Around the stretcher, there were seven or eight villagers in their forties or fifties standing respectfully on both sides.

Among them is a goddess wearing red flowers, heavy makeup, and holding a wooden staff. At this time, he was constantly beating in front of the statue, and his mouth was crackling non-stop. From time to time, he picked up pinches of cigarette ash and sprinkled them on the old man on the stretcher.

Following the movement of the sorceress, the villagers and believers who were watching outside shouted excitedly one by one.

"Mistress Hanyue, don't blame us, we have already brought the sinner."

"Please forgive us, Empress Hanyue, we have apologized to Empress."


Amidst the shouts, smoke rose everywhere, and amidst the hallucinations, the statue of Empress Hanyue in the main hall also seemed to be shrouded in smoke, and it seemed to be a little more hazy, as if it was about to come alive.

The sorceress with heavy makeup jumped more and more, muttering words. Finally, he took out a one-handed dagger from his arms, and was about to stab Professor Hu on the stretcher.

At this critical moment, a sharp voice sounded, "Don't!"

Following the shout, the villagers couldn't help but look over, and then they saw Meng Yu, Zhou Hang and Chen Fei trotting towards this side quickly.

These people obviously knew Meng Yu and Zhou Hang, and immediately pointed at them.

"It's Professor Hu's student!"

"They dug the ancient tomb."

"Our feng shui was destroyed by them. It's because of them that Hanyue Empress has disappeared."


Inside the temple, the sorceress squinted her eyes and yelled, "Stop them."

Immediately, the villagers at the door blocked them, surrounded them and prevented them from entering.

And the sorceress moved the dagger in her hand, and was about to stab it again.

Seeing this, Meng Yu was extremely excited, and shouted loudly, "Stop, you are killing people. If Professor Hu dies, you are all accomplices, and you are all going to jail."

Zhou Hang mustered up his courage at this moment, and shouted: "Before we came, we had already called the police. If you don't stop, when the police come, you will all be arrested."

It has to be said that the police are still very deterrent to ordinary villagers.

For a moment, the expressions of the villagers who besieged and blocked them suddenly hesitated.

Seeing this, the sorceress inside shouted: "Don't be intimidated by them. Now there is a traffic jam outside, and the police can't get in at all."

"Besides, I didn't kill anyone. I just took some of his heart and blood, used it as a sacrifice, and confessed to Empress Hanyue."

"Could it be that you don't want Empress Hanyue to continue to appear?"

As soon as these words came out, many villagers hesitated again.

And the sorceress inside winked, causing the seven or eight burly men beside him to also walk out of the temple and walk towards Meng Yu and the others.

With the participation of these people, Meng Yu and Zhou Hang, two weak college students, could not break in at all. He could only watch helplessly as the sorceress was about to plunge the dagger into Professor Hu's chest.

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, at this moment, a vigorous force pierced through the air, accurately hitting the witch's wrist, splashing a cloud of blood, and directly knocking the dagger in the witch's hand into the air.

The sorceress held her wrist, let out a scream, and then yelled: "Who—"

Accompanied by shouts, Fade Chen mentioned Meng Yu and Zhou Hang, jumped out of the encirclement of the villagers, and entered the temple.

"Who are you, how dare you destroy our sacrifice—" the sorceress glared at Fade Chen fiercely, and said.

Fade Chen didn't say much, and slapped the sorcerer directly on the face with his hands, and said coldly: "The guy who pretends to be a ghost, still wants to harm others, is he looking for death!"

"You dare to hit me, how dare you hit me, I—" The sorcerer stared at Fade Chen with anger in her eyes and began to drink sharply.

Fade Chen shook his hand and slapped the witch on the other cheek, and said coldly, "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you."

The terrifying and cold eyes really scared the sorceress, she shrank back and didn't dare to speak anymore.

At this time, Meng Yu and Zhou Hang looked at Professor Hu on the stretcher with anxious expressions on their faces.

Fade Chen withdrew his gaze and began to check for Professor Hu. The breath of true energy was injected into his body. After some checks, Fade Chen said to Meng Yu and Zhou Hang: "Don't worry, Professor Hu is nothing serious, I can cure it!"

"Brother Chen, hurry up—" Meng Yu hurriedly said.

But at this moment, the sorcerer's voice sounded outside, "Have you seen it? It is these people who have destroyed the feng shui in our village and prevented Empress Hanyue from appearing. Now, they still want to hinder our ceremony. Hurry up!" hold them."

Incited by the sorceress, the villagers at the door were suddenly excited, and rushed in.

Seeing this, Meng Yu and Zhou Hang's expressions changed.

Meng Yu hurriedly shouted, "Don't be fooled, everyone. The witch is lying to everyone. The matter of the ancient tomb has nothing to do with the Hanyue Empress Temple. Moreover, the matter of apparitions is a feudal superstition, so don't believe it."

"Superstition? Has everyone forgotten about the miracles and healings before?" The sorceress shouted in the crowd.

"I only recovered after drinking the holy water given by Empress Hanyue. Empress Hanyue is real!"

"They dug the ancient tomb, they are the liars, catch them."

"Niang Hanyue is the ancestor and god of our village, we cannot allow them to blaspheme and stop them."


"No, we didn't—"

"I'm going to call the police, don't come here!"

In front of the turbulent villagers, Meng Yu and Zhou Hang's explanations became very pale and weak at this moment.

Seeing that hundreds of villagers were about to rush in, at this moment, a thunderous roar, like a summer thunder, suddenly exploded, directly shocking all the people on the scene, frozen in place, not daring to move.

"Stop it all!"

Undoubtedly, the one who spoke was naturally Fade Chen.

At this moment, Fade Chen looked serious and looked at the villagers at the door with a gloomy expression.

Seeing that the villagers were stunned, Fade Chen whispered to Meng Yu and Zhou Hang: "You take Professor Hu with you, and we leave."

The two quickly lifted Professor Hu off the stretcher.

Fade Chen led the way, staring fiercely at the crowd with his angry eyes, so frightened that the villagers dared not approach at all.

Seeing that the three of them were about to leave the temple.

At this moment, the sorceress shouted: "There are only three of them, don't be intimidated. Let's do it together, they won't be able to leave."

Amidst the shouts, the seven or eight burly men took the lead in rushing up. Seeing this, the rest of the villagers rushed up one after another.

The scene became chaotic again. The shouts continued.

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