After the phone call, Fade Chen immediately entered the company.

All the way to the CEO's office on the top floor, Fade Chen looked around, and as expected, Lin Qiuhan was busy on the desk.

"Hey, my wife is a workaholic." Fade Chen sighed, pushed the door open, and said, "Honey, it's time to get off work, it's time to rest."

Lin Qiuhan heard the words, looked up and saw that Fade Chen was coming, he couldn't help being slightly startled, and then said: "Wait a minute, there is one more thing, I will leave immediately after I finish."

"No, I have to get off work immediately!" Fade Chen shook his head firmly, but he knew clearly that what his wife said might be to work an extra hour or two.

Therefore, he walked over directly and put away the documents on Lin Qiuhan's desk.

Lin Qiuhan glared at Fade Chen, but also knew that Fade Chen was doing it for his own benefit, so he got up immediately and said, "Okay, I'll clean up and get off work!"

"Well, it's pretty much the same!" Fade Chen nodded and smiled.

Just as Lin Qiuhan was packing up his things, there was a ding-dong notification sound from the computer.

Lin Qiuhan instinctively reached out to check the news.

Seeing this, Fade Chen stopped him and said, "My wife, I said I'm going to get off work. Let's deal with the work information tomorrow!"

Lin Qiuhan smiled helplessly, and was about to agree.

But at this moment, she glanced at the computer, couldn't help being startled, and said, "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter? Wife, don't tell me it's an urgent job again." Fade Chen said.

Lin Qiuhan said: "No, it's not a work message. It's a personal email."

"Don't bother with personal emails. I'll read them tomorrow." Fade Chen said.

Quin Lin looked at Fade Chen and said, "The person who sent the email is Li Xiaoxiao."

"What, Li Xiaoxiao!" Fade Chen was taken aback, with a puzzled look on his face, "Why is she sending you an email? Could it be that this guy is stubborn and wants revenge."

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's eyes turned cold, and his expression was a little cold, "I have disfigured her, and I have already kept my hands. If she still doesn't know how to repent, I don't mind sending her to see her grandfather and father."

"Don't be so nervous, check the content of the email and you'll know right away." Lin Qiuhan said, and then clicked on the email.

After quickly reading the email, Lin Qiuhan let out a cry of surprise and said, "If that's the case, that would be great."

"What's so good?" Fade Chen wondered.

Lin Qiuhan pulled Fade Chen, pointed at the computer, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Fade Chen looked at the computer and quickly browsed through the contents of the email.

Immediately, he knew the content of the email. This email is completely a help email from Li Xiaoxiao. Li Xiaoxiao wants to ask to meet Fade Chen. If she can succeed, she is willing to transfer the shares of the Li family under her name to the Autumn Group for free.

"If you want to see me, transfer the shares for free! This Li Xiaoxiao, what's the idea?" Fade Chen thought about it.

At this moment, Lin Qiuhan was already excited, thinking about the bright future with excitement on his face, "Li Xiaoxiao is a direct descendant of the Li family, and was trained as a successor before, so she must have a lot of shares in the family. Even if the Li family has hundreds of billions of dollars in property, even if they only have 10% of the shares, it is definitely a lot of money."

"Moreover, money is only one aspect. More importantly, the Li family has been entrenched in Xiangjiang for so many years, and has a lot of business roots at home and abroad. If our company can make use of these resources, it will definitely be much easier to develop .”


Seeing his wife's excited appearance, Fade Chen couldn't help but smiled slightly. He knew that what his wife cared about was not the Li family's money, nor the company's growth and development, but the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of slowly growing a small company step by step.

Moreover, from another perspective, the existence of the Li family can also help him obtain some necessary resources for cultivation and treatment more conveniently.

For example, the precious medicinal materials needed this time, such as Chiyan Longyang Grass, have the power of the Li family, and it may be more convenient in the future.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen nodded, and smiled at Lin Qiuhan: "Since there are so many benefits, then agree, and find time to meet her. Anyway, I have a lot of time."

"Then when do you have time, I'll email her back now!" Quin Lin looked at Fade Chen and asked aloud.

Fade Chen thought for a while, and then reported the time for tomorrow. Quin Lin replied the email quickly. Soon, the other side also replied to the email, setting the time and place for tomorrow evening.

After dealing with this matter, Chen Fei took Lin Qiuhan and went home from get off work together.

At 6:30 the next evening, Fade Chen went out and arrived at the Red Devils Bar that he had agreed with Li Xiaoxiao.

Although it's not too late, for a bustling city like Xiangjiang, the bar at this moment is already full of excitement, with people coming and going, bustling, very lively.

Fade Chen walked into the bar, hearing the chaotic sound of music and the smell of alcohol, he couldn't help frowning.

He scanned the lobby, but did not find Li Xiaoxiao. So, he came to the bar and asked, "Excuse me, do you have a guest named Li Xiaoxiao here? She asked me to meet here. By the way, my name is Chen Fei."

The staff inquired, shook his head and said: "Sir, I'm sorry, there is no customer named Li Xiaoxiao. Fade Chen's name is not in our records either."

"How could this be? Could it be that Li Xiaoxiao made a mistake?" Fade Chen became puzzled.

Looking at the time, it was still about ten minutes before the agreed seven o'clock, so Fade Chen ordered a glass of wine, found a random place and waited, "Wait a little longer, maybe she's late."

Soon, it was almost seven o'clock, but Li Xiaoxiao was still nowhere to be seen.

Fade Chen frowned immediately, then took out his mobile phone, and sent an email to Li Xiaoxiao, asking about her condition, but the other party didn't respond.

"Are you late? Or is Li Xiaoxiao playing tricks on me?" It was already a quarter past seven, and there was still no sign of Li Xiaoxiao in the bar, Fade Chen couldn't help frowning.

After finishing the drink in the glass, Fade Chen prepared to pay the bill and leave.

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise in the bar.

Chen Fei looked over involuntarily, and saw two drunk men surrounded by a waiter in a bar uniform, cursing and kicking in the crowded crowd.

"Damn it, I touched you to think highly of you. It's just a waiter, what is it!"

"Do you know who I am? Play with me once, and I will cover you in the future."

"This figure, this curvature, and this elasticity are really good. I just cover my face all the time, so I don't know how it looks?"


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