They flocked to the lake Luo Muxin from all over the country at the beginning, just to get herbal medicine, improve their physique, and be selected by the martial arts sect when they go back.

That being the case, Fade Chen simply distributed a bottle of holy spring water to each of them for free, allowing them to take it to improve their physical fitness and strength.

When they go back and people around them see the effect, word of mouth will naturally spread.

After all, an unidentified herbal medicine by the Romusin Lake could attract so many people and spend a lot of money to find medicine from all over the country.

Now, Fade Chen's holy spring water is absolutely effective, and it will definitely attract more people to pay attention to the holy spring water.

At that time, if we add some social news to fuel the flames, it will definitely make the Holy Spring fire up.

For example, a commoner boy in a small city, after drinking the holy spring water, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he was selected by a heavenly sect as a disciple, and he soared into the sky ever since.

Another example is the genius of the Xiao family, who was deposed due to injury, and the marriage was annulled. After taking the holy spring water, the injury recovered, and the useless rose, don't bully the young and poor!


After everything was confirmed, Shengquan Company quickly opened up and started the production of holy spring water.

And with the return of these rich and young sons and gentlemen, the reputation of the holy spring water has quickly spread all over China.

Fade Chen felt that everything was on the right track, and then he set off on his return journey.

As for the operation of Shengquan Company, Wei Ling has sent professionals to take over. In addition, with the support of local bigwigs like Master Mokahan, there is no need to worry about the normal operation of the company.

Fade Chen first brought Jiuxing Cangmugen to the capital, prepared medicine for his junior sister Chen Ziling, and healed the injuries in his body.

Afterwards, Fade Chen returned to Donghai City. As soon as the plane landed, Fade Chen felt that the atmosphere in Donghai City seemed a little different. There were obviously more fighters at the airport, and many of them were foreigners.

"Could it be that the sect entered the world to accept disciples?" Seeing this, Fade Chen guessed in his heart, but he didn't think much, and then went to Donghai University of Science and Technology.

After Sun Xi left Tunghai University, he studied at Tunghai University of Science and Technology not far away.

This time, Fade Chen had been away for quite a while, and now that he is back, he is going to bring Sun Xi and a few acquaintances and friends to have a meal together.

Compared with the comprehensive Donghai University, Tunghai University of Science and Technology has a much smaller campus, but the learning atmosphere is quite strong. Walking on the campus road, Fade Chen saw many students holding books and reading, looking very hardworking.

All the way to the front of the teaching building, Chen Fei waited for the students to finish their classes.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students poured out of the teaching building.

Fade Chen searched the crowd with his eyes, but he didn't find any trace of Sun Xi.

"Why didn't you see that little girl, did the teacher delay the class?"

Thinking in his heart, Fade Chen waited for a few more minutes. Almost all the students in the teaching building had left, but there was still no sign of Sun Xi.

Now, Fade Chen couldn't help feeling a little worried, "I called Xiao Xi in advance, she probably won't forget it!"

Immediately, Fade Chen walked directly into the teaching building, and began to search for Sun Xi from classroom to classroom.

When Fade Chen searched for two floors and finally walked up to the third floor. He was still in the stairwell when he heard a woman's scream, which came from Sun Xi.

Immediately, Fade Chen's face darkened, and he sped up and ran towards the source of the sound.

Just in front of the classroom door at the end, Sun Xi, who was carrying a schoolbag, was stopped by a burly man.

The man tried to reach out to grab Sun Xi's hand, so there was the scream that Fade Chen heard just now.

"Sun Xi, today is different. Now, if you follow me, I will never treat you badly." The man said.

Sun Xi said anxiously, "Zuo Kui, I'm not suitable for you, don't pester me anymore."

Zuo Kui said: "Sun Xi, don't make excuses anymore. I think we are very suitable, perfect. I like you, you are mine."

"Zuo Kui, feelings cannot be forced. If you do this again, I will call the police." Sun Xi backed off.

Hearing this, Zuo Kui's face sank, with a hint of anger on his face, he snorted coldly and said, "Sun Xi, do you think it's useful for you to call the police now? The police don't touch me at all."

"I, Zuo Kui, will tell you right now that I have a crush on you. You must become my woman, and I must get you. No matter what means I use." Zuo Kui gritted his teeth and said.

While speaking, he leaned forward and was about to strike again.

Seeing this, Sun Xi curled up her thin body, looking terrified, "Zuo Kui, don't act recklessly."

"Get messy!" Zuo Kui snorted coldly, "I'm going to mess around today. Tonight, I'm going to have you, and you're destined to be my woman."

"No, you dare to do it. When my big brother Chen comes back, he won't let you go." Sun Xi shouted hastily.

Hearing this, Zuo Kui's complexion sank immediately, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You said Fade Chen. Let me tell you, it's not like before, the situation is completely different. Even if he comes back, I don't take him seriously. Don't expect him to save you."

"You'd better follow me obediently!" Zuo Kui smiled, and put his big hand towards the key parts of Sun Xi's chest.

Sun Xi screamed in shock, but in front of the burly Zuo Kui, there was no room for resistance at all.

Just when Zuo Kui was grinning ferociously and was about to succeed.

"Go away!"

A sound like thunder suddenly exploded, making Zuo Kui tremble.

"Who—" Zuo Kui turned around and yelled.

But just when he turned around, he punched him hard.

Zuo Kui couldn't dodge at all, and he was hit hard on the door, and his whole face was sunken in by Fade Chen, like dough.

There was a sound of bones breaking and blood splattering, accompanied by Zuo Kui's screams.

"You dare to hit me, I am Zuo Kui, my cousin is Zuo You, how dare you—" Zuo Kuili shouted.

"Why wouldn't I dare!" Fade Chen looked down on Zuo Kui with a cold expression on his face.

At this moment, Zuo Kui finally saw the face in front of him clearly, and he was shocked and surprised, "Chen, Fade Chen, you are back."

"Yes, I'm back. It seems that the previous lesson is not enough. You don't know what to do, and dare to harass Sun Xi again." Fade Chen said in a cold tone, then grabbed Zuo Kui by the throat, and lifted him up. It was stuffed directly outside the window on the side of the aisle.

His body was suspended in the air at a height of more than ten meters, even if Zuo Kui was a black-level warrior, his legs were trembling with fright at this moment, and his eyes were full of horror.

"No, don't kill me, don't—"

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