Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 14: Threat to Goddess Offering (Part 2)

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Feng Nu's eating has not been as fast as before. Although she is still eating, her mood is very complicated at this time, and her inner strangeness is constantly rising. Although she knows she should not be like this, she cannot control it. People who live often peek at Nian Bing. This meal, she obviously did not eat as much as the pigeon pilaf last time, and stopped chopsticks after eating less than half. Nian Bing just wanted to help her, but she was stopped by Feng Nu. Feng Feng glanced at him and said plainly: "I'll come, you sit down for a while, I will get it done in a moment."

Nian Bing stood up, his mood was equally complex, nodded, said: "Feng Nu, then I will go first, I will come to see you in two days."

Feng Nu said with some disappointment: "Are you going to leave so soon?"

Looking at her bitter eyes, Nian Bing shouted, and said, "If you go on like this, I'm afraid I'm really going to get stuck. It's better to go quickly. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and nodded," I There are a lot of things to do when you go back. You ca n’t get people ’s wages in vain! Zhengyang ’s knife is not in a hurry. Do n’t be exhausted, just do it slowly. ”

Phoenix nodded, put the leftovers into the kitchen, delivered the noodles to the door in person, smiled slightly, and said, "Come over when you want nothing, thank you for your lunch."

At this time, Nian Bing has recovered a little, and said with a smile: "Thank you, I should thank you for being right! Go back, you are a girl's house, close the door. Bye." After he finished, he was finally in embarrassment After leaving the parallel iron shop and immersing the mind in the same magic of ice and fire, the mind was stabilized.

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing as she walked away, she couldn't help but chuckled, "This silly boy, the heir to a culinary cook who actually cuts wood for others, really lost his thoughts. However, he is so silly and cute. Take him back, I do n’t know what the elders think, his cooking is really superb! "

Leaving the parallel iron shop, Nian Bing did not return directly to Qingfengzhai. He had already passed the agreed period of three days. I do n’t know if the magician ’s union will recognize himself. In any case, I have to go and say again. As long as you can read it in their data room, with your own memory, one time is enough, and you will not go there again in the future. At most one month, you will leave Ice City and go to the next stop. Because of his hatred for the Ice God Tower, he did n’t want to do anything for the Ice Moon Empire, even if it was just the Wizard Union of the Ice Moon Empire. The blow in his childhood made Nian Bing's nature cold and everything was self-centered. He didn't want to do anything extra except to improve his ability and pursue the peak of cooking for revenge.

Bingxuecheng finally lifted the ban, and the street was obviously lively. In the past few days, the people who dare not go out because of the closure of the city are now buying things they need in various shops in the city, especially the stores that operate people's livelihood supplies. It's a monastery. Feeling the lively scene in the street market, the mood of reading ice can't help but get better, identify the direction of the magician's union, and stride away. Although the weather is sultry, but because of the morning dew knife inlaid with the stone of the goddess of snow and ice, it didn't feel sultry when I was reading ice.

The Snow City is really big. Although Nian Bing walks fast, it took a long time to come to the magician ’s union again. The spire structure makes the magician ’s union so conspicuous because it is daytime. At the entrance of the union, there are two guards wearing magic robes. The two men are about 16 or 7 years old. From the little insignificant sign on their magic robes, they are only two magic apprentices. Only the strength of junior magicians.

Strode forward, Nian Bing walked to the door of the magician's union, and said to the two junior magicians who guarded the gate: "Hello, I'm looking for the technetist of Richtek."

The junior magician on the left side glanced at Nian Bing, and wondered: "Are you looking for the Mister Technetium? What's the matter?"

Nian Bingdao: "This is the case. Three days ago, I came to the union to undergo a magic test. It was too late at that time. So, the technetist Like asked me to come to him again the next day. But the whole day the whole ice and snow The city was blocked, so I did n’t make it. No, today the city is over. I ’m here immediately. I ’m so embarrassed, let the technetists wait for a long time. ”

Both young junior magicians showed surprise in their eyes. The right side said: "You, are you the big magician younger than Sister Long Ling?"

Nian Bingbing said, "You also know me? The technetic master did say that day, I already have the strength of a big magician."

The junior magician on the left glanced at Nian Bing strangely and said, "The president of the past two days has asked us to find you in the city, but I couldn't find it. You can finally come, follow me. "

Nian Bing moved, thinking that even if his magical strength was not weak, he wouldn't need the trade union president to order himself to find himself. I'm afraid it might be a bit strange. Everything should be careful. Thinking, he followed the junior magician to enter the magician's union for the second time, while walking, he secretly calculated the response to various situations.

The junior magician brought Nian Bing to a room in the union, poured him a glass of water, and said, "You will wait here for a while, I'll notify the technetist."

This room is very large and seems to be used exclusively to receive guests. There are murals on the walls similar to the last test hall. Even the table in front of me has a pattern of six-pointed stars.

Not long, the sound of footsteps sounded again, and Technetium, the water magister, walked in from outside. As soon as he entered the door, he felt a strong pressure on him when he read the ice. He turned his head and looked at him, only to see Litium ’s gaze Somewhat weird, standing and looking at myself.

"Hi, technetist, Li Tie." Nian Bing stood up quickly and saluted Li Tzu respectfully.

Tikura calmly said: "Hello, I have been waiting for you for three days. The closure of the city is only external. For the city, there is no strong blockade. It should not affect your actions."

Nian Bing said indifferently: "I was in Ice City shortly afterwards, and suddenly the closure of the city scared me a little, so it was really embarrassing to wait here until the end of the closure."

Technetium frowned: "Afraid? As a powerful magician, this kind of negative emotion might not appear easily."

Nian Bing's face showed a faint red, saying: "I came from a small place, I have never seen such a big battle, it is really embarrassing."

Li-tech's eyes have been looking at Nian Bing, and his mental strength has always enveloped Nian Bing's body, but no matter how he looks, he can't see a flaw in Nian Bing. He smiled indifferently and said, "Since that is the case, then come with me. From now on, you are already a member of the Ice Moon Empire Magician's Union. Come on, the ceremony is already ready." After he finished, he turned. Go out.

Nian Bing hurried to catch up with Li Tak, walking behind him, the secret word condensed the power of his ice and fire homology. Once what happened, although the other party was a magician, if he attacked with two extreme magics at the same time, he would definitely be able to Keep him busy for a while, so that he has the opportunity to escape. As he walked, he was secretly strange in his heart. Why should the technetic magi here test himself? Was the matter of killing Liao San exposed? Liao San is just a shopkeeper in Dachengxuan, and he doesn't need his magician to come forward.

With doubts in his mind, Nian Bing followed Li-tech into the main hall of the Magician's Union. The whole hall is very wide, more than double the size of the original test hall. In the hall ~ ~ there are a few people talking there. The magician has different signs on the chest from low to high. There is only a small sign of the magic department on the chest of the junior magician. For example, the wind system is a small blue whirlwind, and the fire system is a red flame. The magician's magic robe is different in color according to the magic he uses, so this small logo is difficult to distinguish. In the realm of intermediate magicians, there will be an extra silver band around the original small sign, while the advanced magician will have an additional ring, and in the realm of grand magician, there will be a total of signs around the identity There will be three trims. After entering the advanced stage of the Magister, the logo will increase and become golden at the same time. No matter which department of the magician, the logo is golden. This is five on the mainland. The magicians of the empire are of uniform standards. The magician is almost the limit among magicians. The logo on their chests will be restored to the original color, but there will be an additional six-pointed star in the background, just like Long Zhi, the president of the Ice Moon Empire Magician Union.

There are a total of five magicians chatting in the lobby. Two of them seem to be the same age as Li Tec. They are all magician levels, and the other three are also the signs of the great magician. They were obviously the elite in the wizards ’union. Seeing that technetium came in with nianbing, their eyes fell on them. One of the fire magicians with the magician logo on their chests smiled:" Is this the newcomer you tested that day? You ca n’t really see it on the surface ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~

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