Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 178: Godman's Selfishness (Part 1)

The fusion of ice and wind drove the two demigod masters up again, and the body floating in the air made a roar of unwillingness and pain. The sad voice was full of anger and unwillingness, and a little blood was floating in the air. Although the fusion magic did not kill them, the two elements of ice and wind turned into a sharp breath, and their fighting power was reduced by more than 50%. Together with the physical trauma, they Only less than 30% of the fighting power remains.

At this moment, both Nadu and Jiejie thought of one thing, that is, running away, yes, now they have lost the confidence to fight, and all they can do is run away. However, just when they were ready to urge the final power, and even spent their energy to escape from this terrifying magical cage, the breath of death had quietly enveloped their bodies.

The last scene Nadal and Jie Shang saw in his life was Nian Bing's smile, but in their eyes, it was a smile of death. The gray sickle is transparent, bringing out a phantom black awn in the air, everything is so simple, a perfect wave, the gray figure has quietly disappeared. At the same time, everything is over.

Nado and Boundary in the air still maintained their posture to escape, but at this time their bodies had solidified and they were suspended in the air quietly, as if they were there.

The light at the center of the eyebrows converged, and the magical breath around the body disappeared. Nianbing did not even look at the two half-gods in the air, and turned to the white man behind him. If after being weakened by 70%, you can escape from the eleventh order Dark Forbidden Kiss of Death, then Nadu and Boundary Strike are probably more than demigods. Unfortunately, they are only demigods after all.

While Nian Bing turned around, the two bamboo poles in the air had turned into bamboo powder, and even if there were no traces left, they disappeared so quietly. In this world, there was no trace of them.

Nian Bing's expression was very calm. When he came to the man in white, the first thing he did was to take off his coat. Immediately afterwards, the water element naturally condensed around his body and turned into a stream of water. Holding his body.

The white man has recovered a bit of vitality under the treatment of the water element and the self-treatment of his own bright fighting spirit. He was surprised to see that the black carbon head in front of him gradually became clean. The light of surprise gradually became horrified. "You, Why are you? "

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "You still remember me! Senior Master." As he said, he bent down to salute the Master. Yes, the white man in front of the face with fortitude and perseverance is the dawn that will penetrate the heavens and the earth-the ability of the holy sword to fully open, and guide the priest who reads the ice to get the demon sword. Although Nian Bing had never seen him, his voice and that divine breath were deeply imprinted in his mind. Therefore, when Nian Bing ’s spiritual power saw him, he recognized his Identity.

The holy master looked up and down at Nian Bing, but he frowned slightly. As the owner of the light, he could clearly feel the death energy contained in Nian Bing. Although Nian Bing had been hidden deep, he himself was death. The source of the question, "Nianbing, aren't you on the mainland of Yangon? Why did you come here and become like this?"

Nian Bing sighed and said, "This is a long story, Senior Master, how are you feeling, is it better?"

The Master smiled and shook his head bitterly, said: "Thank you for saving me, but my injury is too heavy. In order to have a chance to win, I tried to use that kind of attack by consuming my energy, and I have already hurt myself. I am afraid that I ca n’t recover without decades of hard work. It ’s still thanks to your water magic treatment, otherwise, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to survive even without those two people. It ’s just that I do n’t understand. , But why is the magic used so pure? I remember that you are practicing the whole system of magic. Seeing how you are now, it should have been great. But, even if it is great, as a magician, what do you do? Maybe not chant a spell? "

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "This is no secret. When the mental power reaches resonance with the magical elements in the air and becomes true friends with them, then these magical elements no longer need a specific voice to command , You only need to use your own magic power as a guide, coupled with the control of mental power, you can naturally produce magic power. In fact, every magician understands this principle, but I want to have a resonance with the magic element. , And produce the power you need, but it ’s not that simple. I just had better luck before I did it. ”How good is luck? If luck is good enough to die and be reborn, I am afraid not many people will choose it. Nianbing can have present achievements, and can only be described by miracles. When he left Green Mountain, his magic power did not change, but his spiritual power finally entered the state of great success. There was a wonderful feeling in his mind. He knew clearly that he had entered the ultimate state of Tianyan. Although this state is not complete, the first manifestation is that magic no longer requires spells, no matter what stage it is. The forbidden spell of the eleventh order is the strongest magic that Nian Bing can cast now. Even this kind of magic does not need to chant a spell. He is convinced that even if he is facing the sacrifice of the goddess of ice and snow, there are great opportunities.

The mana cost has not been reduced while casting magic, but the time to chant spells has disappeared. With a special physique and innate air full of death, Nianbing also has a recovery speed far beyond that of ordinary magicians.

The wound on the saint has gradually healed under the action of the water element constantly urged by Nian Bing, but the injury inside is not so easy to recover. He cultivates a bright fighting spirit and has much stronger recovery ability than ordinary warriors. However, once he was hit hard, the effect of recovery magic on him was extremely limited, and most of them could only rely on their recovery ability.

"How can you fight with that Fengshen? He seems to want to grab your things."

The saint nodded and sighed long, saying, "If I knew that the continent of God was like this, I would never choose to come here. However, it is too late to say anything."

Nian Bingdao: "Yeah! What kind of God's world is there, clearly **** continent."

The Master shook his head and said, "No, I am not because of the environment here. In fact, I really like the environment here. Under the pressure of the environment, everyone has to work hard to survive in order to survive. However, I am bored The relationship between gods and men. Here, there is only a lie between gods and men, let alone any kind of affection, friendship, only the relationship of mutual utilization and interests. This is the root of my aversion. From the surface, all gods and men All must accept the rule of the main gods. The seven main gods now have been awakened from the cultivation, but they have never effectively controlled the gods and men. In order to survive, everyone here is extremely selfish, perhaps Only when they lost their empire and threatened them could they unite. They simply did not understand that they could survive together only if they were completely combined. Fortunately, the seal here restricted the gods from being able to set foot on Yangon, otherwise, Everything will become chaotic. You should also hear that here, for food, people can actually eat people, this is in the Yangon mainland roots unbelievable."

Nianbing nodded and said, "Have you ever thought about leaving here? Go back to Yangon mainland."

The Master shook his head and said, "Don't say I can't leave, I can leave, and I won't go. Those several gods are all good to me. With me here, I can balance some gods and men. Relationship, I never want to see what I fear the most. "

Nian Bing understands that the most feared of the Holy Master is that the gods go to Yangon mainland. If something like that happens, I am afraid that Yangon mainland will face a huge catastrophe. "How many god-people are there on the continent of God?"

The saint said: "There are about ten thousand people. I do n’t know the specific number. The two you killed just now are considered to be the most powerful among the gods and men. If they have another hundred years of cultivation, they may be able to enter God ’s In addition to the seven main gods, there are also six or seventy god-level gods, among which the powerful ones will be sealed by the main **** as the successor of the main god, just like the Fengshen who fought me earlier. He is older than me To be hundreds of years old, it is a genius who cultivates the qi of the wind system itself. If the gods and men can unite together, then the strength can only be described by terror. Think about it, tens of thousands of masters above the martial arts, Among them are nearly a thousand gods equivalent to the martial **** level, dozens of god-level masters who are more powerful than the priest, and the seven main gods above them. It is a piece that wants to smooth the Yangon mainland. It's very easy. Oh, by the way, you came from the mainland of Yangon. Was the bottle of the Moodus seal really robbed? "

Nian Bing silently nodded and said, "Yes, they were taken away by a lich with his men. Originally, they were not opponents of the Dragon Kings, but they seized the timing of the Dragon King's production and suddenly shot to succeed. . "

The Master smiled slightly and said, "This is a good thing!"

Nianbing froze, "Good thing? Are you not afraid of losing the mainland and returning to the war?"

The saint said indifferently: "That will be the scene I most want to see. After thousands of years of rest and recuperation, although the number of gods and men has not increased, the vitality has basically recovered. If this continues, one day the gods will Unbearable life here set foot on Yangon continent, at that time, it will be a disaster for the entire humanity. A group of selfish gods and men will ruin the entire human world. For more humans to live peacefully, in order to maintain the Yangon continent Calm, instead I hope to return the lost continent. The battle between the strong will inevitably let the continent of God fall asleep, even if the continent of God has won, they will no longer be able to make a difference within a period of time. As for the lost continent, its The area is not much smaller than the Yangon continent, and there is no need to affect the Yangon continent. Even if there is an impact, the loss of the number of humans on the continent will only cause human transformation, not human destruction. Nianbing, you With a unique advantage, I hope you can make efforts for the future of humanity. "

Nian Bing smiled indifferently and said, "Perhaps, but I only hope to be able to live a peaceful life with my family. I came to the continent of God, and I was forced to do so. Here, I just want to restore my vitality. You do n’t know that on this continent of gods, the main gods ca n’t make the decision, and it ’s not easy to leave here. Who can say the future changes, take a step by step. I am also selfish People, but if someone wants to destroy the environment in which I live, I wo n’t do it. The Fengshen does n’t seem to be dead yet, shall I help you get rid of him? "

The Master's gaze swept away to Fengshen in the distance. At this time, Fengshen was slowly climbing from the ground, and his chest had been soaked with blood. Originally, he had been lying on the ground and pretending to die ~ ~ Then, I had to take the initiative to get up. His breath seemed a little quick, and the battle with the saints consumed most of his fighting power, and he was hit with a full blow. Although he forcibly suppressed the severe injuries with his own cultivation, he has lost most of it. From the perspective of the process of killing Nadu by Nian Bing, he is very clear that even in his heyday, it is not easy to win this mysterious man. Nian Bing was impressed by the powerful magic attack that he could use without singing a spell. At this time, his eyes were full of fear, as a selfish god-man, he knew his destiny very well.

The Master shook his head and said, "Forget it, if I rush to kill, what difference do I have from these guys? Fengshen, go, not everyone is like you."

Feng Shen froze for a moment, looked at the holy teacher, and then read Nian Bing, his eyes showed a complex light, but he did not leave, but instead came step by step towards the saint, watching him staggering, Nian Bing frowned. : "Why, the priest Ken is letting you go, are you still going?" If Fengshen is his own enemy, I am afraid that he would have already destroyed him.

Fengshen no longer has the slightest arrogance at this time, "Go? Where do you go? Even if you don't kill me, if you leave here now, you can kill me if you encounter a Warcraft."

(To be continued) ()

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