Therefore, at this moment, Li Hanming immediately defended his daughter and said: "This project has only been started for such a short period of time. It would be too hasty to stop now."

The slender second brother Li Hanhai snorted coldly when he heard this, and questioned: "Brother, it is obvious that the direction of investment is wrong, and the project that loses millions every day, if it does not stop. Even if our Li family has a big business, I am afraid we can't bear it What a loss!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao immediately defended: "Second Uncle, it is true that the hospital project is losing money. But you say that the investment direction is wrong, but I don't agree with it. My investment this time has been carefully considered and focused. Moreover, this project, The Xiangjiang medical reform plan proposed by the chief executive, if successful, the traditional Chinese medicine hospital will definitely develop into another major industrial pillar of our Li family."

Li Hanhai sneered, and said: "What you said is just your beautiful vision. But in reality, it is already impossible to succeed."

"In the medical reform plan proposed by the chief executive, the most important partner is the Nacheng Pharmacy. The first batch of pilot hospitals are also Chinese medicine centers like Wangchuanguan, and there is no traditional Chinese medicine hospital."

"Besides, the performance of the recent period. The Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been completely suppressed by the Chengyao Hall. Under such circumstances, I would like to ask how the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will grow and become the backbone of the industry."

As soon as such a rhetorical question was asked, the eyes of many people at the scene all turned to Li Xiaoxiao.

Even the old man looked gloomy at this moment, looking at Li Xiaoxiao burningly. Because everyone knows that what Li Hanhai said is true. If you can't defeat Chengyaoguan, the prospects Li Xiaoxiao mentioned are just illusory mirages.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a look of determination, and said: "I firmly believe that my plan will be successful, because our Li's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will definitely defeat Chengyaoguan."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion at the scene.

Immediately, Li Hanhai continued to question: "Xiaoxiao, you said that you will definitely be able to beat Chengyaoguan. I would like to ask how this must have come about. As far as I know, Chengyaoguan recently launched a new product of health wine, and its performance has completely crushed the Chinese medicine department." Hospital. How do you turn the tables and defeat Chengyaoguan?"

This was the doubt in many people's minds. For a while, everyone looked at Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao had been prepared for a long time. Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she said: "The key to defeating Chengyaoguan lies in this health-preserving wine."

"Oh, what is the key method?" Li Hanhai asked.

Li Xiaoxiao said: "Relying on the health-preserving wine, Chengyaoguan's performance has skyrocketed. If our Li's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also launches health-preserving wine of the same quality, with the capital and relationship of our Li family, we will definitely be able to suppress Chengyaoguan. "

Regarding this point, the people present had no objection.

However, Li Hanhai immediately asked a key question, "How can you guarantee that you can launch health-preserving wine of the same quality? As far as I know, all major manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, health care products and food in Xiangjiang, including our Li family, have conducted research on the health-preserving wine. After doing research, but can't crack the formula, and can't develop the same level of health wine."

Many people nodded. If the health-preserving wine was really so easy to crack the imitation, someone would have done it long ago.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at everyone's questioning eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said: "It is true that ordinary people cannot crack the health-preserving wine. However, I invited a professional, and he can crack the formula of the health-preserving wine."

"Professional, what professional?" Li Hanhai asked with a frown.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately turned her head and said, "Doctor Cao, please come in."

Immediately, Cao Haichao came in, and Li Xiaoxiao introduced: "This is Dr. Cao Haichao, a member of the Cao family of Nan'an Acupuncture King, and the son of senior Acupuncture King Cao Liqiu. Dr. Cao can crack the formula of the health-preserving wine."

Hearing Cao Haichao's name, the people present were a little surprised.

After all, Nan'an City is not far from Xiangjiang, and Cao Liqiu, the Acupuncture King, has a certain reputation in Xiangjiang.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion, Li Hanhai was silent for a while, and then said: "Dr. Cao is the son of the Acupuncture King, so I respect him naturally. However, I still can't believe that there is no evidence to crack the health-preserving wine."

Many people nodded and agreed with Li Hanhai's statement.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Hanming had been prepared for a long time, and immediately said: "Second uncle doesn't have to worry about this. I brought Dr. Cao here today, so that Dr. Cao can crack the formula of Chengyaoguan health wine face to face."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoxiao clapped her hands, and someone came out with a bottle of health-preserving wine and wine glasses, and brought them to Cao Haichao.

Cao Haichao looked around, with a smile on his face, and said confidently: "I, Cao Haichao, come from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners, and my father is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. Although my medical skills are not as good as my father's, they are more than enough compared to ordinary people. This health-preserving wine, I can crack the formula just by tasting it."

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of many people at the scene changed. Some were surprised, some questioned.

Li Hanhai looked at Cao Haichao with a cold face and said, "Since Dr. Cao said so, let's ask Dr. Cao to demonstrate it on the spot!"

After finishing speaking, Li Hanming waved to invite an old man with long beard. Apparently, this is an old Chinese doctor, used to judge whether Cao Haichao's solution is correct.

Seeing this, Cao Haichao twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile, then poured a sip of health wine, and poured it into his mouth with his head raised.

Without swallowing it in one gulp, he tasted it carefully, using different parts of his mouth to taste the ingredients of the health-preserving wine.

At the beginning, Cao Haichao's face was relatively calm, but then his face became more and more serious, and his expression became a little strange.

In such a situation, Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel relaxed, and suddenly became a little nervous.

Li Hanhai didn't let go of this opportunity, and said sarcastically, "Dr. Cao's mouth, will it take so long?"

Cao Haichao's complexion was a little ugly, he spit out the wine, rinsed his mouth with water, and said, "This health-preserving wine has velvet antler, Codonopsis pilosula, red lotus..."

"However, there are still a few medicinal ingredients, I need to confirm again." After speaking, Cao Haichao took another sip of wine and tasted it again.

However, after tasting this time, his complexion was even more gloomy than last time. Finally, he spat out the wine in his mouth again. After rinsing his mouth, he poured himself another sip of wine, and tasted it again.

Seeing this, Li Hanhai couldn't help but said: "Doctor Cao is cracking the formula, or is he simply wanting to drink! If you want to drink, I will give this bottle of wine to Dr. Cao, and drink it up when you go back."

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