"I have nothing to do with her!" Song Yi said through gritted teeth.

Liu Zhe smiled and said, "Sister Song, she is also your mother after all! Don't you seem too heartless when you say that? If this kind of thing is exposed, I'm worried—"

"By the way, I remembered. Aunt Die also said that if you don't come to the Liu family's dinner tomorrow, she will take the reporter to Li's house to hold it. After all, it is only natural for a mother to visit her daughter." things."

After speaking, Liu Zhe burst out laughing.

Song Yi's face was gloomy and full of anger. Fade Chen's complexion immediately sank, and he glanced at Liu Zhe, who was extremely proud, and said, "Do you want me to do it?"

Song Yi took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine. Fade Chen, let's go."

Immediately, Song Yi and Chen Fei left the store and returned home.

At home, Song Yi was rarely angry. He rushed into the room and threw a lot of things.

When the house was quiet, Fade Chen knocked on the door, then gently pushed the door in, looked at Song Yi who was sitting on the bed and hugged the pillow silently, and asked with concern: "Sister Song, no matter what happened, I'm all here."

Song Yi trembled slightly when he heard the words, and raised his head to look at Fade Chen's eyes, which were covered with mist.

"Fade Chen, I—" The tears in Song Yi's eyes began to flow slowly.

Fade Chen stepped forward, hugged Song Yi, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly: "Sister Song, if you have anything, just tell me. No matter what it is, I will face it with you." right."

Song Yi nodded, and then slowly said: "The Liu Zhe just now is the child of my husband's original marriage after my mother remarried. Back then..."

Following Song Yi's narration, Chen Fei gradually got to know Song Yi's family.

It turned out that Song Yi's mother was called Qi Die, and she was also a star more than 20 years ago. It's just that, back then, Qi Die was only a little transparent on the fringes of the entertainment industry, and could barely be regarded as a star, occasionally appearing on TV.

So tepid, Qi Die reached the age of twenty-six or seventeen, her career hadn't improved much, and she herself was about to give up her star career, get married and have children. And it happened that in a campus performance that year, she met Song Ganlin who stayed in school as a teacher.

Although Song Ganlin is not as rich as those in the entertainment industry, he is not a business tycoon either. But after graduating from a prestigious school, he has achieved quite a lot in academics. After staying in the school as a teacher, he was rated as an associate professor not long after. He is an absolute academic talent.

Coupled with Song Ganlin's gentle personality, Qi Die is very good. Moreover, marrying a university professor is also a good reputation for a female star. So, the two got married and later had Song Yi. Song Ganlin's academic achievements have also continued one after another. From associate professor to professor, it can be regarded as a smooth rise.

Living like this is definitely a happy life. But life will inevitably have unsatisfactory places.

Song Ganlin was originally an academic talent. After deepening his research, various research tasks naturally increased. As a result, he spent more time on research, and it was inevitable that he was somewhat negligent in taking care of his family.

On the other hand, after getting married, Qi Die has been a full-time wife at home. Seeing on TV, several of the little transparent stars who were similar to me back then gradually became popular, and I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Just at this time, a friend of hers got married and invited her to the wedding banquet. At the wedding banquet, Qi Die found out that her down-and-out friend had climbed up to the boss of an entertainment company, and successfully squeezed the other's wife out of the position. With the support of the boss, she slowly became popular.

Seeing that people who were not as good as themselves back then are living so well now. Qi Die felt even more unbalanced in her heart.

After returning home, her career ambition that had been silent for several years flourished again, and she found this friend and asked him to sign her to the company where her husband worked. That is Dolphin Entertainment where Liu Zhe works.

Qi Die, who made a comeback debut, released a few songs and participated in several shows relying on the relationship of friends. But it is still tepid and not popular.

Qi Die knew that there was almost no hope of becoming a star in the fire, so she changed direction just now and was going to follow her friend's route. In the end, she hooked up with her friend's husband, Liu Haichao, the owner of Dolphin Entertainment.

In the end, relying on good looks and the means to control men. Qi Die kicked away her friend who had just been in office for less than two years, and became the proprietress of Dolphin Entertainment herself.

Song Ganlin, who was obsessed with scientific research, didn't know his wife's situation at all. He only knew that his wife had come out to find a job again, and she seemed to be doing well.

As a result, when Qi Die took Liu Haichao and threw the divorce agreement in front of Song Ganlin, this honest man was immediately dumbfounded.

Although she is reluctant to give up and persuade her to stay, Qi Die, who has just become the proprietress, will not change her mind. Huo Sui divorced Song Ganlin, left her daughter to her husband, and then went to live the life of her boss wife.

It has to be said that Qi Die's methods are not bad. When everyone thought that this marriage would not last for a few years, Boss Liu would definitely divorce and replace her. Qi Die gradually became Liu Haichao's right-hand man, not only helping Liu Haichao in life, but also in his career.

As a result, this marriage, which everyone was not optimistic about, has been maintained until now.

Of course, during this process, Boss Liu Haichao spent nights with female artists of his company, hooked up with starlets and cheated on various levels, almost uninterrupted for more than 20 years.

But Qi Die could bear it and kept pretending that he didn't know anything. In this way, she sat firmly in the position of the proprietress of Dolphin Entertainment for more than 20 years.

After more than 20 years of development, Dolphin Entertainment has grown a bit, from a small third-tier entertainment company to a second-tier entertainment company. However, after all, the scale is limited, and it is very difficult to continue to grow.

But at this time, Qi Die was surprised to find that her daughter Song Yi had become a singer, and her popularity became very fast. In just a few years, she became a first-line female singer in China, and she even stepped forward to become a queen. hope.

Now, Qi Die was excited. I found Song Yi, got closer and closer, and wanted to rely on my daughter's current popularity to develop my company's business.

However, the matter of Qi Die cheating and resolutely leaving her and her father behind was firmly in Song Yi's heart. She didn't have a good impression of this mother. Naturally, he would not agree to such a thing, and refused Qi Die's solicitation without hesitation.

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