Fade Chen glanced at Du Cang, understood his thoughts, and then said: "The cause of this illness that Du Cang diagnosed should be skin itching caused by damp and hot constitution, so his treatment method is mainly to find ways to remove dampness and heat. "

"If I'm not mistaken, when Du Cang treated Mr. Wu just now, he acupunctured Mr. Wu's five acupoints: Shenshu, Yingxiang, Shiguan, Tianchi and Quze, and the order was according to my The order of enumeration. These acupoints have the effect of dispelling dampness and body heat, and strengthening the stimulation in a short period of time can have a certain therapeutic effect." Fade Chen said.

Wu Chuan heard what Fade Chen said, but he didn't know if it was correct, so he turned his attention to Du Cang.

At this moment, Du Cang's expression changed, revealing a surprised expression. Because what Fade Chen said just now is completely correct, no matter whether it is the acupuncture points he acupunctured or not, they are exactly the same. If it wasn't for sure that Fade Chen wasn't there at the time, Du Cang might have thought that Fade Chen had watched his treatment process secretly.

Although it was unexpected and unacceptable, Du Cang still nodded to Wu Chuan and said, "Doctor Chen is very accurate."

Now, even Wu Chuan was a little surprised. After all, when he came to Fade Chen for treatment, he just had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. It's the best if you can have it, and it won't be worse if you don't. But I didn't expect that the other party showed his hand casually now, and it was so powerful that even the third needle was shocked.

At this moment, Wu Chuan couldn't help feeling a little more anticipation in his heart, and his gaze towards Fade Chen became more and more scorching.

At this time, Fade Chen smiled faintly, and before it was over, his eyes fell on Du Cang again, and he said, "If I guess correctly, Dr. Du's usual prescription for Mr. Wu should be like this."

"Five grams of kudzu root, three grams of Prunella vulgaris, two grams of Smilax smilax; one gram of Pittosporum bark, two grams of Sangjisi, one gram of Cangzhu; one gram of Schisandra, two grams of Baiziren; three grams of Radix Pseudostellaria..."

"Among them, the main effects of kudzu root, Prunella vulgaris and Smilax tuckahoe are to clear away heat; Pittosporum bark, Sangjishen and Cangzhu are used to dispel dampness; as for Wuweizi and Baiziren, they are used to calm Mr. Wu's itching and irritability. and the final Pseudostellaria ginseng, etc., have the effect of strengthening the stomach and nourishing the spleen."

After talking about it, Mr. Wu was a little surprised. He didn't know Chinese medicine, but after taking the medicine for a long time, he vaguely remembered it. In the prescription Du Cang gave himself, there were indeed several familiar names.

At this moment, Du Cang was completely shocked. He looked at Fade Chen dumbfounded, moved his lips, then rubbed his eyes again, and said, "You, how do you know my prescription?"

These words are equivalent to confirming the accuracy of Chen Fei's words. Not only gave a few medicinal materials, but also accurately stated the quantity, and even stated the pharmacological effects.

Du Cang was really shocked by such an accurate result. Looking at Fade Chen, he couldn't help but ask, "You, who are you?"

Fade Chen smiled, but did not answer.

But at this time, Wu Chuan saw Du Cang's expression and knew that he had met an expert, so he was very excited. Looking at Fade Chen, he said, "Doctor Chen, I, can I cure my problem?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Of course it can be cured, and I can cure you on the spot."

"It can be cured on the spot? Really?" Wu Chuan couldn't help being surprised, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

But Du Cang came back to his senses at this moment, and when he heard what Chen Fei said, he couldn't help but said: "Although this problem is not serious, it is not so easy to cure. Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent more than half a year without treatment." Good. Besides, it was under the guidance of my grandpa a few times."

Fade Chen shook his head, and said lightly, "That's because you are not good at learning, so don't blame the complicated illness."

"You..." It was the first time Du Cang heard someone say that he was not good at learning, and he was still a young Chinese medicine doctor younger than himself.

Chen Fei curled his lips and smiled, and said to Du Cang, "If you are not convinced, then watch from the side, how I cured Mr. Wu."

While talking, Fade Chen picked up the silver needle that was prepared on the small table next to him.

Mr. Wu hurriedly prepared to take off his clothes and asked Fade Chen to give him an injection. But Fade Chen stopped him and said, "You don't need to take off your clothes, I'll just prick a few needles on my wrist and it will be fine."

"A needle on the wrist?" Mr. Wu was puzzled.

Du Cang also showed doubts on his face, and said: "The root of this damp, hot and itchy disease is in the armpits, groin, etc., and the root of the disease is within the skin. If you stick needles on the wrist, what effect will it have?"

Fade Chen didn't explain right away, but held the silver needle, circulated the inner vitality in the body, poured it into the silver needle, and then quickly pierced it into the wrist meridian, and then urged the inner vitality to circulate to the root of the disease.

Fade Chen practiced the "Nine Suns Burning the Sky Jue", which was just to the sun, and the inner vitality in his body was strong and scorching hot, and it circulated to the focus of the disease, completely burning the root of the disease. Naturally cured Wu Chuan's illness.

Just like that, in less than five minutes, Wu Chuan felt a burning sensation in the place where he usually itched, slightly hot. Afterwards, this feeling slowly subsided, and he felt his body lighten. The ever-present itching was completely eliminated, and the whole person felt completely relaxed.

"I, I don't itch at all!" Wu Chuan was full of surprise, and even scratched his body a few times regardless of his image, "It really doesn't itch at all, everything is fine."

Du Cang was also surprised, rushed over, held Wu Chuan's wrist, and made a pulse diagnosis.

A few minutes later, the surprise on Du Cang's face turned into shock. He looked at Fade Chen incomprehensibly, and frowned, "You, you really cured Uncle Chuan's illness?"

"What do you think?" Fade Chen looked at Du Cang.

Even if Du Cang didn't want to admit it anymore, he still had to face the reality. He nodded with an ugly expression, confirming the effect of Fade Chen's treatment.

Then, he looked at Fade Chen with scorching eyes, and asked, "You, how did you cure Uncle Chuan's illness? Also, why did the needles on your wrists work?"

Chen Fei sighed softly, and said: "In traditional Chinese medicine, the meridians of the human body are interlinked. Although I have needles on my wrists, the luck of the needles will naturally flow to the lesion through the meridians."

"Of course I know that the meridians are connected, but that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want..." Du Cang frowned, but suddenly, he suddenly realized something, and looked at Fade Chen with shocked eyes, "You just said, you need to have the needle luck?"

"Yes, I cured Mr. Wu's illness. It took effect by using my energy to burn the root of the disease." Fade Chen said lightly.

"Qi Jin! You actually developed Qi Jin? How is this possible? How old are you!" Du Cang was shocked, even more shocked than when Fade Chen accurately stated his prescription just now.

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