Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 173: Dark Heavenly Fragrance (Part 1)

At first glance, she seems to be a girl of 18 or 9 years old, but when you look closely, she is a bit like a young woman of 27 or 8 years old. All the advantages that can appear in women are completely in front of them. The beauty of the hair does not need to use any ability, she itself is a source of charm.

When Nian Bing's eyes were opposite to her black eyes, Nian Bing suddenly fell into a short blank space in his mind. Immediately afterwards, he heard a violent explosion, but when he recovered, he found himself still Standing in place, and the starlight in his own eye socket was spinning at an unrecognizable speed. Layers of colorful light continuously sprayed from the sky eye socket, and automatically condensed into a wall of light before Nian Bing. Nian Bing closed his eyes subconsciously, and only observed everything from the outside through the eyes of the sky.

Dark Tianxiang's voice was a little surprised, "Human, you really surprised me. Since I came here, in addition to those four guys, you are the first person who can struggle out of my spiritual space. Even None of my magic eyes can cause your spirit to fall, I am afraid that these so-called gods ca n’t do it either. I do n’t know, when this master continent came up with a master like you . "

Dark Tianxiang seems to applaud Nian Bing's heart. If he is still human, he might be soaked in cold sweat. At that moment, under the attack of the so-called magic eye, he has almost lost his guard The automatically initiated defense only forced him back from the brink of collapse.

"Dark Tianxiang, you don't have to ask me where I came from. I don't mean to be against you here. I just want to get something from you. Once I get what I want, I will leave immediately." Speaking of this sentence, even Nian Bing felt a little ridiculous himself, but his mental strength had just been violently stimulated, and his consciousness was not completely awake yet.

Dark Sky Xiang smiled, "Okay! I didn't object to you to get it, did I? I let you jump from the beginning, but you dare not. Oh, yes, I have a question to ask you, How do you know that I'm hiding in Bleach Falls? It is said that your strength should not be able to discover my existence. My spiritual realm is completely released. No matter where you are around Blind Falls, you will feel the spirit. It came from all directions. "

Nian Bing smiled indifferently and said, "Maybe it's because you have too much confidence in yourself, yes, I can't feel your mental strength originally, but, just when you strengthen your tone, repeat the words" jump " At that time, there was a slight flaw in your mental power. I was discovered by my mental power, and some simple guesses only found your position. "

The dark and fragrant face reveals a trace of anger, but even if it is irritated, her appearance is still so touching, but unfortunately, under the observation of Nian Bing's deliberate use of the eye of the sky, she can't see her touching appearance, only Seeing her energy body shape surrounded by gray and black.

Dark Tianxiang's energy is very strange. She can't even feel the dark breath or death breath when reading ice from her. She standing there is just like an ordinary person, and the energy in her body is very stable, and she seems to have no ability. However, Nian Bing is very aware of the power of Dark Tianxiang, and he can even guess that what he sees with Tianyan's eyes are all dark Tianxiang's mental disguise that he wants to see. Her mental strength will only be above herself. In addition to the unfathomable strength of Kaona, the **** of life that I have ever seen, Dark Tianxiang is the strongest person Nian Bing has seen.

"It turned out to be this way. It seems that my spiritual power has not yet reached the level of harmony. Humans, do you think I am beautiful?" Her voice seemed a bit quiet, but surprisingly, there was no spirit added to this time. Force attack.

Nian Bing said indifferently: "You are beautiful, you can say that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but you are not human after all."

Dark Tianxiang smiled slightly and said, "How can you be sure that I am not a human being? Is it possible for Warcraft to change sincerity when it reaches a certain level, but can it not be changed into Warcraft after being cultivated to a certain level? It seems that there is no such reason. . "

Nian Bing stepped forward slowly, closing his eyes quietly to the dark sky, "These are your own things, and they have nothing to do with me. Didn't you just say let me jump down? Okay, then I will Jump, you can let go. "

Dark sky fragrant, said: "Do you really want to jump?"

Nian Bing asked back: "Isn't this what you want?"

Dark Tianxiang nodded and said, "Well, you jump." With a strange smile, her body floated up without any weight, giving way to the road ahead.

Nian Bing still closed his eyes and walked forward step by step. When he came to the edge of the cliff, he stopped. There was a roar of the death waterfall falling into the lake at his feet. The release could not keep up with the speed of consumption. Fortunately, the dark Tianxiang did not attack him, otherwise, Nian Bing really did not know whether he could persevere.

"Jump! Don't you want to jump? Are you afraid now?" Dark Tianxiang's playful voice sounded.

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "Of course, I certainly want to jump, but before that, I want to ask you something."

The dark sky was fragrant and said, "You ask, but I may not answer you."

Nian Bing suddenly opened her eyes and looked directly at the dark sky from the front, her tone suddenly became much lower, "What is your relationship with Kao, the **** of life?"

As soon as this remark came out, the dark Tianxiang floating in the air stayed a bit, and the light in his eyes suddenly became hazy. At this moment, the light in the eye of Tian Nianbing was gleaming, and the colorful light condensed into a thin needle, and it was lightning towards the darkness. Tian Xiang's eyebrow pierced. Nian Bing flew down, drawing an arc in the air, and suddenly rushed towards the Death Waterfall.

Dark Tianxiang's gaffe only lasted for a moment, but this moment can accomplish a lot of things for Nianbing. The spiritual puncture made Dark Tianxiang scream, a layer of multicolored light radiated from his body, and his body rolled several times in the air. Only barely stabilized. Under the spiritual traction, the thought of flying to the waterfall is even more unbearable than her. The gray breath of death in the whole body is screaming, and the body screams violently, and the body is still rushing towards the waterfall of death.

Nian Bing had already counted everything very clearly before the action. Of course, he couldn't figure out what the dark Tianxiang wanted to do, but he understood that no matter what, he must jump down, and only then would it be possible to get Cao. Let the fruits you get, the three fruits, are probably the Tianxiang fruits that the dark Tianxiang said. Therefore, he first stimulated the dark heavenly incense with words. When the dark heavenly incense gave way, he quickly approached the top of the Death God waterfall and took advantage of the moment when the dark heavenly incense was stimulated by his own words and launched the strongest mental attack. While attacking, he also calculated that he would suffer unclear harm. The body of a zombie will naturally not bleed when it is injured. The biggest damage to the zombie is the release of the breath of death, and the waterfall of death is composed entirely of pure breath of death. When it releases the breath of death itself, it is more likely to not be killed. In case of injury, rush into the waterfall. Even taking into account the situation when he was injured, such a short period of time is already the limit of what Nian Bing can do.

Seeing that Nian Bing's body was about to rush into the waterfall, the dark, fragrant black eyes that had just stabilized his body showed a hint of sorrow and ridicule.

Boom --- When the body of Nian Bing penetrated into the waterfall, he suddenly found that everything in front of him had changed. The waterfall was no longer a waterfall, but a dark green mountain. The breath of death around him instantly rose and changed himself. The breath of death on the body completely eroded, and at the same time wrapped around his body, pulled by a huge force, and fell into the lake water below.

At this moment, Nian Bing truly understood that the waterfall of death that I had been feeling with my spiritual strength turned out to be an illusion, an illusion created by dark Tianxiang with my mental strength. At this moment, Nian Bing's eyes seemed to open up Opening the door, he suddenly discovered that the original mental power could still be used in this way. It's a pity that reality doesn't allow him to do more associations and comprehensions. The cruel facts bring his body to the green lake water full of powerful death.

With a thump, Nian Bing's body splashed a large splash of water on the lake surface, with almost no pause, his body was completely swallowed by the lake water.

Dark Tianxiang floated in the sinking position of Nianbing and quietly watched the ripples gradually disappear. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Why would he ask me what I have with Cao What about the relationship? Does he know any secrets? No, this is never possible. How can Cao let a human being know her secrets? It seems that this human being does not belong to the continent of God, otherwise, he cannot have this Strong spiritual power, in this land of gods, all the gods and men have already been misled. Huh, just ask him to ask. "

The colored dress on her body gradually turned into a long black dress, and even her hair became black. The appearance of the dark heavenly fragrance was still so beautiful, but the evil atmosphere was much thicker because the whole body became black. The pale, pretty face looked very cold, and the detective waved lightly and pressed into the lake.

Suddenly, the dark Tianxiang was shocked all over, and for the first time she really showed a surprised color, because, under the detection of her mental power, she did not find the ice that fell into the lake.

"No, this is impossible." Dark Tianxiang was terrified in her heart, subconsciously, she thought of nothing, flew out of almost no hesitation, and flew at the five feet beside the rock wall that had previously hit the ice, and the rock there The wall has also changed, and the pouring Grim Reaper waterfall appears again, and here is the real Grim Reaper waterfall.

A figure jumped out of the lake like lightning, and at the moment before the dark Tianxiang's speed that could not be detected with the naked eye, he instantly penetrated from the waterfall. That figure belongs to Nian Bing.

Dark Tianxiang also penetrated into the waterfall. At this time, she stood in front of her wet chanting ice, and chanting ice stood right next to a small tree only three feet high. His right hand had already held a milky white The fruit, the little tree is shaking, it seems that it can be destroyed by Nianbing at any time, "If I am you, I will not be impulsive, otherwise, this beautiful fruit may be finished." Nianbing's voice rushed There was a hint of teasing, and looking at the dark Tianxiang, he was laughing. There are two other fruits on the tree, which are crumbling with the shaking of the tree.

Dark Tianxiang's eyes were a bit dull. She was very clear about the extent to which Nian Bing's strength reached. She couldn't believe that what was happening in front of her was true. "Impossible, this is impossible, how did you do it?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "The powerful dark sky fragrance, I don't know which aspect you are asking? Is it asking me why I can survive in the lake of death, or why I can find the real waterfall of death? , You made a mistake, that is too trust in your own ability. Indeed, my overall ability is much weaker than you, but one thing you have overlooked, that is the gap between my mental strength and you Not too big, otherwise, you will not be injured under my physical mental attack ~ ~ Of course, I hurt more than you, but I have the same chance after falling into the lake. "

Dark Tianxiang no longer has a charming smile on her face, looking at Nian Bing indifferently, and said, "I just want to know how to get rid of the lake of death with your power. Although the lake of death will not really destroy the undead , But with your impure zombie body, there is simply no ability to act in the lake of death, and it will only be completely sealed by the air of death. "

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "Really? Then you underestimated me too. I said that, compared with the overall strength, I and you are one heaven and one underground, but I have the mental strength that is not much weaker than you, and , When I hit the rock wall, I already understood many things from your ability, you pointed me to the use of mental energy. Yes, just like you said, I just fell into the lake of death At that time, I was trapped by the extremely rich water of death, my zombie body could not compete with these waters of death, but at that time, it did not affect my mental power. Your spiritual power can be produced Illusion, can't I just study it and use my mental power to simulate the surrounding death breath and the lake water? When the surrounding death breath feels that I am their kind, how can it be a threat to me? So, I can catch up Here. Maybe you do n’t know that before I became a zombie, I was a magician, and mimicry magic was my main practice direction. "

(To be continued) ()

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