Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 157: The real situation of parents (Part 1)

Looking at Bing Yun's bright red lips opening and closing, and then feeling the silky skin under the magic robe she was wearing, Nian Bing couldn't help but sway in his heart, he had even forgotten the plan to force Bing Yun this time. In such a warm atmosphere, the brother was constantly fed into Bingyun's mouth, watching her eat the food she made, and gradually developed a feeling of satisfaction. Moved her leaning shoulder, raised her left arm to hug her body, and made her sit more comfortably. After a while, a whole bear paw had already entered Bingyun's stomach, and reading Bing felt almost the same. This stopped feeding.

Bing Yun glanced at the other bear's paw, but she soon realized her relationship with Nian Bing. With the energy brought by the bear's paw, her physical strength had recovered and she struggled hard. a bit. Nian Bing wiped Bing Yun's mouth with her sleeve and helped her lie back on the bear skin. Sitting on the side, he ate the other bear's palm like a cloud. While eating, he secretly observed Bingyun, and Bingyun's gaze became dull again, without looking at him, just lying on the bear skin. Nian Bing found that he seemed to be nostalgic for the feeling when he held her earlier.

After eating the bear's paw, I read the ice and tidy up everything. This ice bear is enough for the two of them to eat for a month, sealed with ice magic, and not afraid of it spoiling. When everything was packed and he returned to the cave again, Bing Yun had closed his eyes, but no snoring was heard.

Nian Bing sat down near her, Bing Yun wrapped himself very tightly, he could only see the moving curve from outside the magic robe, remembering what he was like when he violated Bing Yun, his heart could not help but sway, Dao: "Bingyun, I know you are not asleep, so why not let's talk about it? Please believe, I really don't mean to hurt you, I just want to know the whereabouts of my parents."

Bing Yun opened his eyes fiercely, and Nian Bing saw the eyes full of resentment again, "No harm to me? Even if you killed me, I wouldn't hate you like now."

Nian Bing said in a dumbfounded way: "This, this, I did not restrain myself at the time, but at the last moment I could stop and have been fighting with myself for a long time. Fortunately, your innocence has not been broken. But there is no need to live with yourself! Maybe your master is already looking for you now, but I said that she could never find it here. "

Bing Yun looked at Nian Bing coldly, "From childhood to age, no man has touched me except my father. You have insulted me twice, and said that my innocence has not been broken."

Nian Bing smiled bitterly: "I have done everything, what do you want? Or should I let you touch it back?"

"You ..." Bing Yun shivered with anger, "You are despicable, you are shameless, you are nasty, now if you don't kill me, one day, I will make you worse than life."

Looking at Bing Yun's anger, a smile appeared on Nian Bing's face, "Okay! I'm waiting for that day to come. It seems that no matter what I say, you won't tell me where my parents are. Well, I won't force you, you can rest assured, I will never invade you again, we will consume it here, I have time, except for not being able to leave here, I will take care of your daily life, we are here Life has been better for a while. When you feel annoyed, just tell me what I want to know, and I will let you go immediately. As for how you want to retaliate, I wait. "

"Who wants to live with you here." Bing Yun didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly sat up from the bear's skin. He looked at Nian Bing beside him with a hate and waved his hand to his face.

Pa, Nian Bing had a clear handprint on his handsome face, and slapped him. Instead, Bing Yun froze himself, subconsciously said, "Why don't you hide?"

Nian Bing sighed softly and said, "I was wrong to offend you before, and it should be a slap in your hand. If you don't feel relieved, just hit it twice."

Bing Yun raised her hand again, but her hand didn't fall. "Huh, the beauty you want, I won't hit you. I will make you condemned by your heart."

Nian Bing smiled and said, "Do you think so? You also said, I am a mean, shameless, nasty villain. A villain will be ashamed of what he has done? Then you think of me too It's too pure. But, to be honest, Miss Bingyun, your figure is really good. "

"You ..." Bing Yun's raised hand finally waved down again, but this time, Nian Bing held his wrist. "I didn't hit it, but now I can't let it." Nian Bing sent Bing Yun back to the bear. On the skin, wrapped her delicate body with bear skin, Bingyun wanted to struggle, but listened to the ice road: "You better keep the current state and don't move, I am a normal man, you only wear me now A magic robe, which is completely vacuum inside. Outside, the animal blood boils again and again. I cannot guarantee that it will stop at the last minute. "

As soon as Nian Bing said this, Bing Yun immediately stopped struggling. While looking at him fiercely, he tightened the bear skin and only showed his head outside. "Nian Bing, please be careful, maybe you are cooking. I will throw a blade into it when it is so that the intestines you eat are rotten. "

Nian Bing smiled and said, "I know what you have. I can't use magic now. Where can I find the blade? And, even if I really eat the blade, I'm afraid I won't die."

Bing Yun closed her eyes altogether. She knew she could not say too much about what she could say. She only found her own anger and closed her eyes. She kept condensing her lost spiritual power and looking for ways to connect with magic power. Only by restoring strength can it escape from here.

Seeing that Bing Yun no longer ignored himself, Nian Bing turned around and walked out. He did not lie to Bing Yun. If you look at her touching body a few more times, I am afraid that Ning Bing will really be unable to hold it.

As soon as Nian Bing walked out of the inner hole, Bing Yun broke her eyes. She used her fastest way to find a small tube made of white jade, about three inches from her hair, and gently blow it on the side of her mouth. stand up. There was no sound, but there was a layer of luster on the little tube. The hatred in Bingyun's eyes was strong. She seemed to have seen Nian Bing die in front of her.

Nian Bing and Bing Yun were so consumed. In addition to limiting the magic power and freedom of Bing Yun, Nian Bing took care of her very carefully. She made a variety of delicious food for her every day. The cave has been covered with fur of various animals, coupled with the constant burning of magical flames, the ice cloud will not feel cold at all. Nian Bing knew that she liked cleanliness, and even used wind magic to dig a pit half deep in the cave, and then made hot water to bathe her with two kinds of magic, ice and fire. From that day on, Bing Yun seldom talked to Nian Bing, and when the food was ready, she ate, and she took a bath after the hot water was done. I will ask Bing Yun about his parents once, and Bing Yun ignores them. Both of them are waiting, but the things they are waiting for are different. The ten days soon passed. Whenever Nian Bing is cooking, Bing Yun will actively follow him, throwing some stones or something into the pot while Nian Bing is not paying attention, but unfortunately, he is noticed every time, Nian Bing did not blame her, but just made it again, still satisfying her. Eating the best food every day, compared with when I first arrived here, Bingyun's fair skin became more radiant, and the originally thin and delicate body also appeared plump and looked more touching.

"Bingyun, I'm back." The voice of Nianbing came from outside. Bingyun, who was meditating cross-legged, opened his eyes and watched the tall figure of Nianbing appear at the entrance of the cave. She tried the magic spell of dark magic for not knowing how many times. Every time she broke through a layer of prohibition, she would be immediately noticed by Nian Bing, and put the prohibition again in her body.

Nian Bing put aside his hand and smiled: "Look, this is what I found in a valley not far away, there is a small basin, the temperature is much higher than here, there are still plants growing, Do you know this kind of fruit? Can you eat it? "As he said, he pointed to what he got back.

Bing Yun glanced at them and found that they were purple fruits, and the longan-sized fruits exuded a slight fragrance, and each was crystal clear like gems. She shook her head and said, "This is the first time I have seen this kind of fruit. It's enough to eat. It's a big deal. We will all die together." Her voice is no longer so cold. Although she is still hostile to Nian Bing, she has gradually adapted. Life like this. One thing is wrong to judge Nian Bing. Bing Yun is not afraid of loneliness. When practicing in the Ice God Tower, it was much colder than here. I only eat a little dry food every day. How can I taste the top food made by Nian Bing? What's more, although she hates Nian Bing, but Nian Bing talks to her every day, she doesn't feel lonely at all. Apart from losing her freedom and being unable to control her magic, life here is much more comfortable than Bing Shen Pagoda, and Nian Bing Since that day, I haven't even touched her once, even though my hatred is still in my heart, it is not so strong.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Forget it, let's not eat anymore, I can't bear to die, Bingyun, even if you don't tell me something in the Ice God Tower, then tell me, is my parents really not dead? ? "

Looking at Nian Bing's expectant look, Bing Yun's heart softened, without a word, but nodded gently. Nian Bing rejoiced, "Really, that's great, they didn't die, they didn't die." He jumped up excitedly, but he forgot that the cave was only two meters high when he was digging, slammed, and suddenly hit his head. At the top of the cave, although his body explained very well, he still ran into a dizzy head, screamed and fell to the ground, covering his head and screaming in pain.

Silver bell-like laughter sounded, looking at Nian Bing's embarrassed appearance Bing Yun laughed heartily, Nian Bing looked up to her, the smiling Bing Yun was so beautiful, the beauty was suffocating, his His eyes were completely dull, "Bing Yun, you smile so beautifully, why do you keep your face flat?"

Bing Yunlen paused, his smile converged, and he sneered, saying, "As long as you are out of luck, of course I am happy, why should I laugh for you."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and sat up, saying, "Okay, don't laugh if you don't laugh, but thank you for telling my parents anyway. I'll make more dishes for you when we add meals today. Thank you. "He said, he turned and walked outside.

Looking at the figure of Nian Bing leaving, Bing Yun's eyes gradually became colder and turned to the purple fruits on the ground. Is that really poison? The master once said that the more poisonous things are, the brighter the colors are. This fruit looks so beautiful, and it is likely to be highly toxic. But, do you want to poison him? Bing Yun's inner battle was fierce, and the various benefits for Nian Bing in the past ten days have continued to appear in front of her. However, his almost violent situation also made her hateful. That's it, don't you hate him anymore? No, this is by no means possible, but why do you feel missing in your heart when you can't see him every day? No, it's impossible, how could I like this mean guy. Her heart was disturbed, so fierce, she grabbed the fruit that Nianbing got back ~ ~ grabbed a hand and murmured to herself, "Master, Yun'er's body" It ’s not clean anymore, Yuner ’s heart is messed up, and it ’s not that pure again, Master! Yuner, sorry for your teaching, if this is really poison, let me die with that bastard. I ca n’t forgive him, but if Go on like this, maybe, maybe I will really hate him no more. Let God decide everything, and hope this will be a break. "Thinking of this, she stood up and walked out.

Nianbing's hands constantly evolved into various lights, and the prepared food materials gradually became the best food under the magic of his hands. He got the news that his parents were not dead. The excitement that Nianbing couldn't express in his heart. Today's cooking is more than usual. He had to work harder. When Bingyun came out, he had already prepared two simple and complicated dishes.

"Bing Yun, you came just right. Help me look at the soup pot. Stir it with this spoon. I go out and get some frozen meat in. I will eat it later." He said, he turned and walked out of the cave.

Holding a spoon that still has Nian Bing's body temperature, Bing Yun's eyes were a bit dull. Nian Bing's handsome look was full of sunshine in excitement. Looking at the hot soup pot, her heart suddenly hurt and hurt, but However, she still threw those purple fruits into the soup without hesitation. At the same time, she also put a few fruits into her mouth.

(To be continued) ()

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