Sun Zhi raised his eyebrows and said, "I want you to do me a favor!"

Immediately, without waiting for Fade Chen to agree, he pointed to He Yi and Li Li who were paralyzed aside, and said to Fade Chen: "They are my companions, and they can't walk now. I think you still have strength, and you can walk very fast In this way, you carry my companions on your back and take them up the mountain."

"After the matter is completed, I will give you 100,000 yuan as a reward!" Sun Zhi looked at Fade Chen with a confident expression.

When Fade Chen heard this, he looked at Sun Zhi with eyes like a fool, and then he was about to leave without saying a word.

Seeing this, Sun Zhi's face sank, he stepped up, stopped Fade Chen again, and said, "Hey, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

Fade Chen glanced at Sun Zhi, and said coldly: "I'm not interested! Find someone else."

"Oh, so you can talk!" Sun Zhi smiled, and then looked at Fade Chen with extremely confident eyes, "I think the money is too low? Then I will increase the price to 200,000."

Fade Chen said coldly: "I said, I'm not interested, I still have things to do. You'd better not disturb me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so crazy!" Sun Zhi curled his lips when he heard this, "Originally, that's the way it is. But since you're so crazy, I still have to keep you and see how you end up. How many catties and taels!"

Hearing this, Fade Chen frowned, looked at Sun Zhi with cold eyes, and said coldly: "I advise you not to seek trouble for nothing!"

"Boy, you—" Sun Zhi was extremely arrogant.

It was He Yi, the fat man at the side, who said at this moment: "Sun Zhi, forget it. I still have strength, so I can walk by myself."

However, Li Li, the long-haired girl next to her, curled her lips at this moment, and said, "He Yi, you can still go, but I am a girl, but I can't."

Hearing this, Sun Zhi immediately forced a smile, and said to Li Li: "Li Li, don't worry, I will definitely take you to the top of the mountain to obtain the elixir of Feilongzong."

After finishing speaking, Sun Zhi turned to Fade Chen with a proud and complacent expression, "Let's make a price, how much do you want?"

Fade Chen frowned, and said, "I told you, it's not about money."

"Hehe, there is nothing that money can't solve." Sun Zhi sneered, "It's not too little! You can speak up yourself!"

The girl Li Li on the side also said at this moment: "I see that you are dressed in rags, you must not be a wealthy family! You must have come up the mountain for the elixir of the Feilongzong or to recruit disciples of the Feilongzong. .”

"In this case, I can tell you. We know a steward from the outer sect of Feilongzong. When the time comes, maybe we can gain something for you with a word."

"Now, are you willing to help!" After finishing speaking, Li Li looked at Fade Chen with a proud face. The time had already been seen through, and Fade Chen would definitely agree.

But what she didn't expect was that when Fade Chen heard the words, he sneered and said, "Elixir, accept disciples? Let me tell you, I came to Feilongzong to kill people!"

"Kill!" Li Li's complexion changed, she was shocked.

Sun Zhi on the side had an expression of disbelief, curled his lips and sneered, "This is Feilongzong, are you here to kill people, is it funny? I think you will be shot to death by the masters of Feilongzong before you do anything. You Who do you want to kill?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly: "I want to kill Teng Fenglin!"

"Teng Feng——" Sun Zhi chewed the name, and suddenly thought of something, his face changed, and his expression became even more exaggerated, "Teng Fenglin, the head of Feilongzong. You said you came to Feilongzong to kill their head, it's simply That's ridiculous."

Fade Chen ignored Sun Zhi, his face darkened when he saw this, and he was about to leave.

But Sun Zhi stopped him: "Hey, I didn't let you go, who allowed you to leave? Stop!"

Fade Chen's body shook, and a burst of energy gushed out, directly shaking Sun Zhi and falling to the ground.

Then, Fade Chen walked quickly along the mountain path and went up the mountain quickly.

"Boy, how dare you do something to me, I—" Sun Zhi was furious, staring at Shan Dao and yelling, but at this time, Fade Chen was completely out of sight.

Li Li helped Sun Zhi up, also with a sneer on her face, "That guy, I think he is a lunatic. He said the words to kill the head of Teng, he is looking for death."

Fatty He Yi, on the other hand, stared at Fade Chen's leaving back, his expression changed, and he murmured: "Maybe, maybe what he said is true. The man just now seemed familiar to me, as if he was talking about something." I've seen it somewhere."

"Hehe! He Yi, you know a stranger by face, what a coincidence!" Sun Zhi sneered.

"What I said is true, I really feel like I saw him somewhere! I just can't remember it for a while—" He Yi tried hard to explain, but Sun Zhi and Li Li had expressions of disbelief , obviously did not take his words seriously.

He Yi shook his head, didn't say much, got up and continued walking up the mountain road.


At the same time, the gate of the Feilongzong main hall on Feilong Mountain was crowded with people, bustling and bustling.

The staff of Feilongzong prepared all kinds of herbal medicines and elixirs, and there were also special examiners on the side preparing for the matter of accepting disciples.

On the other side, except for all kinds of people who came to seek medicine and worship teachers. There are also a group of reporters holding various professional equipment, constantly filming. Some reporters even found the disciples of Feilongzong and interviewed them about various sects.

This change was a publicity campaign under Teng Fenglin's behest.

Because of Fade Chen, the Feilong Sect's move to recruit disciples in Donghai City was a heavy loss. Not only did it not receive a single apprentice, but an elder was folded into its own sect, and it lost all face. It was mocked by many fellow warriors endlessly.

As a result, the two videos that Teng Fenglin posted subsequently caused heated discussions on the Internet and caused quite a stir.

The fame of the Feilong School soared, and it became popular on the Internet. Attracted many people to Feilongzong to seek medicine and apprenticeship.

Seeing the benefits, Teng Fenglin simply went a step further and directly invited professional media personnel to broadcast the entire event today online.

Today is the last day for Teng Fenglin to plead guilty to Fade Chen. If Fade Chen arrives, Teng Fenglin can kill Fade Chen on the spot, show his strength and the strength of Feilongzong, and restore his lost reputation.

If Fade Chen didn't come, the activity of asking for medicine and accepting apprentices held today would also become popular on the Internet and increase the popularity of Feilongzong.

In short, this live broadcast event, in Teng Fenglin's view, is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

As for another possibility, Fade Chen came and defeated Teng Fenglin. In his view, this is completely impossible. He completely dismissed the possibility.

With the passage of time and minutes, there are more and more people on the mountain, and more and more audiences on the Internet.

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