Seeing that Huang Qian was going to be overwhelmed, at this moment, Fade Chen opened his eyes, looked at Guo Hang, and said coldly: "There is no end, I'll sleep, you are chattering next to me, it's so noisy, give me a call right away." Shut up."

Guo Hang was teased by Fade Chen, his face darkened, and he said displeasedly: "This is a public place, I can talk as much as I want, you have no right to shut me up."

"I'm not qualified, am I?" Fade Chen didn't waste his time talking with him, and directly squeezed Guo Hang's wrist, exerting a little force.

Suddenly, the powerful force made Guo Hang feel an irresistible pain, and his wrist was almost broken by Fade Chen. Immediately, his face flushed, and he said hastily: "It hurts, it hurts, let me go quickly, quickly—"

Fade Chen snorted coldly, and finally let go. Guo Hang immediately covered his wrist and grinned, wanting to curse at Fade Chen, but seeing Fade Chen's cold eyes, he didn't dare to say anything more.

For the rest of the journey, Guo Hang finally became quiet. He didn't say a word until he landed. Obviously he didn't dare to make noise in Fade Chen's ear anymore.

After getting off the plane and coming out of the airport, it was almost noon, and the tour group went directly to the hotel that had been booked in advance. Have a group lunch at the hotel, rest for two hours, and go to the first scenic spot together in the afternoon.

This is the itinerary of normal group tourists. Fade Chen and the others are not here to travel, so naturally they will not act with the tour group. After saying hello to the tour group leader, the five of them left the hotel one after another.

Then, the five met in a hotel on the other side of the city. Without a break, Zhao Zhenfei, as the captain, immediately called everyone for the first meeting.

The city they landed in is the island country Banjo, which is one of the top three bustling metropolises in the island country. Song Ganlin flew from Beijing International Airport to Bancheng, which is why their team came to Bancheng.

The next task is naturally to find Song Ganlin's whereabouts.

It's just that Chen Fei and the others have very limited clues. The most useful clue is a man from the Chinese Island who flew away with Song Ganlin at the Beijing International Airport.

Now, Chen Fei and his team's task is to take the photo of the man of Chinese descent and look for clues in Bancheng.

Zhao Zhenfei arranged two people at the meeting. One was to secretly contact the Chinese intelligence personnel operating in the island country to see if they could get some intelligence and information from them;

Without any voting or choice, Zhao Zhenfei arranged the first job for himself and Hu Yu. Then handed over the second job to Fade Chen and Qian Huang.

Zhao Zhenfei is the captain of the team this time, and Fade Chen is under his jurisdiction in name. For such small actions at work, I can bear it. Accepted the second job without complaint.

After all, no matter what kind of work, it is to find out the reason and find the sample of genetic enhancement fluid and Song Ganlin.

Compared with the first job of contacting intelligence personnel, the second job is obviously more complicated, cumbersome, and harder.

In the huge city of Bancheng, relying on Chen Fei and Huang Qian, two Chinese people, trying to find out the whereabouts of Song Ganlin and the Chinese man can be said to be a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, Huang Qian is very professional. After accepting the mission, she quickly made a mission plan.

After Song Ganlin and the Chinese man flew to the island country, because the matter was of great importance, it was unlikely that they would contact the island country officials. So we have to start investigating from the people in the underground world.

On the other hand, it can be seen from the company of the Chinese man. Regardless of whether Song Ganlin is treasonous or not, he might not trust foreigners when he arrives in an island country where he is unfamiliar. Therefore, the safest choice is naturally to choose the Chinese of the island country to contact.

Based on these two points, Fade Chen and Qian Huang's work direction is very clear. The investigation started from the Chinese people in the underground world of Bancheng.

It is not too much to be able to mix in the underground world abroad and make some famous Chinese people. Fade Chen and Huang Qian quickly identified several search areas and started to investigate.

The way the two searched and investigated was also very simple. With their strong strength, they broke into the boss's office quietly and asked the other party if they knew the clues about Song Ganlin and the Chinese man.

After scanning three venues in the afternoon, Fade Chen and Huang Qian had nothing to gain, and no relevant clues were found. Instead, he rescued some Chinese people who were trapped in the field.

Fade Chen was not polite to those guys who specifically harmed his compatriots, and left some traces on them to make them remember.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Fei and Huang Qian came to the fourth venue.

This was the last place they had collected clues, and it was a custom shop on a bustling street.

In the island country, custom shops are legally operated. But it is not easy for ordinary people to open a custom shop. Without the support of local forces, it is difficult to open it. Let alone a foreigner opening a custom shop, it is even more difficult to do.

But such an impossible thing was still done. It can be seen that behind this custom shop, the boss named Lu Ming is quite capable.

However, no matter how strong he is, it doesn't make much difference to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen and Huang Qian easily sneaked into the custom store and found the boss Lu Ming's office, but unfortunately, the boss was not there.

In desperation, Chen Fei and Huang Qian could only withdraw.

And just as he exited the custom shop, Fade Chen suddenly paused and stopped.

Seeing this, Huang Qian couldn't help asking: "Mr. Chen, what's the matter? Did you find anything?"

Fade Chen shook his head, pointed to a sofa in the store, and said, "Those two people on the plane."

When Huang Qian heard this, she looked over. It turns out that the two sitting on the sofa are the long-haired photographer Guo Hang who pestered him on the plane, and the woman Xiao Wan who was close to him before.

It's just that the two who were very close before are not very close in their current situation.

The woman named Xiaowan sat on the sofa anxiously, surrounded by two strong men dressed in black and sunglasses. On the front, a fat man in his fifties, smoking a cigar, sprayed smoke on Xiao Wan's face, staring and saying: "Take the money!"

When Xiaowan heard the words, she trembled in fright, and almost cried: "This, this is too expensive. I just drank a few glasses of wine. How can you ask for so much?"

Hearing this, the man with thick flesh slapped his palm on the table and shouted sharply: "What is too expensive? Everything in our store is clearly marked with a price. Look at the menu, sake, a glass of 100,000 yen, you drank five glasses , a total of 500,000 yen. Take the money out!"

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