Fade Chen was also surprised. Then he looked at the Chief Executive and asked aloud, "Why did the Chief Executive choose to cooperate with me?"

Wei Ling also looked at the Chief Executive nervously and puzzled.

The chief executive smiled, looked at Fade Chen solemnly, and said, "Because I trust you, Mr. Chen."

"Trust me?" Fade Chen thought of reasons such as his excellent medical skills, but he didn't expect that the chief executive would say this one reason.

Looking at Fade Chen who was in a daze, the Chief Executive smiled and said, "Mr. Chen's character can be seen just from the seafood poisoning incident. For the citizens of Xiangjiang, you worked hard to treat them and took personal risks to go to the Jiangjia factory. Investigate the evidence. I believe that such a Mr. Chen will not squeeze the interests of the people in the pharmaceutical industry."

Fade Chen didn't expect the Chief Executive to trust him so much. After a moment of silence, he asked a question, and said, "Chief Executive, to be honest, I also want this opportunity to vigorously promote the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry."

"However, compared with those big bosses with a net worth of tens of billions, my Chengyao store is still far behind. If I rely on Chengyao store, I'm worried that I won't be able to afford such a big thing."

The chief executive smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry about this. We said that we will reform the pharmaceutical industry in Xiangjiang. But the reform will definitely not be completed overnight. All things will be slowly promoted within three years."

"At the beginning, we will select a few pilot projects, and then see the effect, and then gradually promote it to the whole Xiangjiang. Therefore, the strength of the Cheng Pharmacy will certainly be able to afford the initial pilot project."

"Besides, our Xiangjiang City Government will not let Mr. Chen bear such a big responsibility alone. At that time, we will definitely give help within our ability."

Hearing this, Wei Ling almost jumped up with excitement, wishing she could immediately speak to the Chief Executive.

After all, once this kind of official cooperation with the government is reached. The status of Chengyao Hall in Xiangjiang is definitely rising, and the speed of development is almost like riding a rocket.

However, at this moment, Fade Chen was relatively calm. He didn't agree immediately, but looked at the chief executive and said, "Chief executive, I want to ask one last question."

"Please tell me, Mr. Chen," the Chief Executive said.

Fade Chen said: "The Chief Executive supports my Sincere Medicine Store so much. Don't you worry, Mr. Chief Executive, that when my Sincere Medicine Store grows bigger, will it follow the old path of the Jiang family?"

The question is acute, but also practical.

As long as it is not in the hands of the government and supports any individual boss, it is possible to form a monopoly situation like the Jiang family before.

Now, Fade Chen raised this point in advance, which surprised the Chief Executive.

However, he immediately shook his head with a smile, and said to Fade Chen: "I believe Mr. Chen, you will not follow the old path of the Jiang family."

"Uh—" Chen Fei and Wei Ling were a little surprised at the trust of the Chief Executive. After all, the two parties are not acquaintances. It is definitely not a sensible thing to trust such a big matter in an unfamiliar person.

The chief executive saw the doubts of the two, smiled, and said: "The reason why I trust Mr. Chen so much is because of your character and actions, Mr. Chen. Second, it is because of your identity, Mr. Chen."

"Identity, what identity?" Wei Ling asked curiously.

The chief executive's mouth moved, he didn't say much, he just spit out two words, "Linglong."

Hearing this, Fade Chen understood where the chief executive's trust in him came from. I am a special instructor of Linglong, and Linglong is a special organization affiliated to the country.

Therefore, to a certain extent, I am also a member of the country. Therefore, the chief executive has such confidence in himself.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen no longer hesitated, nodded, and said: "Chief Executive, regarding the reform of Xiangjiang's pharmaceutical industry, we, Chengyaoguan, are willing to cooperate with the government."

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation in advance." The Chief Executive stood up, extended his hand, and shook hands with Fade Chen.

Immediately, both sides left with smiles on their faces.

On the way back, Wei Ling was extremely excited. She was always calm and steady, but now she was sitting in the passenger seat, like a little girl, chattering non-stop in Fade Chen's ear.

She can't wait to start planning the development route of Chengyaoguan in Xiangjiang.

Fade Chen could understand Wei Ling's excitement. After all, as a strong business woman, Ling Jie was able to continuously develop and expand her business territory, which naturally made her extremely excited.

As for Chen Fei himself, he is not so excited about business expansion, but more interested in the development of Chinese medicine.

He has already decided in his heart that he will definitely bring Bai Lao to cooperate in this pilot cooperation. After all, Bailao's Wangchuan Pavilion is a well-known traditional Chinese medicine hall in Xiangjiang, and Bailao's influence in the Chinese medicine industry in Xiangjiang is also huge.

While Chen Fei and Wei Ling were thinking about the future development of Chengyao Hall, Li Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in a luxury car, connected a phone and asked aloud, "How is it, what did you find? "

A voice came from the other end of the phone, "Miss Li, we just found out. Fade Chen stayed in the capital for half an hour before coming out."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao's face darkened in an instant, and she said coldly: "Our Li family's preparations have been done to this point, isn't the chief executive still going to choose our Li family?"

"In this case, then I will let you, chief executive, not have so many choices. At that time, only our Li family can choose."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoxiao's face turned serious, and he gave the order in a cold tone, saying: "According to the second set of plans, we will start implementing them."

"Yes!" The other party responded immediately, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, Chen Fei and Wei Ling drove to a bridge.

The territory of Xiangjiang is not large, and many places are reclaimed from the sea. Therefore, there are many bridges of various kinds. Driving on the sea-crossing bridge at this moment, with the windows open, the refreshing sea breeze blows, making both Chen Fei and Wei Ling feel good, almost as if they are flying.

But at this moment, suddenly, two black cars popped up from their side, rushed in front of their vehicle, squeaked and slammed on the brakes, blocking Fade Chen's way.

"What's going on?" Fade Chen was startled, and slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the other party.

But at this time, behind them, two more black cars drove over and stopped almost next to Fade Chen's rear.

Just like that, the four cars completely blocked Fade Chen's car in the middle.

In such a situation, Fade Chen naturally sensed that something was wrong, and asked Wei Ling to bow her head, "Sister Ling, be careful."

Then, Fade Chen immediately looked to the front and rear sides vigilantly.

In two directions, the doors of four cars opened, and eight thugs dressed in black came out of them.

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