Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 163: Resurrection 8226; Zombie King Nian Bing (Part 1)

Nian Bing's turbid dark red eyes glowed brightly, his body tremored a little, and he gradually recovered his calm. The dark red eyes also became a little more energetic. For him, from entering death to awakening Coming over, just after a short moment, looking at the dark dragon king Kateosis in front of him, he couldn't help but said in amazement: "Am I not dead?"

Casting zombie is not a burden for Kadeosis. After all, he is the most powerful dark dragon king among the seven dragons. However, there are two situations in zombie cast. The common one is that the caster completely controls the zombie and makes him For your own use. This method is more conventional in zombie surgery, and the other is to directly restore the soul of the zombie body, including memory. In this case, although the dark energy consumed is the same, it takes up to five times more mental power. Katiesis chose the second nature, so he would call Ice the king of zombies. At the time, after casting this magic, his face looked pale, apparently the result of excessive mental energy, and sighed, Xiang Nianbing said: "Although you are not dead yet, it is almost the same."

Nian froze for a moment before he discovered his changes. He clearly felt that his body was full of power, more powerful than before, but Oscar ’s soul seemed to have disappeared, and he no longer had a breath of life. , All the functions of the body have completely stopped, the heart no longer beats, the meridians and internal organs have completely fallen into stagnation, and the strong breath of death has filled his heart with anger. If it is not the huge mental strength, I am afraid he ca n’t help it anymore. Want to kill. The only thing that makes Nian Bing feel okay is that the humanoid figure formed by the condensed mental power in his own eyes is still there, but now it has changed into seven colors, exuding a faint colorful light, making his spiritual power seem It became more powerful than before.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" Nian Bing said in a daze.

Galamandis said angrily: "What's wrong, you are too arrogant, even using the curse of life, don't you know what consequences this will cause to yourself?"

Nian Bing sighed and said, "Brother, I don't want to do this, but I didn't have a choice at all. At the time, if I didn't use the light-reducing technique, I'm afraid Bing Yun would be finished. Ah! By the way, Bing Yun What about Feng Nu and my godmother? How are they? "

Galamandis said: "They are all very well, read ice, hurry up and see our dragon patriarch Dragon God Lord." Then, he made a look at Nian Bing.

At this time, Nian Bing only saw the golden red light of the side full of majesty, and quickly bowed respectfully, saying: "Nian Bing has seen Lord Dragon God, you must have saved me."

A soft energy lifted Nian Bing's body, "You don't have to thank me, Galamandis said it well, you're so foolish. You haven't succeeded in resurrection now, but a zombie in Kadeosis The consciousness was restored during the operation, but now you are no longer a human being. If you can't regain vitality, then you will always be a zombie. "

Nian Bing smiled slightly, because he was already a zombie, and the smile on his face was a bit evil. “It ’s lucky for me to regain consciousness. Zombies are zombies. At least, so I still see my parents. Possibly, it is much stronger than real death. "

Katiesis frowned: "You are thinking about it, but how can we make you like this? Lord Dragon God has decided to take you to the mainland of God for treatment, where you are only possible Really restore the original appearance. "

Red light flashed in Nian Bing's eyes, and excitedly said, "Me, can I return to my original state? I ..."

The Dragon God sighed and said: "There is nothing impossible in the world, but it is not so simple to restore vitality and return to humanity. You will face countless difficult tests that I can provide you. It ’s just an opportunity, and it ’s up to you if you can seize it. "

Nian Bing respectfully bowed to the Dragon God, "Thank you, Lord Dragon God, Nian Bing has nothing to do. If I can really return to the original state, I would like to give everything to the Dragon Clan."

The voice of the Dragon God has been much kinder, "Good boy, you have sacrificed yourself to become the love of others. It is something that I rarely see in human beings. You have great gratitude to our dragon family, and I will do my best to save you. The consciousness is across the continent, and I ca n’t hold on for too long. Your friends seem to be outside. You can say goodbye to them. I ’m waiting for you here. The time cannot be estimated. ”

Nian Bing was slightly stunned and turned to look at Galamandis. Galamandis nodded to him and said, "Phoenix, Bingyun and Dragon Spirit are all outside. You can see them. Hey- — ”

Long Ling was awake just after the seven dragon kings entered the cave. When she found herself in a strange place, she couldn't help but startled. Her body was very comfortable under the transformation of angel tears, and her skin became more radiant and purple. The long hair sagged quietly like filaments drawn from crystal, and her beautiful eyes became very clear. She clearly felt that there were countless magical elements around her body jumping around herself, "Ah! Where am I." Dragon The spirit slowly sat up, and the world around him became so clear that she could see even the dust floating in the breeze, and the strange feeling spread all over her body.

"We are in Hanling, Ling'er." Xue Jing helped Long Ling stand up, and when Long Ling saw her, she was very calm in her heart. She and Xue Jing were good friends since childhood. Immediately afterwards, she saw a phoenix girl with blue hair and blue morning hair with long dark green hair. Before waiting for her question, the phoenix girl had explained to her everything that had happened before.

Compared with Feng Nu and Bing Yun, Long Ling is obviously much more vulnerable. When she learned that her current change turned out to be the tears of an angel called by Bing Bing at the cost of her life, her crying body shivered, if not Xue Jing was holding her, lest she would have fallen to the ground. Long Ling's hands and feet were cold, and her big eyes were filled with sadness. She couldn't think of it. When the dreamed future was about to be realized, such a change would happen. Nianbing, are you really dead? Don't you want it?

"I'm sorry," Lan Chen said sadly: "It's because of my relationship that Nian Bing has become what he is now."

Long Ling shook his head and choked: "Although I haven't really been with Nian Bing for a long time, but I can feel the burning heart he was lurking under the cold, he must be really in love It's up to you. He can be crueler than anyone to treat enemies, but he is kinder than anyone to friends and lovers. Even if you let him choose again, he will do the same. How can you blame you? Thank you for bringing me here. Dad ’s wish has been fulfilled. I want to guard beside Nian Bing like you, whether it is life or death, is it okay? "

The Phoenix Girl gently embraced Long Ling into her arms and gently stroked her purple long hair, "Ling Er, don't cry, since he is our only one, let's wait for him together. I believe, he He must be reluctant to die, even for our sake, right? "

"Yes. For my beloved wives, how can I be willing to die?" The playful voice sounded, and a gray figure full of death slowly came out of the cave.

As soon as Lan Chen felt the breath of death, he subconsciously condensed magic power, but when he saw a smile of Nian Bing, her expression froze. Nian Bing wore a golden magic robe temporarily covering his body. Although his hair color changed again, the color of his skin also changed, and even the breath on his body was no longer as sunny as before, but he changed In the red eyes, the three women's unusually familiar eyes appeared.

"Nian Bing." The coldness of Lan Chen's appearance collapsed almost instantaneously, and she rushed towards Nian Bing at the fastest speed she could reach, but she fell empty. The gray shadow flashed, and Nian Bing instantly moved three feet, allowing Lan Chen to move into his arms. Lan Chen stumbled. If it weren't for her ice phoenix wings had awakened, I'm afraid she would fall.

Feng Nu and Long Ling also saw Nian Bing, Long Ling's crying stopped, and Feng Nian's eyes were dull. In their eyes, although Nian Bing's appearance changed at this time, their hearts were shaking.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Don't touch me, I have strong corpse poison, it won't be easy to deal with you." Why doesn't he want to embrace his beloved three daughters in his arms! However, he can't now. Katiesis has warned him before leaving the cave, because he has become a zombie and is the most powerful king of zombies. His body is full of toxins. When he walked to the cave, he did not come out immediately, and was about to face the three daughters. He was still hesitant, but when he saw the sad crying face of Long Ling and heard the voices of Feng Nu and Lan Chen, he could no longer restrain him. Taking care of the feelings in his heart, he deliberately relaxed himself. He wanted his woman to be happy instead of crying sadly.

"Bad poison, what happened to Nian Bing?" Feng Nu asked eagerly. The three daughters and six eyes focused on him like hot flames.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "It's okay, because my vitality has been lost, so Kateossis helped me resurrect with the method of zombie. Now I am no longer a human, but a zombie." He said, lifting himself His hands, showing the dark red nails in front of the three women.

Lan Chen bit his lower lip and said, "Nian Bing, whether you are a human or a zombie, I will stay with you. Would you like me?"

Feng Nu smiled slightly and took Long Ling together to Nian Bing, saying, "Whether he wants it or not, we will not leave him, will we?"

Nian Bing's eyes showed strong emotions, and his dark red eyes suffocated, "Feng Nu, Linger, don't you blame me?"

Feng Nu said softly: "You only changed this way to save Chenchen. Why do we blame you? Your angel's tears have told us everything, and your feelings have never betrayed us."

Nian Bing looked at his hand, feeling the strong breath of death on his body, and smiled bitterly: "But can I still be happy for you like this?"

There was a soft light in Long Ling's eyes, "Happiness is a feeling, everyone treats happiness differently. For me, as long as you can be by my side, it is happiness."

The three girls looked at each other, and there was no longer any gap in their hearts. Six almost identical eyes fell on Nian Bing. Nian Bing shouted in the sky, and the whole body was stunned with death. Written, "Okay, okay, for your happiness, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely return to the original chanting ice. Waiting for me, I will come back." After he finished, he did not stay any longer, feet on the ground , Lightning back into the cave.

The three Feng girls were about to chase, but they were stopped by Galamandis who came out with Nian Bing. "Let him go. He must go to another place for his true resurrection. For your future, now only Wait. Maybe this time will be very long, but Nian Bing has already promised you, trust him. "

Waiting is painful, but the three female Feng nodded without hesitation. They didn't even ask how long this waiting time was. At this time, they only had the promise of Ning Bing in their hearts.

Galamandis smiled slightly and said, "Nian Bing is like a cockroach. As long as his will is still there, miracles can happen at any time. Since you want to wait for him, stay here first. Your heavenly eyes I just opened it, and it takes a long time to cultivate to enhance my cultivation as ~ Maybe, cultivation is the best way to make time short. "

Lan Chen nodded and said, "We will stay here waiting for him, sister, I think we should do something for Nian Bing."

Although Feng Nu had just met Lan Chen, she immediately understood the meaning of her words, "Chen Chen, can you face it? She is your master after all."

Lan Chen's eyes gleamed, "I said that when I left that cave, the ice cloud was dead, and now I only live with Lan Chen, and Lan Chen's life is half of the ice."

Long Lingdao said: "Two sisters, what are you talking about, how can I not understand."

Feng Nu lowered her voice and said something in Long Ling's ear. After listening to her, Long Ling's eyes showed unprecedented firmness. "Then I will go too. This is something we should do together."

Feng Nu took the hands of Lan Chen and Long Ling respectively and said, "Perhaps, we can help him fulfill this greatest wish before he returns. For his wish, we have to work hard."

(To be continued) ()

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