At this moment, Fade Chen, looking at the blood ninja who was attacking him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and locked his eyes tightly on the opponent's movements.

This blood ninja is worthy of being a ninja who specializes in practicing agility. In terms of speed of action, it is indeed very fast. The flexibility of its body shape is even better than some sky-level warriors that Fade Chen has seen.

However, in Chen Fei's eyes, that's all, it's not too powerful.

But at this time, the blood ninja on the opposite side saw that Fade Chen was standing in place without any movement to dodge, so he couldn't help showing a sneer, and with a touch of blood-colored vigor in his palm, he rushed towards Fade Chen's heart.

His speed is very fast, and the trajectory of his actions is extremely difficult to capture. The whole person is jumping around Fade Chen like a phantom, and the eyes of the surrounding audience can hardly keep up with his actions, let alone which part he is going to attack Fade Chen.

Feeling that Fade Chen was almost confused, Xue Ren saw Fade Chen stunned for a moment, and suddenly changed direction in the air, attacking fiercely.

"Die!" Xue Ren whispered in his heart, his moves were extremely decisive, and every move was a killing move with a decisive killing intent.

This move, he thought, could be said to be a must-kill for Fade Chen.

But just when he thought he was about to succeed, Fade Chen reacted at the last moment, and slapped Xue Ninja with his palm, blocking his heart-aiming move.

"Lucky guy, you have come to your senses." Xue Ren couldn't help feeling regretful in his heart, but the emotion in his eyes still carried a stern look, "It's not that simple to block my attack."

During the speech, Xue Ren was at the last moment, and the blood energy in his palm increased a little again. He slapped Fade Chen, wanting to teach Fade Chen a lesson and let him know how powerful he is.

Immediately, with a "snap", the palms of the two met together.

Blood Ninja, who was full of confidence just now, couldn't help but change his face at this moment. Because of this palm-to-palm encounter, the strength and momentum from Fade Chen's palm was much stronger than he had imagined.

That majestic force was so overwhelming that I couldn't resist it, like a wave, I saw the blood ninja and slapped it back.

Thus, the audience at the scene saw such a scene.

The two faced each other, and the blood ninja, who was full of confidence, was sent flying by the palm. He slid more than ten meters in the air, and finally stopped barely at the edge of the arena.

"Here, what's going on here?"

"The blood ninja was beaten to the ground, so Fade Chen is so powerful?"

"No, the blood ninja may have retreated on purpose!"


While everyone was discussing and guessing, Fade Chen showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. His body that was originally standing still suddenly moved at this moment, and rushed directly towards Xuenin.

The rumbling Fade Chen, like a tank, charged towards the blood ninja with a huge impact force.

Xue Ren felt this majestic power, and his expression changed slightly. Fade Chen's strength is even better than his. If you confront him head-on, you won't take advantage of it. Moreover, such head-to-head confrontation is not a ninja's strong point.

Therefore, Blood Ninja immediately made a decision to dodge Fade Chen's offensive in a blink of an eye, and look for opportunities to sneak attack and attack Fade Chen from the side or behind.

This is the strong point of the ninja. While speaking, Xue Ninja's figure flashed, and a purple-black streamer was pulled out from the whole body, and it quickly flickered on the arena.

It has to be said that Xue Nin's movements are fast and flexible. During the jumping of the figure, it is almost impossible to catch the trace, so naturally it is difficult to attack him.

"Xue Ninja made a mistake just now, and confronted Fade Chen head-on, now he has to give full play to his agility."

"Yeah, if you keep dodging like this, no matter how powerful Fade Chen is, if he can't hit anyone, it won't work."

"Continuing to consume like this, the blood ninja can be said to be sure to win!"

"The Uchida family and Lisa are finished. Now, Akao Taketo will become the next master of the Yaki Society."


Just when everyone was discussing and thinking that Fade Chen would definitely lose. Fade Chen, who was like a tank, saw the blood ninja's dodging movement, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Do you think that you can avoid my attack like this?"

Before he could finish speaking, Fade Chen's figure, which was crashing, also suddenly changed direction, chasing after Xue Ren and charged over.

For a while, the two chased each other on the field.

What is surprising is that they think that Chen Fei's speed and flexibility are definitely not as good as Blood Ninja. But the result was completely different from what they had imagined. Fade Chen, who was full of impact, was exceptionally flexible in his body and movements.

But within a few seconds, Fade Chen followed Xue Ren's movements and bit tightly. Moreover, his impact force was stronger, and he quickly narrowed the distance with the blood ninja, and directly slammed into it heavily.


Such a violent and direct impact, although Xue Ren blocked it, he still felt a huge force coming, his internal organs trembled, his whole body seemed to be hit by a tank, and his muscles felt an unspeakable soreness.

Before the Blood Ninja could recover, Fade Chen chased after him, and hit him again with a bang.

This time, the blood couldn't bear it anymore, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his face turned red.

And Fade Chen kept moving, biting the blood ninja tightly, and kept chasing after him. When you get there, there's nothing fancy about it, just a direct and ferocious impact.

Just like that, just now everyone was still discussing that Blood Ninja must win and drag down Fade Chen. At this moment, I saw that Xue Ren was vomiting blood continuously after being hit by Fade Chen, and his face became paler and paler.

Such a situation was really unexpected to everyone, and they couldn't help being extremely surprised and discussing it.

"This Fade Chen's speed is so fast, he can keep up with the blood ninja."

"Not just keeping up, but catching up."

"If you catch up, just hit it directly. This force is too strong!"

"Speed ​​and strength, blood ninjas are all inferior. In this competition, Fade Chen is going to win."


Amidst the discussion, the members of the Chiwei family who had been complacent just now had a rather ugly expression.

Akao Xian looked at his father with a worried look on his face, and said, "Dad, let's endure the blood—"

Akao Kento was calm, with his expression unchanged, made a calm gesture to Akao Ken, and said in a deep voice: "Not necessarily, blood ninja is not so easy to lose. You must know that ninjas can be said to be unique killers in island countries. And the blood ninja is the most ruthless of these killers."

"Before a killer dies, don't underestimate any of their attacks. Because this kind of person can kill the opponent with one blow as long as he seizes a chance."

Hearing his father's words, Akao Ken heaved a sigh of relief, and the tense expression on his face relaxed a little.

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