Xilan, next to Luo Muxin Lake, is crowded with many people at the moment.

Moreover, almost all of these people are well-dressed, and they are not ordinary people at first glance.

By the lake, there are young warriors in red robes who are receiving those who come.

These people are the businessmen who were summoned by Xi Suo and Sean's video to come to Xilan to discuss the agency contract of holy spring water. Many of them are well-known businessmen from all over the world.

When the holy spring water was first popular, they also contacted the holy spring company to discuss the agency.

But at that time, most of the agency contracts of Shengquan Company were given to Fade Chen's own companies, and there were no outsiders at all.

But now, Shengquan Company has changed its owner, and the agency contract has to be redistributed. Those who didn't get the opportunity before, naturally rushed over quickly now, wanting to take the opportunity to win the agency opportunity.

Therefore, the scene was bustling and lively. These big businessmen are exchanging business cards and discussing the agency of the holy spring water, which is very lively.

"This time, we finally have the opportunity to represent Shengquan Water. As long as we can act as an agent, even if it's just a city, it's enough to make a lot of money."

"However, I didn't expect that the young master Chen Fei turned out to be the boss behind the Shengquan Company. I thought he was just an agent before!"

"Hehe, all the young masters died on Feilong Mountain. Now, everything belongs to others."

"However, I saw pictures on the Internet, saying that Fade Chen didn't seem to be dead, and he still won. He shouldn't have rushed over!"

"Those pictures must be fake, so there's no need to think too much. You know, the opponent is Teng Fenglin, the head of Feilongzong, and you, Fade Chen, will definitely lose."

"Of course I hope so too. However, since Fade Chen's death has not been confirmed, I can't feel at ease. If he appears, I'm afraid he will blame me for being busy!"

"Don't think too much, even if Fade Chen didn't die in the hands of Teng Fenglin. If he dares to come here, he can only die. After all, behind Shengquan Company, there are two masters, Xi Suo and Xi En, who are even stronger than Teng Fenglin .”


Amidst the heated discussion, a middle-aged man in a suit and a young man in his early twenties got out of the car and came to the shore of Lomosin Lake.

The young man looked around, and then said to the middle-aged man, "Dad, there are quite a lot of people here!"

The middle-aged man said: "Then Fade Chen is dead, there are quite a few people who want to get a share of the pie, naturally more people will come."

Hearing this, the young man pouted immediately, with a look of displeasure on his face, and coldly snorted: "Then Fade Chen really doesn't know what is good or bad. He was unwilling to let him transfer Yunhai Company to my Gong family. As a result Now, I have lost my life and let the company fall into the hands of other people, which is really harmful to others."

The young man who spoke was none other than Gong Yu from Yunhai Company after he bid 100 million yuan to acquire it.

By his side was naturally his father, Gong Hongxing, a member of the religious committee.

The two came to Luo Muxin at this time, but the eyes of some businessmen who recognized their identities began to flicker.

Ignoring the gazes of the people around him, Gong Yu said to his father: "Dad, what are the origins of Hisoka and Sean? Can our negotiation be successful?"

Gong Hongxing said to Gong Yu: "These two people have a lot of background, don't underestimate them. Master Xi Suo and Master Xi'en are the highest-level masters in the local Xihan sect. They are called great masters. Only two of them can have this title."

"The Xihan Sect has a high status in the hearts of the people of Xilan, and the Grandmaster can be said to be a god-like existence in their minds. And these two great Grandmasters are the top existence among the Grandmasters."

"It can even be said that as long as these two show up, half of the Xilan people will be called by them."

Hearing this, Gong Yu's face was a little surprised, "So powerful! Half of the people in Xilan, there are millions and tens of millions of people. This kind of power is much stronger than those martial arts sects, and even stronger than the heavenly sects. It's even better!"

Gong Hongxing shook his head and said: "It can't be compared like this. Although the two great masters can call on many people, they are only calls for religious beliefs. Most of the people they call are ordinary people, and they cannot be compared with disciples of the sect."

"Besides, although the two great masters have this ability, they dare not do things to call on the people."

"Why not?" Gong Yu asked casually.

Gong Hongxing said proudly, "Do you think people from the government will allow this kind of thing to happen? Yu'er, although martial arts are prevalent in this society, you have to remember that the most powerful is the official presence." .”

"We are official people. Even without force, they would not dare to do anything to us. This is the deterrent power of official prestige."

Gong Yu nodded and said: "That's true. No matter how powerful the sect is, it can't fight against the official. We are here on behalf of the official. We can also talk about the two great masters."

Seeing his son's proud expression, Gong Hongxing warned again: "Of course, the other party is a master of martial arts after all, a master of the heavenly realm. There are some etiquettes that must be observed, understand?"

"Understood!" Gong Yu nodded.


At the same time, in the Holy Spring Factory, Hisoka and Sean glanced at each other, and then said: "It's almost there, let's go out!"

The two walked side by side, out of the factory, they did not walk from the shore of the lake. Instead, they stepped directly on the green lake surface of Luo Muxin, and came lightly.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted the attention of everyone by the lake, and their eyes gathered over at once. Seeing such a scene, they were immediately extremely surprised.

"Come here by stepping on the water, this, are these two great masters?"

"How did this happen? Is this still a human being?"

"It's too powerful, worthy of being a grand master."


Accompanied by the discussion, Hisoka and Sean walked on the edge of the lake with smiles on their faces.

Under their feet, the blue waves seem to be full of elasticity, supporting their footsteps, leaving only little water marks, and rippling on the lake surface in circles of water waves.

Moreover, as the two approached, a layer of golden light began to bloom from their bodies, and the light circled behind them, forming a huge golden and jade-green circle of light.

"This, is this Buddha light?"

"The grand master is here, and the gods are coming down!"

"God, this is really a god!"


Such a scene made some businessmen on the scene who believed in gods and Buddhas suddenly excited, put their hands together, and even knelt on the ground directly, and worshiped the two great masters.

The scene was silent and solemn, watching the two great masters coming slowly.

Some reporters who came here to report the news, recovered from their astonishment at this moment, quickly picked up their cameras, and started filming immediately.

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