in his mind, and then fight against his own imagination. The closer the strength is to the target ice goddess sacrifice, the harder he is. Qian Huan Bingyun said that his parents were not dead, and he wanted to rescue them. All he could rely on was himself. Everyone, who could fully believe, was only himself.

The magic elements of the Seven Series quickly formed a delicate balance under the ingenious control of the spiritual power emitted by the Tianyan Point. In this balance, the Seven Series Magic is completely in the form of mutual existence, and under the effect of mutual complementation, the magic power is instantly instantaneous. Released to the maximum, in the blink of an eye, he had come to the Fengshen summoned by Long Zhi.

The magic of the wind system is released to the strongest in an instant surging. The huge figure shoots a blue lightning at the spot, and suddenly slashes on the sky eye that reads ice, but the sky eye is strong, and it is a small field of sky eye itself. Although the volume is not large, the concentrated energy is extremely terrible. The speed of lightning is faster than that of Ning Bing. Therefore, he has no time to control Tianyan to avoid, but Tianyan's own arrogance is not this blue lightning. What can be destroyed.

Long Ling was waiting anxiously outside. Although this hall dedicated to testing the magician level had a strong magic seal for defense, she still clearly felt the surging magic element inside, just before she knew it. At the time of the treatment, a familiar call came suddenly from the bottom of my heart, "Ling'er, come back soon." The voice was chanting ice, and Long Ling didn't know why the voice of chanting ice appeared in his heart, but she used it to read the ice. Trust, without any hesitation, immediately ran to the distance.

Just when Long Ling ran out for more than ten feet, the magic seal of the entire test hall collapsed.

Boom--, a strong colorful brilliance rises around a blue light, and rushes directly above the nine days. The most strange thing is that the large clouds that were originally directly above the magician ’s union disappeared, making some dark sky. It turned into azure blue, and the sun shone on the earth, covering the entire magician union.

In a violent explosion, the entire magic hall disappeared in an instant, and the two spire buildings connected to the hall collapsed. When the turbulent dust contacted the colorful pillar of light, it also disappeared.

Long Ling unconsciously released a sixth-order magic scroll that was originally given to her by Nian Bing. She didn't struggle with the huge shock wave, and drifted away with the help of impulse. Even so, the huge oppression force almost suffocated her. The energy is too great, but fortunately this energy is completely upward, otherwise, it is not impossible to destroy the entire magician union.

The bizarre scene that suddenly appeared caught the attention of the entire city of Ice City. Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the Ice Moon Empire Magician's Union. They didn't hear the magician's union explain it the next day, explaining that this time The explosion was caused by a magic experiment. Of course, this explanation is far-fetched, but although the explanation is far-fetched, the huge energy is indeed real. Some interested people suddenly re-estimated the strength of the magician ’s union. The energy fluctuation is definitely the energy of the prohibition level. Seven magical elements were generated during the eruption, and they did not destroy the magician ’s union. This is by no means the effect that seven mages can produce. Everyone knows that the ice moon empire magician ’s union has only one magician. However, this sudden explosion, which can cause changes in the celestial phenomena, makes the magician's union more mysterious in people's hearts, especially with the recent representation of the ice moon empire magician's union in the Five Kingdoms New Magician Contest. The achievements will naturally make some people associate with them.

Everything became silent again. Dozens of magicians ran out of the surrounding buildings. The two buildings on both sides of the test hall were originally magic laboratories. Recently, due to the funding of the Ice Moon Empire, they are preparing to renovate. It was moved out, so although the explosion was violent, it did not cause any casualties or losses, and only these three buildings.

Nian Bing is still the same as before, with long white hair wafting gently on his shoulders, seven shadow puppets, each holding a magical blade in his hand, surrounded by him, covered by the field of heavenly eyes , These moving puppets can only see some vague phantoms.

Long Zhi also did not suffer any harm. He stood there and fixedly looked at the ice reading not far away in front of him. Everything around him disappeared, and even the ground beneath them turned into a powder, a huge magic energy. Flying apart in the ravages, the energy of the two groups of bursts exploded into a huge shock that exceeded the ban. Long Zhi was very clear that at the last moment, it was Nian Bing who changed the direction of the shock wave generated by the explosion with incredible magical power. An irreparable loss to the Wizards ’Union.

"Ah! Nian Bing, are you back?" As the senior elder of the trade union, Li Zhe suddenly looked surprised when he saw Nian Bing.

Nian Bing looked at the Mister Technetium Like who walked beside him and smiled slightly, saying, "Hello Teacher Litium, I just came back soon. The teacher wants to try my recent magic level, and the teacher said that because of our union The expansion of this test hall should also be rebuilt, and the trouble of dismantling is unavoidable. We will use the magic name to dismantle this place. Teacher, I am right. "

Long Zhi coughed, and with a constant sense of weakness, he walked to Nian Bing and nodded, saying, "It is indeed the case, Elder Lizhong, from now on, I will appoint Nian Bing as the vice president of the trade union. , His strength has reached the level of the magician, I think the post of vice president is very suitable for him, please prepare it, give him a new magic robe, and prepare the corresponding status badge. I am a little tired, Let's go to rest for a while. "After finishing, he walked through the center of Nianbing and Li-technetium, and headed towards the place where he rested. He didn't glance at Nian Bing or even say a word to Nian Bing, but Nian Bing knew that Long Zhi had approved his bet with him.

The fear in Long Zhi's heart has never been resolved. His comment on Nian Bing's strength is only four words, which is unfathomable. Earlier, when he used the fastest call of Fengshen to collide with the inconspicuous light ball emitted by Nian Bing, he immediately realized that the explosive force generated by the collision was beyond his control. It was a crisis. He even He did not hesitate to open a ninth-tier defensive magic scroll to protect his body. You know, the ninth order magic scroll is already a special magic scroll that can be seen on the market. Although the magic scroll is made of magic spar powder, the magic power it can withstand is limited in the end. Even if you have the strength, if you want to make a magic scroll above level nine, you need very special materials to make a white scroll. Few people know about the manufacturing process of this white scroll on the whole continent. The value of a ninth-order magic scroll is already equivalent to millions of gold coins.

However, when Long Zhi pulled the scroll to defend himself, he was surprised to find that Nian Bing emitted a strange light, which was a white light, but in the white light was mixed with some gray airflow, The light was instantly injected into the center of the explosion, and a weird pattern appeared on his forehead. Immediately afterwards, the pattern became shiny like the sun, and the huge explosive force that should have been diffused changed to diffuse after he injected this energy. The upsurge and the energy rose instantaneously, which saved the magician ’s union. However, when the huge explosive power was attracted to rise, Long Zhi was shocked to find that the huge explosive power actually sucked away most of his magic power. At this time, his strength is less than 30% of the peak state. Nian Bing looked as if nothing had happened. The magic used by Nian Bing was something he had never seen before, but he knew that the unfathomable strength of Nian Bing definitely reached the level of the Magister.

In fact, Nian Bing is not very good now. His sense of weakness is even stronger than that of Long Zhi. When the explosion is about to occur, he immediately feels that the surrounding seals cannot control this explosive force, and quickly makes the fastest response. Through a full understanding of the spiritual power and soul, he sent a call to the dragon spirit outside, and at the same time exerted the spiritual power to the maximum with the Tianyan acupoint, the explosion that gathered this group of forbidden levels rose into the sky, just when his spiritual power was almost When he was unable to support him, he was surprised to find that a strange energy came from his chest and merged into his own eyes, even accomplishing an impossible task. After all, he just entered the realm of the Magister shortly afterwards. Even if the strength of the fusion of magic is strong, the spiritual power is unreasonable. Nian Bing knew that it was Oscar that helped him this time. Oscar ’s weird energy seemed to be of great benefit to his body.

Including Long Zhi, at the moment of the explosion, no one found that when the mental force was under great pressure and the huge explosion shock wave, a layer of strange gray scales appeared on Nian Bing. When the explosion ended, the layer of gray The scales quietly disappeared.

Li Zhong looked at the departing Long Zhi in surprise, and looked back at Nian Bing, Magister. In just one year, Nian Bing had reached the level of a Magister. He had never heard of anyone in For Nian Bing to reach such a level, for him, all this is incredible, but by the way, all this is true.

"Nian Bing, what's wrong with your hair? How did it become white." Long Ling can't care about the result of the game anymore, and the changes in Nian Bing's appearance are her biggest concern. Perhaps, even the trade union elders such as Litium did not know what was going on, but she, who had also learned the curse of life, deeply understood where the current changes of Nian Bing came from, but the appearance of Nian Bing did not She became old, and even so, her heartbeat doubled.

Nian Bing pulled up Long Ling ’s little hand and smiled slightly, saying, “Relax, I ’m fine. It ’s just because of the breakthrough in the practice of magic that my hair became the way it is now. I was really embarrassed and disturbed everyone. Bing apologizes here, and everyone has seen my situation. In fact, age does not prevent us from becoming a powerful magician. All members, especially young people like me, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, Can become a magician with great strength, well, everyone is busy, I just came back, and I have to take a break. Teacher Li Tie, please make me a few new magic robe, also No special logo is needed, but the magic robe is made of gold, which is a memorial to my previous blond hair. "

Li Teng froze for a while and said, "Gold? Is this too arrogant?" You know, the color of the magic robe is divided into seven colors according to different magic systems, and the light magician is a white magic robe ~ ~ The space magician is a silver magic robe, the other lines are dark magician black, water, fire, earth, wind are blue, red, yellow, blue. As for the special natural magicians like the Langmu Empire, they wore green magic robes. Golden magic robes have never appeared on the mainland.

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "Are you arrogant? I don't think. I don't belong to any magician anymore. Don't you let me wear a colorful magic robe. It's gold." After he finished, he pulled He walked towards the outside of the crowd.

The eyes of the magicians looking at Bing Bing are different. The eyes of the older magicians are more worried in appreciation, while the eyes of the young magicians are already filled with fanaticism. They have all heard about the age of Nian Bing. At the age of twenty, a magician who was only twenty years old actually reached the level of a magister. In their hearts, the image of Nian Bing has become very tall.

Arrogant? All I want is arrogance. Nian Bing thought secretly. In this world, it is a world in which the strong survive. As long as you are strong enough, what if you are arrogant? I have been low-key, but now I will not continue. For Linger, I need fame, and this fame starts with the ice moon magician. I want everyone on the mainland to know the white hair gold clothes. The title of Ice Fire Magic Chef.

(To be continued) ()

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