Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 164: Crazy 8226; Cultivation in magic teleportation ...

"True God? What is the true God?" Nian Bing asked curiously.

The Dragon God hesitated and said, "This matter should not have been told to you, but you have great favors for our Dragon Clan. I also believe that your character will not be casually talked about. You must remember, no matter where, Do n’t just tell what I ’m telling you today. The so-called true gods are humans who originally lived on the continent of God. Of course, I ca n’t be sure that they are humans. The gods on the continent of God are actually the kingdoms that have forgotten before. The strong men of the past, and their descendants combined with humans by virtue of their powerful divine power. Before the humans entered the land of the gods, there were some races on the land of the gods themselves. Warcraft will not mention it. In these races, The most powerful one is the true god. As far as I know, there are four true gods on the continent of the gods. They are all powerful and powerful creatures. I even suspect that the bad weather on the continent is the four of them. The strength of these four true gods can only be described in horror. I have personally seen a true **** release a super forbidden curse that reaches the fifteenth level. In the battle of the relics, the failure was originally the gods of the continent of the gods, but they reasoned that the continent of the gods was about to be engulfed by the forgotten kingdom. Under the hobby, three of them finally agreed to shoot. The 17th-order ban spell, most of their mana was issued by them, and the main gods are just the introduction of the beginning of the ban. Since then, the four true gods It never appeared again. But their powerful strength left a deep impression on every **** and man. Even the seals on the seven Moodus Seal bottles came from them. After the war of gods, The four true gods simultaneously issued a warning not to allow anyone on the continent of God to go to the Yangon continent. Their warning on the continent of God was absolutely divine, and no one dared to violate it. Therefore, even if they starved to death because of lack of food, Some people will dare to go to the Yangon mainland. Only the seven dragon kings who were left behind guard the bottle of the Moodus seal. Therefore, the Yangon mainland has been able to remain calm until now.

Nian Bing nodded and said, "That's the way it is. Then, these four true gods are still far-sighted."

Long Shendao: "No one knows the ideas of the four true gods, and their relationship is not close, but there has never been a fight. At least on the surface, they are all people with extremely indifferent surnames. , I do n’t care about the world at all. This time, I ’m going to take you to find one of the four true gods, and only the power of the true **** can make you regain your life. ”Speaking of which, the voice of the dragon **** There was even a hint of fear in Zhong. Obviously, he was not very willing to see this true god.

Nian Bing lightly said, "Did you just say that the four true gods have lost their tracks?"

Dragon God Road: "As early as many years ago, when I had just succeeded to the position of Dragon God, I had dealt with a true god. His temper was very weird, because I accidentally helped him a little favor, so he gave me A way to find him, saying that he can go to him if he has something, but it doesn't necessarily help me. It depends on how easy things are, and the people who help him must pay a certain price. So, I can find True God is possible. But I have never used this method for tens of thousands of years. You have great gratitude to our Dragon Clan. If it is not you, I am afraid that the Dragon Clan will soon have no one, so I decided to use this method to help you, As for whether I can succeed, I do n’t know at all. How difficult the true God ’s test is, I ca n’t imagine it, so now you only have to improve your abilities as much as possible, and you only have the strength when facing the test. You understand Do I mean? "

Nian Bing nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, Lord Dragon God, I will work hard." After listening to the words of Dragon God, Nian Bing had a new understanding of the continent of God, the true god, what is the so-called true god? What does it look like? On the mainland of Yangon, the goddess of ice and snow became the first person in the world by virtue of the ability to launch the twelfth order of the **** drop. The super forbidden order of the seventeenth order can make a huge continent completely disappear. What is that Such energy! It is also a good thing to have the opportunity to meet the true God.

There is no fear in Nian Bing's heart. He was a dead person. There is nothing terrible. He has a lot of interest in the true God said in the mouth of Dragon God. While thinking about the words of Dragon God, he quickly recovered his mental strength. .

With the help of the magical six-mans—Xuanji sword, Nian Bing can restoring spiritual power with confidence, and with the guidance of the Dragon God, he is not afraid of getting lost in this space tunnel. As soon as his mental strength had returned to its full state, without any hesitation, he immediately put away the Xuanji knife and began another process of exercising mental energy.

The energy of space is still so violent, but Nian Bing vaguely feels that his mental strength has increased significantly, and the seven-colored light on the spiritual body in the Tianyan Point has become more dazzling. Every flicker will resolve the energy of space. attack. So back and forth, Nian Bing's second support time is a third longer than the first time.

Under the severe painful temper, Nian Bing's already good mind became more firm. The firm mind made his control of mental power more and more refined, often using the least mental power to achieve the strongest effect. Under the constant progress and refinement of his mental strength, each time from the impending collapse to complete recovery becomes shorter and shorter, while the time to resist the chaotic energy in the space tunnel becomes longer and longer. Under such changes The spiritual power of Nian Bing is growing invisibly. The originally very small spiritual body has gradually grown to two inches, which is flooded in Nian Bing's eyebrows. As his strength increased, Nian Bing discovered a very wonderful thing through his own eyes. He found that when he looked at the outside through the eye of heaven, he could clearly distinguish every change of the energy element in this distorted space. From the beginning, he could only judge the general change to the end, and he could see all the details. His mental power had been improved. To another realm. What surprises Nian Bing more is that he discovered that the reason why his spiritual body becomes colorful is not because of the change of mental power, but because, after losing his vitality, the magic power follows the soul at the same time. Entered his own spiritual realm, and merged with the spiritual body in Tianyan. Although these magical powers cannot be applied, they are constantly increasing while exercising the spiritual body. This discovery suddenly Ling Nianbing hoped greatly in his heart. Although he did n’t know if he could regain control of these magical powers to restore them to his lower abdomen, he felt that these magical powers did not abandon him once the vitality was restored. Even if the magic power cannot be restored to its original position, it should be able to use these magic powers to activate magic based on the current situation.

Time is often the fastest in cultivation. When Nianbing recovered from the collapse of mental power for the last time, the fourteenth-order space teleportation magic was not enough to threaten his body. Regarding his body, no matter how the surrounding space energy impinges on him, Ningbing can react one step earlier. With the impact of mental power, the weakest part of the turbulence in the space is directly broken, making it impact on My body is greatly weakened. Although this will also weaken the mental strength of Nian Bing, the speed of weakening has been greatly reduced. In this case, he can support it for a much longer time.

"I didn't expect your progress to be so fast. It seems that although you are only 20 years old, in your 20 years, cultivation is very hard, plus some opportunities and innate talents. Now the achievement has been achieved. "The Dragon God's voice finally sounded again, and Nian Bing could feel the fatigue in his consciousness. Familiar with this space teleporter, he can clearly know the direction of this magic teleport. Even without the guidance of the Dragon God, he knows that he should move in that direction.

"Senior Dragon God, how long can we reach the land of God?"

Dragon God Road: "You are about to arrive. You are ready to take out the Xuanji knife. When the energy of the magic circle passes through the guardianship of the continent of God, there will be drastic changes. At that time, the spatial energy mutation may be you. Unbearable. Be prepared. The energy shock is coming. "

Nian Bing agreed, but he did not immediately take out the Xuanji knife. Since his practice these days, his spiritual progress has been almost clearly felt. He has realized by himself the method of attacking with mental power, even if it is the real spiritual magic of the white people. I'm afraid it won't be much better than himself. Full confidence makes him hope to get a stronger experience. Because of the improvement of his spiritual power, the energy of this space to transmit the magic array is no longer enough to pose a threat. Even because of the spiritual condensate, even now the pain is no longer generated, which makes him have a bold idea. With his own spiritual power, he will get better exercise in the upcoming explosion of space energy.

The light in the eyes was shining, and Nian Bing carefully collected the mental power around his body. The mental body in the eye socket at the eyebrow trembles violently. Every tremor will release a lot of mental power, but these mental powers are not released , Under the skilled control of Nian Bing, waiting for the moment that is about to erupt.

Just when Nian Bing was just getting ready, the change occurred, and the entire space seemed to collapse in an instant. The original endless silver space suddenly became smaller and became a circular channel. The huge pressure caused the original space. The energy rolled up crazily, and every time he touched Nian Bing's body, he felt his mental strength as if it was hit by the most massive energy when the volcano erupted. His body was like a leaf in this extremely huge energy Floating like a boat.

The pain more intense than just entering the space to send the magic array attacked the spirit and soul of Nian Bing, but he did not give up. His body was sprayed with colorful flames, and every time it was sprayed, it was a process of giving full force to the spirit. Completely relying on mental power to impact your own space energy. His body moistened with dragon spirit and zombie unavoidably shook violently under the impact of space energy, and a series of fine wounds were scattered in every corner of the skin. Nian Bing felt that he seemed to be destroyed by this space at any time.

Spirituality played a role in determining the surname at this moment. Each burst of Nianbing would dim the villain in Tianyan's eyes, but he did not dare to stop his resistance. Even under the great pressure of the outside world, even He can't do it now if he wants to take out the Xuanji knife. Once his mental power is dispersed, his body will be destroyed first.

The silver space channel gradually emits a layer of red light with the bursts of space. The body of Nian Bing is completely solidified in a flash, and a layer of gray breath erupts in the pores of the whole body. The contained death energy exploded on its own ~ ~ Nian Bing only felt that his body seemed to be completely twisted. The spiritual body that was originally two inches long was pressed into a colorful light ball in a moment, which is larger than the previous one. The foot is twice as small, and under the intense tingling, Tianyan's acupuncture points are constantly twitching, and every time it contracts and releases, it will spray a thin layer of surging mental power.

The situation of Nian Bing naturally saw Dragon God. Of course, he would n’t think Nian Bing had the time to take out the Xuanji knife. He secretly sighed in his heart. This kid ’s courage is also too big, but his consciousness is now completely used for space transmission. The enchantment between the magic circle and the continent of God can't divide the energy to help Nian Bing overcome the difficulty.

The broken sound clearly sounded in the mind of Nian Bing. The brain was completely in a blank. At this moment, he no longer felt the intense pain, the distortion of the body stopped, and the mental power in the Tianyan hole was huge in the external space. Stimulated by pressure, it finally collapsed. The solidified mental power erupted like a tide. The huge energy of the torn and torn space was even stretched out to a range of three feet in diameter. The body that reads ice starts from red, passes through blue and blue. A total of seven colors of light shining, yellow, silver, white and black, each time shining, the ice can clearly feel the existence of magical elements. After the mental power is completely broken, it instantly merges with the magical power, and the strange feeling spreads all over the body. At that moment, the surrounding space suddenly calmed down, and all the violent things disappeared.

(To be continued) ()

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