With the experience from last time, Fade Chen's speed was obviously much faster when he entered the ancient tomb this time.

Quickly cross the passage, pass through the ear tomb, and enter the main tomb.

As soon as he stepped into it, Fade Chen saw the rotten black slime left on the ground at a glance, as well as the signs of wooden doors and masonry falling down and being destroyed. From the looks of it, it should have been caused when the rotting corpse came out just now.

And judging from the traces of black mucus, the carrion crawled out of the main coffin.

Seeing this, Fade Chen walked towards the main coffin, and at the same time guessed in his mind, "Who is the owner of this ancient tomb, and he has changed into such a rotting corpse."

Slowing down, covered with a layer of real energy, Fade Chen walked towards the main coffin cautiously.

When he came to the main coffin, the coffin lid was already open. When Fade Chen took a look, he found that the coffin was dark and messy.

However, after taking a closer look, Fade Chen quickly noticed something. Under these dark things, there are faint bones exposed.

"What's going on? The rotting corpse that ran out just now leaked its own bones here?" Fade Chen wondered, "Impossible! When I was fighting that rotting corpse just now, I found out that the other party had bones. "

"Could it be that there is more than one corpse in this main coffin!" Thinking of this, Fade Chen condensed the breath of his true energy, pushed aside the black object on the surface, and found a relatively complete human skeleton underneath.

However, Fade Chen soon discovered that there were traces of cutting and heavy blows on these skeletons. And judging from the bone marks, it was not left by the deceased during his lifetime, but caused by the beating of the body after death.

"What's going on here?" Fade Chen felt confused for a while, "The coffin owner was beaten up after his death? Could it be that the tomb robbers came in to do it?"

However, after looking at the intact funeral objects in the main tomb, Fade Chen quickly shook his head and rejected his guess.

Just when Fade Chen was wondering, suddenly, Fade Chen's eyes lit up, and he glanced at the skull.

A black plant actually grew out of the black skull's mouth.

"This is—" Fade Chen leaned over to take a closer look, and then revealed a look of surprise, his whole body became excited, "Hanyue Fuling, it turned out to be Hanyue Fuling."

This cold moon Poria cocos is an extremely precious yin and cold plant, because of the harsh growth conditions, it is very rare and very rare.

"I didn't expect that Hanyue Poria cocos would grow in this kind of place!" Fade Chen was surprised.

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of something, looked at the skeleton in the main coffin, and the expression on his face changed, "Under normal circumstances, even if this cemetery is suitable for the growth of Hanyue Fuling, it will not grow into the coffin , let alone grow into the mouth of the corpse."

"So, this Hanyue Poria cocos should not have grown naturally. It is very likely that it was planted by humans."

Thinking of this, Fade Chen thought of the Nine Nether Ice Lotus seeds that had been planted in his wife Quin Lin's body, and his expression immediately turned cold.

Fade Chen carefully pulled up Hanyue Poria cocos by the roots, put it in his hand and examined it carefully. The quality of this Hanyue Fuling is good, but the growth is not very good, and it needs further cultivation.

"Then Empress Hanyue, she should have come here for this Hanyue Fuling!" Fade Chen had already guessed the other party's intention at this time.

Then, suddenly, Fade Chen thought of another thing, "If the other party came for Hanyue Poria, then the other party knew about it when the coffin owner was buried. And it has been nearly two hundred years before."

"For more than two hundred years, the other party has lived to this day? Or is it his descendant?" Fade Chen wondered in his heart.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen thought of the rotting corpse again, and suddenly realized something, "If someone deliberately planted Hanyue Poria cocos in the coffin owner's corpse, and cultivated Hanyue Poria cocos with the help of the corpse and the feng shui of the Yin gathering place here. Then The rotten corpse is definitely not the coffin owner."

"Besides, it shouldn't be the person who was buried together. It's even more impossible to destroy the main coffin like this." After all, what Fade Chen saw in the ear tomb before, the main coffin lid was opened, the coffin was rotten, and there were various things on it. kind of scratches.

"The growth of Hanyue Fuling requires a quiet environment. Destroying the main coffin is definitely not what the other party wants to see. Moreover, the other party should not know about it, otherwise this situation will not continue until now."

Judging from the information, Fade Chen was thinking, scanning the tomb with his eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes swept away from the direction of the ear tomb. Immediately, Fade Chen felt something in his heart, suddenly realized something, and rushed to the ear tomb quickly.

The ear tomb was still narrow and messy, and the four coffins stayed in place.

Fade Chen rushed to the four coffins and opened them for inspection. As before, there were bones among the three coffins, and only one was empty.

Combined with the situation at the main coffin, Fade Chen was able to guess the general situation.

At the beginning, when the coffin owner died, someone secretly planted the seeds of Hanyue Fuling, and deliberately chose such a place for burial, in order to cultivate Hanyue Fuling.

The people behind the scenes prepared all this and buried the owner of the tomb, waiting for the maturity of Hanyue Fuling.

In the end, he didn't expect that an accident happened in the tomb.

For unknown reasons, one of the four burial personnel who were buried with the owner of the tomb did not die immediately, but was buried alive in the cemetery.

So, wait until after the tomb is sealed. The burial person who was still alive came out of the coffin and searched for a way out, but failed.

Holding a grudge, he came to the main coffin, opened the coffin of the tomb owner, damaged the coffin, and even beat the tomb owner's body in revenge.

This is also the reason for the traces on the coffin of the owner of the tomb and the traces left on the bones.

Although he vented his anger, the people buried with him still couldn't escape and could only be trapped in the tomb.

But his actions destroyed the originally closed main coffin and affected the growth of Hanyue Poria. At the same time, it also caused the Yin Qi that should have been gathered in the coffin to supply the growth of Hanyue Poria to also invade the body of the funeral.

Thus, the burial mutated into that rotting corpse, and finally the scene just now happened.

Straightening out the guesses in his heart, Fade Chen immediately returned to the main tomb, carefully checked the layout of the main tomb, and focused on checking under the main coffin.

Sure enough, he discovered that a magic circle to gather Yin Qi was arranged in the main tomb. The causes here are gathered under the coffin to supply the growth of Hanyue Poria cocos.

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