Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 251: The Fusion of Life and Death (Part One)

Of course, he knows what level of life energy and death energy are high, and having one of them alone brings Cao and Tianxiang to the level of 17th order, and he has the same source of ice and fire, if he does not count other strengths, Now it is at most thirteen, and the difference in levels is too far. It is precisely because of the gap at this level that if life energy and death energy are to be merged, it becomes a hundred times more difficult than the same source of ice and fire. Therefore, listening to Kao and Tianxiang said that they found a way, and Ning Bing was full of doubt and curiosity. .

Cao's face was redder and he nodded gently, saying, "Yes, we did find it. Although life energy and death energy cover almost all the energy, there is one kind that they cannot. Inclusive. As the **** of emotions, we know that emotions are a form of energy, and in emotions, there is only one kind that is not affected by life and death, but there is only one, that is love. You have several wives, I think you must understand how great the power of love is. In the face of true love, life and death can be ignored. It is for this reason that we think that in the face of the power of love, any energy is mutually exclusive. Conflicting, even the two energies of life and death. In simple terms, love is the common point of two diametrically opposed energies of life and death. "

Nian Bing looked at Cao and Tianxiang in surprise. He never thought that the answer was like this. Love, the common point between life and death was actually love. He looked at Cao and Tianxiang in horror. . The light in his eyes became silent, "You can tell me frankly, when you first saw me, you had already started plotting against me."

Tian Xiang said indifferently: "You can also think that at that time, we have come up with the possible surname of the second name, but we have not been sure that love is this important common point. We think that it is human feelings. Ao let you go to the mountain of death to find me. Under the use of various situations, we gradually understand the mystery. "

Nian Bing's eyes became sharper, "So then, on the mountain of death, were you pretended to be injured by my mental attack?"

Tian Xiang took a deep look at Nian Bing and said, "Your mental strength is indeed much stronger than we thought. At that time, I was really taken aback, but when it came to injuries, it was impossible. After all, you The gap with us is still too big. It was at that time that we decided to choose you as the candidate for the fusion of our emotional gods. You have rich feelings, and at that time, your kiss made us full Feel the taste of love between human beings, although you didn't have love at that time. Frankly tell you, even the relationship that Cao helped you to restore your vitality later, it is precisely the power of love that we have to experience You are deliberately attracted to you. Your mind is extremely determined, if we did not use some special means, you and Cao, or you and us, will not have that kind of relationship. "

No wonder, no wonder I was so impulsive and felt so strong in the lake of life. It turned out that I had already fallen into the trap of the **** of life and the **** of death. I think it's smart, but compared to these existences that have survived for thousands of years, I am nothing.

The sadness in Cao's eyes became more obvious, "That time, I really felt the taste of love. Until now, I can clearly remember every moment that happened at the beginning. I and Tianxiang are the same soul, I can feel it. When she arrived, she could feel it naturally. After our continuous research and inquiry, we finally found the common point of love, life and death. Therefore, we came here at the juncture of crisis. Originally, Tianxiang and I were both reluctant to You have any harm. After all, you are the only man who makes us feel the taste of love, but we have to come. Ca n’t be a true emotional god, then our ending will be death. For humanity The great wish of the father of evolution must be sacrificed for our battles for tens of thousands of years. Nianbing, sorry, all we have to do is use your body to complete this fusion process. "

Nian Bing looked at Cao faintly and said, "I understand, the so-called break-through, your so-called fusion, I am afraid that I will take it as the center. After you have completed the fusion of the emotional gods, as a fusion I will naturally die with the media, so you feel a little embarrassed. Come to me this time, since you have made up your mind, what else can I say? In front of the two true gods, I do not There may be any ability to resist. "After saying this, he smiled at himself. Originally, he had regarded Cao and Tianxiang as his friends, and because of the relationship with Cao, he had always been in his heart. He had some strange feelings, but now he realized that he had always been the tool used by Cao and Tianxiang. They help themselves to restore their vitality and help themselves improve their strength, just like the fattening and slaughter of a pig. They come to find themselves just for gain.

Looking at Nian Bing's indifferent eyes, both Cao and Tianxiang felt a pain in their hearts. The two girls lowered their heads at the same time, and Tianxiang said: "Nian Bing, if there are any choices, we don't want to be like that, sorry. "

Nian Bing smiled indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter, since you have decided what I have done, I can't change anything. Even if I knew that you were going to use me, I had no way to change this fact. I am already half-dead, my life is given by you, and now you want to take it back, can I not give it? I also have no strength to give. However, because we have had a dew marriage , I want to ask you a few things, as long as you agree, I will fully cooperate with you to complete the integration process. I think, as a medium, my cooperation will still have some help for you. "

"Marriage with dew? Nian Bing, your words are so unpleasant." Cao raised his head and looked at Nian Bing's eyes full of complexity.

Nian Bing smiled and said, "I really can't think of any other ways to describe it. Perhaps this is the best explanation. Isn't it a marriage between us? Isn't it necessary to argue in this regard now?" Now, I just want to know, are you willing to promise me a few things? "

Cao took a deep breath and walked to Nian Bing, holding his shoulder on the other side, and said: "You say, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to help you."

Nian Bing gave Cao a deep look. His profound eyes seemed to penetrate into Cao's heart. "Actually, what I want to ask you to do is no easier for you. First of all, you As I said just now, if the integration of the gods of emotions is completed and then the three true gods are dealt with, we can help the Yangon Continental Alliance to solve the threat of the gods and men. I hope you can fulfill this promise. After all, the world has already been tolerated At the cost of another war of relics, if another civilization is destroyed, I am afraid that it will not be restored for hundreds of thousands of years. I think that the words you said to live an ordinary life are true, for you For your own future, you must complete this matter. "

Cao and Tianxiang nodded at the same time, Cao said: "You can rest assured that those gods and men should not have existed in this world. Tell you a secret, the gods and men were originally deliberately cultivated by the three guys of the **** of order, The purpose is to choose the strongest from human beings as their help, but the time for human ascension is too long, and it is full of various dangerous and uncertain surnames. It is difficult to grasp the surnames of humans alone. Therefore, they failed. For these gods and people who should not exist, we will naturally deal with it and read the ice. We promise to help you after eliminating the three true gods. Do you have any other wishes? "

Nian Bing took a deep breath and said: "My death may have some impact on the Yangon mainland. The second wish is to let you replace me to balance the relationship between the empire of the Yangon mainland. I hate War, only peace, is the best in the world. I think, with your strength, you can definitely do better than me. "

Tian Xiang frowned slightly, and said, "Although this matter is a little more troublesome, we can also promise you. With our power, balancing relations only needs some means and strength to suffice. Maybe it will be a little troublesome."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "For you, dealing with such troubles seems to be a very simple matter. My third wish is simpler. When I die, please remove the hearts of my three wives. My memory. Perhaps, this is impossible for others, but with the ultimate energy of your life and death, plus the huge spiritual power after the awakening of the emotional god, it should not be difficult to do this. I do n’t want me My wives are too sad because of my death, and even do something stupid. I just want them to live a new life. Even if they forget me, they will be reborn. As long as they can be happy, I will Do n’t ask for anything. As far as my parents are concerned, please help me to help. Perhaps, the control of your emotions by your God of Emotions can reduce their grief, and you can think of ways to tell them that I am because of Hexi The World War I consumed too much energy and died of serious injuries. My conditions are all three. "

Cao looked at Nian Bing and sighed, "Perhaps this is the true love of mankind. For the loved one to live a happy life, it doesn't matter even if you forget yourself, Nian Bing, your love really makes me envious, Your wives are so happy! "

Tianxiang said: "Unfortunately, we can't promise you this last condition. Your parents can easily resolve it. Your death will make them sad, but we are sure to control their emotions and make them gradually recover. But you The only three wives of her are the girl named Long Ling who can erase memories, but the sisters Feng Nu and Lan Chen are not. "

Nian Bing's heart shook, and the expression on his face could no longer calm down. He said with horror: "Is it not enough to have me as a medium? You, do you still want to hurt my wife."

Cao said sadly: "As creatures that have survived for tens of thousands of years, we will not do meaningless things. Since they have invaded your wives' bodies, we naturally have our intentions. Both Tianxiang and I are energy bodies, even if we can Feeling your true love, it is difficult to obtain the exchange of love with you without it, so as to achieve the fusion of the emotional god. In the process of fusion, we must rely on the bodies of your two wives. Frankly speaking, your condition is very good, which is much better than we think. You are an ice and fire homogenous magician, although your current strength can be reflected in many ways, but this is not It has changed. And your two wives are both noble and powerful beings—Phoenix, one ice and one fire, they just fit your body, and the strength of the three of you can be improved very quickly ~ ~ has a great relationship with your only ice and fire energy exchange. Our two energies of life and death are too domineering, it is easy to cause damage to your body at the early stage of fusion, and thus become abandonment If you take the body of your two wives as a guide, this danger will no longer exist, and our surname may become much higher. Moreover, the two souls of Tianxiang and I can be separated because they depend on different things Only in this way can we have a chance of success. Therefore, it is impossible for your wives to be revived after their memories have been eliminated. "

Nian Bing's heart jumped violently, looking at Cao and Tianxiang who invaded the bodies of Feng Nu and Lan Chen. He set off a wave in his heart. He could not care about his life. After all, his life had been several times from the most dangerous Picked up, but he couldn't care less about the lives of his wives! He never wanted to hurt his favorite woman.

Tian Xiang sighed: "Nian Bing, we could have promised you first. Anyway, when you are dead, your soul will disappear, and you can no longer feel everything outside, but we do n’t want to deceive you at this time, That ’s why I tell you the truth. What we have to do is to control the bodies of your two wives to merge with you, so that the love in their souls will blend in with you, and the love for you in our hearts will spur you, life The two energies of death and gradual fusion in your blend of ice and fire make us a true emotional god. "

(To be continued) ()

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