After feeling slightly emotional, Fade Chen immediately walked into the building.

Fade Chen didn't know the location of Mr. Chai's office, and there was no floor plan in this old building, so Fade Chen could only search room by room in the corridor by himself.

After searching on the first floor, Fade Chen didn't find Chai Fei's office. So, he came to the stairs, ready to go upstairs to find it.

Just when he was about to go upstairs, a crisp female voice rang out, "Student, are you busy?"

Fade Chen turned around, and immediately saw a young girl about eighteen or nineteen years old standing in front of him, asking politely with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

From the looks of it, he should be a student of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he also regarded himself as a student of Huaxia Medical University.

Without explaining much, Fade Chen smiled and asked, "Student, may I ask where is Professor Chai Feichai's office? Can you show me the way?"

When the girl heard this, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "You are here to find Professor Chai too! Professor Chai's office is at the innermost part of the top floor, so let me take you there!"

"Well, thank you." Fade Chen thanked, and then went upstairs with the girl, chatting while walking, "Student, are there many people in the school looking for Professor Chai?"

The girl looked at Fade Chen and said, "Of course! Professor Chai is a master of traditional Chinese medicine and an imperial physician at the Imperial Hospital of Beijing. He is a well-known figure in our Chinese medicine field, so there are naturally many people looking for him."

Fade Chen nodded, understood what the girl said, then smiled and said, "You are very lucky to be a student of Mr. Chai and see him every day!"

The girl nodded and said seriously: "Well, that's it. I applied for the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Huaxia Medical University last year because of Mr. Chai."

"So that's it, you are a freshman?" Fade Chen said casually.

The girl said: "Well, I have been enrolled for half a year. Like me, many students in our class came for Mr. Chai's name. But now, some people in the class regret it."

"Regret it? Why? Why do they regret that such a famous doctor as Mr. Chai is a professor?" Fade Chen asked.

The girl pursed her lips and said: "It's not that the major of Chinese medicine is too unpopular, and it's too troublesome and hard to learn. In addition, Mr. Chai's teaching is relatively strict, and some students can't stand it. They feel that it is harder than high school, so they want to Turned professional."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. At the same time, it can also understand the students' thinking.

In traditional Chinese medicine teaching, people usually start learning when they are a few years old. From memorizing soup songs, to knowing herbs, and various prescriptions. Without several years of effort, it is impossible to get started.

Now, many students have never been exposed to Chinese medicine before. After going to university, I started to learn from the beginning, and then met the demanding Mr. Chai, so it was naturally very hard.

However, Fade Chen didn't want to say anything more. They chose this major by themselves at the beginning, but now they dislike the major because it is too hard and unpopular, so they can't learn it well. This is their own problem.

Seeing Fade Chen pondering for a while, the girl muttered to herself: "Actually, I also regret it a bit."

"Ah, you don't want to learn Chinese medicine either?" Fade Chen looked at the girl in surprise. From what the girl said just now, it sounded like she was quite interested in Chinese medicine, so she suddenly said she regretted it.

When the girl heard the words, she quickly waved her hands and said, "No, no, I didn't mean that. It's not that I don't want to learn Chinese medicine."

"What does that mean?" Fade Chen asked.

The girl explained: "I said regret, but I said it was envy."

"Envy?" Fade Chen was even more puzzled.

The girl said: "I really like Chinese medicine, and Huaxia Medical University's Chinese medicine major can be said to be the strongest in the industry. So, after the college entrance examination, I applied here."

"However, what I didn't expect was that I heard from my classmates. In the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing University, a young Chinese medicine teacher came this year. He seems to be called Chen Fei. His class is very interesting, and his lectures are profound and simple. He often It is very simple and clear to do various experiments. Moreover, he is also a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and his medical skills are no less than Chai Lao, very powerful."

"Of course, some classmates said that he is a handsome guy. Many girls like him."

"My original score was enough to apply for Capital University. If I had known this would happen, I might have applied for the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Capital University." The girl said with emotion.

Fade Chen was listening, and couldn't help touching his nose, unable to tell what he was feeling at the moment.

Unexpectedly, his name would be spread to Huaxia Medical University. Moreover, the transmission was so magical that the little girl was a little fascinated.

Fade Chen was wondering if this little girl would be disappointed if he revealed his identity at this moment. I think I ruined Fade Chen's perfect image in his mind!

Fade Chen remained silent for a while, and in the eyes of the girl, it became a moment of silence.

The girl suddenly thought that this senior seemed to be looking for Mr. Chai, maybe he wanted to apply for Mr. Chai's postgraduate entrance examination, or maybe he was a student who came here just because of his reputation. As a result, if I said in front of him that I regret being a student of Mr. Chai, I'm afraid it would cause his displeasure.

Immediately, the girl's face turned pale, and she quickly explained, "Senior, don't get me wrong. I'm not dissatisfied with Mr. Chai, I'm just talking, I don't regret it, I—"

Fade Chen looked at the girl in surprise, but he was confused for a while. After a pause, he came back to his senses and understood the girl's feeling at the moment.

Immediately, Fade Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, I understand what you mean, I won't misunderstand or anything."

"Okay, we're on the third floor, where is Mr. Chai's office?" Fade Chen changed the subject.

The girl pointed to the direction of her left hand and said, "Senior, Mr. Chai's office is over there, the innermost one. Let's go there!"

Fade Chen nodded, and walked inside side by side with the girl.

The door of the innermost office was closed tightly, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. The girl knocked on the door, then stood respectfully at the door and waited.

After a while, there was a slight cough from inside, and then a voice that was somewhat suppressed on purpose: "Who is it?"

The girl said: "Someone is looking for Professor Chai."

"Come in!" said the voice from inside.

Immediately, the girl opened the door and walked into the office. Fade Chen followed immediately.

The office area is not small, divided into three rooms inside and outside. In the outermost room, there is a man in his twenties, wearing a tie, sitting at a desk, wearing glasses, and processing documents one after another.

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