Daojing monk continued: "In order to strengthen the effect, Master thought of a way. That is to grind a section of branch picked up together with the peach pit into powder, and mix this powder with other raw materials to make sandalwood. incense, and then use the leaves of the branches to make tea. The three-pronged approach works together, and the effect of the mental attack will be stronger."

Hearing this, Fade Chen recalled the scene of the Taoist monk burning incense and making tea. Indeed, after he inhaled the smoke and drank the tea, the effect of confusion was indeed strengthened. It turned out that there was another reason.

"How many branches and leaves are there?" Fade Chen stared at the Taoist monk.

Daojing monk's complexion changed, and then he sighed: "When my master picked up the peach pit, there was only a branch the size of a child's arm. After so many years of use, there are not many left."

"Don't talk nonsense, take out the things." Fade Chen was not polite.

Soon, Monk Daojing took Fade Chen into the Treasure Pavilion of Mocao Temple, took out a small wooden box, and handed it to Fade Chen.

Fade Chen opened the wooden box, and inside he saw a piece of dead wood that was as long as his index finger. Next to the dead wood, there were two yellowed leaves.

After feeling it for a while, Fade Chen discovered that the smell of the branches and leaves was indeed the same as the peach pit. It seems that the peach stone fruit came from this tree. It's just that for an unknown reason, it fell into the primeval forest, but was picked up by the master of the Daojing monk.

Two rotten fruit cores, together with some branches and leaves, have such a mental attack effect. If one could find a fruiting tree, and really find a fresh fruit, how powerful would the effect of the mental attack be.

It is even possible to find ways to enhance spiritual power, and even practice spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen couldn't help feeling a little excited. Martial arts strength has reached his level, and it is already very slow and difficult to improve. In terms of mental strength, it is blank.

If it can improve mental power, find a means of mental power attack. It can be said that it has greatly improved Chen Fei's strength.

However, such things are obviously difficult to obtain. It is very lucky for Fade Chen to get the peach core, branches, and leaves now.

Putting away these things, Fade Chen immediately swept away the Treasure Pavilion in the Mocao Temple, and took all the valuable things into his pocket.

The Daoist monk watched from the side with great pain, but he didn't dare to stop him at all.

After searching the Treasure Pavilion, Fade Chen asked some more questions, including Zhao Zhenfei's betrayal.

Regarding this, Daojing Monk was a little unclear, he just said that Zhao Zhenfei had no direct contact with him, and the person in charge of the contact was someone from the Chiwei family. Moreover, Zhao Zhenfei was also informed by the official spies that he could be employed.

As for other things, such as why Zhao Zhenfei betrayed, and whether there are other spies, Daojing monk is not very clear.

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but frown, and continued to ask, but didn't get any more useful information.

Immediately, Fade Chen mercilessly killed the Taoist monk. Then Mo Cao Temple and the laboratory in the cave behind were all blown up.

For a moment, the rumbling explosion oscillated in the mountains, causing quite a commotion. But Fade Chen had already left with Academician Song.

Back in Daojing, Fade Chen didn't go to Lisa's side, but just made some phone calls, and then he was about to leave.

It's not that Fade Chen is ruthless, but the matter of Mo Cao Temple may be implicated by the island country's officials, and even the US officials. If Lisa is involved in such a big event.

Even if the Baqi Society is the largest underground organization in the island country, it is too fragile in front of the huge government.

He and Hu Yu and Huang Qian got together and told them the ins and outs of the incident. They were also very frightened and hurriedly reported the news back to China.

Next, they naturally wanted to take Academician Song back to China.

However, they soon discovered that the journey back home did not seem to be so smooth.

The investigation team originally came to the island country in the name of a tourist group, although their actions were relatively secretive. But after a big fight between the Chiwei family and the Mo Cao Temple, even if the island nation's intelligence agencies were fools, they would have discovered their anomalies.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to directly buy a ticket to fly back to the country. Besides, with Academician Song whose identity cannot be revealed now, it is even more impossible to act openly.

Therefore, the next direction to consider is naturally to smuggle back to the country.

In this regard, Fade Chen did not ask Huaxia's intelligence personnel in the island country for help. One is that I don't want to involve them, and the other is that I don't trust them very much.

After all, Zhao Zhenfei's betrayal happened. No one can tell how many Chinese intelligence personnel in the island country are reliable.

After many considerations, Fade Chen disappeared into the island country with a few people. Within a few days, he rushed to several cities one after another, and finally got mixed into a tourist cruise ship, and finally started the journey back to China.

The speed of the cruise ship is naturally not as fast as that of the plane, and it will take almost two days to drive all the way back to the country.

But Fade Chen was not in a hurry. On the cruise ship, he gave Hu Yu and Huang Qian a careful treatment for their injuries, which made their injuries recover to 80%. After returning, as long as they rested for a while, there would be no problem.

As for Academician Song, although he also served in the army, he is only a scientific researcher after all. After going through such a series of things, he is physically and mentally exhausted. After boarding the cruise ship, I almost fell asleep.

The cruise ship left the port, drove for half a day, and safely left the territorial waters of the island country.

Fade Chen was also relieved. From now on, as long as he waits quietly and returns to the country, he will be safe.

But just as Fade Chen was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Fade Chen instantly became alert.

The waiter's polite voice sounded outside, "Sir, lunch is starting, what do you need?"

Chen Fei said: "Thank you, I don't need it."

"Well, sorry to bother you, sir. If you need anything, you can always ring the bell to find our service staff." The waiter continued.

Fade Chen said lightly: "Understood, I will."

Then, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the waiter seemed to walk away.

But when Fade Chen got up and walked towards the door, two quick and short sounds of "bang bang" sounded, and there were two round holes in the door, and two bullets shot towards Fade Chen.

"Enemy!" Fade Chen focused his eyes and moved his body to avoid the bullet's attack. He leaned sideways against the wall and hid to one side.

Immediately, with a "boom", the door was kicked open, and a man wearing a waiter's uniform but holding a pistol stepped in cautiously.

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