Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

: About Xiao 3's wedding photos.

These days I have seen book friends who want to see Xiaosan's wedding photos, hey, I am ashamed to see people!

However, since everyone is so curious, Primary 3 will meet your wishes. The wedding photo will be taken in mid-October. I will post it on the blog and notify everyone. Of course, I will choose some better ones. Try to put about ten.

Unmarried brothers, taking a wedding photo is definitely a painful experience! What a tired word. I have been taking photos with my girlfriend until 12 o'clock in the morning. I was dizzy and almost fell asleep several times. Everyone later Be careful, hey. Hurry up and exercise, this is definitely an individual effort.

Tomorrow, the public will lift the chapter Jiuqing Shenlong Bingyunyin (below) for everyone to read. Then tomorrow night there will be an external article about the epicentral method and ramen in the previous few days, to introduce you to some food.

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