Qiu Tianjiu suddenly raised his voice, his breath surged, and his robe flapped like a gust of wind blowing, making a sound of hunting.

"Old Li, step back! I want to kill this villain!" Qiu Tianjiu waved his hand.

In an instant, a wave of energy surged over, wrapped Li Fuhua and Li Hanming, and sent them directly down the mountain.

Seeing this, Fade Chen turned his head to look at Li Xiaoxiao, then waved his hand, "Go down too."

Suddenly, Li Xiaoxiao felt a strong wind blowing in her ears, and then, when she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she had already reached the foot of the mountain.

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay!"

"Xiaoxiao, you are back."

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao being put down, Li Hanming and Li Fuhua couldn't help being surprised, and rushed over immediately.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao also had a look of astonishment on her face. She looked up at the top of the mountain, her mouth moved, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she could only look at Li Hanming and Li Fuhua, and said in a low voice, "Dad, grandpa!"

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay! Otherwise, you leave quickly, we will see you off."

"Yes, it's too dangerous here, let's go."

Li Fuhua and Li Hanming spoke up.

However, at this moment, Li Xiaoxiao gave a wry smile, shook her head, and said, "Dad, Grandpa, there is no need for me to leave."

"But—" the two were anxious.

Li Xiaoxiao said: "The battle between Fade Chen and Lao Qiu is about to begin. If Fade Chen wins, it will be useless for us to escape anywhere, he will definitely find us."

"If Qiu Lao wins, there is no need for us to escape. Therefore, I want to see the result of this competition here."

Li Hanming and Li Fuhua couldn't help sighing when they heard the words, but they had to admit that what Li Xiaoxiao said made sense.

For a moment, they all looked up at the top of Dongxia Mountain, full of anticipation in their hearts, that Qiu Tianjiu could win this competition.

At this moment, the police, reporters, warriors, and other members of the Li family all rushed over at the foot of the mountain.

"Old Li, what happened up there?"

"Old Qiu took action to solve that Fade Chen?"

"Miss Li came down the mountain, does that mean that Fade Chen has already lost?"


Amidst the problems, Li Fuhua said in a deep voice, "Old Qiu is about to fight Fade Chen!"

"What, Fade Chen is fighting old Qiu?"

"Then how could Fade Chen be Qiu Lao's opponent!"

"That's right, Old Qiu is our Xiangjiang's martial soul, a true martial arts master."


Ordinary people who don't understand martial arts are surprised at this moment.

Wu Bin and other experts who understand martial arts have serious faces at this moment, and they are looking at the direction of the mountain top.

At this time, the morning glow in the east is getting brighter and brighter, the sun has already revealed a little arc, and the sky and the earth are gradually brightening at this moment. The orange light pierced through the clouds and filled the world.

The morning wind blew, and Qiu Tianjiu's robe fluttered on the top of the mountain.

He looked at the sun in the sky, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to Fade Chen: "You dare to be so arrogant. Then come and let me see your strength."

While speaking, Qiu Tianjiu quickly condensed a series of dharma seals on his chest with both hands, and then injected the breath of true essence.

Immediately, balls of light burst out from his chest, like an incomparably gorgeous little sun. The light roared, and there was a sound of hunting wind, accompanied by the movements of Qiu Tianjiu.

Roaring and turbulent, it swept Chen Fei who was rushing to the top of the mountain.

Vigorously vigorous, spinning crazily, like a crazy drill bit, trying to smash everything in front of it.

"Aren't you a martial arts master in the mainland? Aren't you the number one in the five provinces? Now, try my power!" Qiu Tianjiu laughed wildly, his palm surged with energy, and he slapped it into the whirlwind, letting the power of the drill bit Become more and more ferocious.

But at this time, standing on the top of the mountain, Fade Chen was facing such a fierce attack by Qiu Tianjiu. With a calm face, he stared at the opponent's surging attack, shook his head slightly, looked disappointed, and said lightly: "The so-called Xiangjiang Wuhun, is it this level?"

"Arrogant guy, take my trick first." Qiu Tianjiu's expression froze, the whirlwind drill whizzed and charged, and the violent wind made the air crackle and crackle.

"Boom, hoo!"

The strong wind howled, and it was about to hit Fade Chen.

At this moment, Fade Chen waved his right arm lightly, and directly released a crimson aura.

The crimson vigor was spinning in the air, like a small snake, directly broke into the raging whirlwind, and was instantly submerged by the violent whirlwind, leaving no trace.

"Haha, is this the capital of your arrogance? It's nothing more than that? The so-called martial arts masters in the mainland have this kind of strength?" Qiu Tianjiu laughed, his face full of sarcasm.

Fade Chen folded his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "It's nothing more than incompetence, and ignorance. It's really short-sighted."

"What did you say—" Qiu Tianjiu's face darkened, and he was about to lose his temper.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the violent whirlwind he shot suddenly twisted chaotically in the air like a vehicle that was out of control. The whirling wind, up and down, left and right, was completely out of control.

"How could it be, I—" Qiu Tianjiu turned pale with shock, and hurriedly circulated the breath of real energy, trying to control the whirlwind of energy.

But the whirlwind at this moment, like a wild horse running wild, made him unable to control it at all.

In the end, the uncontrolled whirlwind suddenly jumped into the air, exploded suddenly, and turned into countless tiny cyclones, which gradually dissipated in the air.

And the little crimson snake that Fade Chen photographed twisted in the air like a mockery, and then gradually dissipated.

Such a scene was really unexpected by Qiu Tianjiu.

For a moment, he froze in place, his face was gloomy, his expression was a little dull, this person was almost speechless.


At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, more and more people gathered.

They looked up at the top of Dongxia Mountain, the raging cyclone, and the sound of bursting in the air, they were all shocked.

"In the end what happened?"

"Why did the mountain top explode? Was it a terrorist attack?"

"I saw that there seemed to be two figures on the top of the mountain. Could it be that the explosion just now was man-made?"


Countless reporters and citizens rushed over curiously and kept asking various questions.

At this moment, the police can only keep them out of the blockade, and ignore the problem at all.

Inside the cordon, the Li family watched nervously the situation of the competition on the top of the mountain. After all, the result of this competition is related to the fate of their Li family.

The explosion on the top of the mountain shocked the Li family.

Li Hanming and the others don't understand martial arts, they can only see the battle on the top of the mountain, but they don't know who has the upper hand.

Therefore, he turned his head to look at Wu Bin and the warriors, and asked, "How is the battle going? Who won?"

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