"But, Dad, if you wait any longer, you won't have a chance, Master Chen—" Su Yunshan said anxiously.

Before he finished speaking, the old man slapped the armrest with his palm and roared angrily, "Don't take Master Chen's one by one. Although Fade Chen is powerful, he is not invincible. Our Su family doesn't have to rely on him. As for For Momo, I arranged a better future for her."

"Dad, what did you arrange for Momo? It won't be another marriage, right?" Su Yunhai said nervously.

Su Hongqi glared at him, and said, "Don't ask too much, you will know when the time comes."

"But, Momo—" Su Yunhai said with some dissatisfaction.

Su Hongqi waved his hands in a cold voice, and immediately started chasing people away, "Needless to say, I have settled everything. Go out and get busy!"

Immediately, Veteran Su drove the anxious and confused three sons and daughters out of the room. On the other hand, he took out his mobile phone and made a call. With a flattering smile on his face, he greeted respectfully: "Mr. Yang, I don't know what you--"


On Fade Chen's side, everyone's enthusiasm for offering treasures was getting higher and higher, which surprised Fade Chen.

When Fade Chen was busy receiving all the treasure presenters, suddenly, Xu Shan came to Fade Chen in a hurry and said, "Master Chen, someone urgently asks to see you."

"Who wants to see me? What's going on?" Fade Chen asked.

Xu Shan hurriedly said: "Master Chen, it's like this. Outside, a person came to offer a treasure, saying that he has the You Bingquan you need, Master Chen."

"What, You Bingquan!" Fade Chen was shocked, and then said with joy, "Really? Which big family gave the treasure? Let him in!"

Xu Shan said: "The person who presented the treasure is not from our big family in Nan'an City, but a strange ordinary person."

"Ordinary people!" Fade Chen frowned, slightly surprised, but still beckoned, "Let's call in!"

"Yes!" Xu Shan said quickly, and then went out to greet the person who offered the treasure to come in.

Soon, a middle-aged man in his forties came in behind Xu Shan.

The man was dressed in a gray robe, with his head raised slightly and a smile on his face. Seeing Fade Chen, his expression also seemed quite confident, without the flattery and awe of those treasure presenters before.

Moreover, the aura exuding from him also shows that he is a warrior, and his strength is about the middle stage of Xuan level.

While Fade Chen was looking at the man, the other side was also looking at him.

Before Fade Chen could speak, the other party took the lead and said, "Are you Master Chen?"

Seeing this, Xu Shan frowned, and said displeasedly: "Mr. Zhao, it's better to be respectful in front of Master Chen."

Mr. Zhao glanced at Xu Shan, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "You are Master Chen's servant, but I am not."

"You—" Xu Shan's face darkened, and he was about to get angry.

Not to mention, Fade Chen gave him a wink and made Xu Shan retreat.

Then, Fade Chen looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I am Master Chen. This Mr. Zhao, you said that you have You Bingquan on hand, and you want to exchange things with me?"

Mr. Zhao did not respond to Fade Chen's words, but instead said: "Whether to exchange or not depends on whether you can afford what I want, Master Chen."

This arrogant attitude made Xu Shan on the side furious again. Fade Chen's face was also a little gloomy.

However, Fade Chen didn't say much, but continued to ask: "Then, I would like to ask Mr. Zhao, what do you want?"

Mr. Zhao glanced at Fade Chen, paused for a few seconds, and then proudly said: "What I want is a heavenly martial skill."

"Heaven-level martial arts!" Hearing this, Xu Shan and the others on the side exclaimed directly.

After all, so many treasures were exchanged before. The most that Fade Chen showed were only prefecture-level martial arts. Now, this Mr. Zhao wants heaven-level martial arts as soon as he opens his mouth. It is really a bit of a lion to open his mouth.

Fade Chen also frowned slightly, and then said: "I have the heavenly martial arts skills. But do you have the You Bingquan I want?"

Mr. Zhao looked proud, and said confidently: "Since I'm here, You Bingquan naturally exists."

Chen Fei said: "In this case, then you take out the Youbingquan, and I will give you a heavenly martial skill."

While speaking, Fade Chen took out a book of martial arts and placed it directly in front of him.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhao's eyes lit up, a flash of surprise and excitement flashed across his face, and he said, "You Bingquan, I don't have it on me."

"You—you're looking for death!" The angry Xu Shan on the side was furious at the moment, rushed out, glared at Mr. Zhao fiercely, and said, "Zhao Lingdong, how dare you deceive Master Chen? I--"

Even Fade Chen's expression sank, and he looked a little annoyed.

But Zhao Lingdong, with an unhurried expression on his face, said proudly: "I said I don't have it, but it doesn't mean I don't have You Bingquan."

"It's just that there is a place for my Youbingquan. I need Master Chen to go with me to get it." Zhao Lingdong looked at Fade Chen as he said.

Xu Shan's face was gloomy, he gave Zhao Lingdong a hard look, and then said to Fade Chen: "Master Chen, this guy came here to make trouble on purpose, ignore him."

Zhao Lingdong said with a smile: "Master Chen and I will go for a walk, and you will naturally know if I am causing trouble."

Looking at Fade Chen's slightly hesitant expression, Zhao Lingdong said: "Could it be that the dignified Master Chen is afraid, and he doesn't even dare to come with me."

"You—" Xu Shan almost called someone to do it.

But at this time, Fade Chen squinted his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then raised his hand to stop Xu Shan, looked at Zhao Lingdong, and said, "I still have time, and it's not a big deal to go with Mr. Zhao."

"Master Chen, this—" Xu Shan looked at Zhao Lingdong angrily and worriedly.

Fade Chen gave Xu Shan a reassuring look, then looked at Zhao Lingdong, and said in a deep voice, "I don't mind taking a walk, but if someone dares to lie to me, I think he will know the consequences."

Facing Chen Fei's warning words, Zhao Lingdong didn't change his face, and said proudly: "Master Chen, don't doubt it, just follow me, and everything will be revealed."

Chen Fei got up and said loudly: "Then let's go now!"

"Okay!" Zhao Lingdong nodded with a smile on his face, and took the lead out of the hall.

Then, Fade Chen and Lingdong Zhao drove out of the center of Nan'an City.

Because of Zhao Lingdong's request, Fade Chen didn't let others follow him. Only two people go together.

In the car, Fade Chen looked at Zhao Lingdong, and said, "Mr. Zhao is also a martial artist. I don't know how you got this You Bingquan?"

Zhao Lingdong glanced at Fade Chen, did not answer the question, but said: "This involves my secret, I'm afraid I can't reveal it, Master Chen forgive me."

Fade Chen nodded after hearing the words, but did not continue to ask.

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