Facing the joint attack of the three of them, Fade Chen had no fear at all, and went straight to meet them.

In an instant, the vigor on the scene exploded, and bursts of real energy burst out, and the booming explosion set off waves of air, shaking the entire ground.

The surface of the nearby Luo Muxin Lake became even more choppy. The energy of the explosion set off layers of huge waves, collided and exploded, and sprayed waves in the air.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was terrified, and at the same time worried about Fade Chen.

Countless audiences on the scene and in front of the Internet felt their hearts lifted.

"With the three of them working together, Fade Chen won't be defeated, right?"

"Mr. Chen just beheaded Adam. He is stronger than them. He will definitely win."

"But the opponent is a team of three, and Mr. Chen is only one person!"


"Foreign warriors have come in, what about our country's warriors? Why no one came out to help?"

"That's right. When Mr. Chen disappeared, they jumped out one by one to snatch Mr. Chen's things. They were very active. But now we have met the enemy, but we can't see anyone."

"Could it be that our Huaxia warriors only know how to fight internally?"

"Isn't there a Martial Arts League and a religious committee? Didn't they say that they are the official organization of warriors? Why don't they come forward now."


There was a lot of doubt and dissatisfaction on the Internet, and at this moment, Gong Hongxing and Gong Yu of the religious committee on the scene were pulling out their mobile phones to report the situation on the scene.

After some conversations, Gong Hongxing said: "Understood, please rest assured, the vice president, I will take care of the matter here."

"I will not let him do anything that will damage the relationship between Chinese and foreign warriors."

"I will definitely complete the task."


After hanging up the phone, Gong Hongxing looked at the four people who were fighting fiercely, and a strange sternness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Fade Chen and the remaining three had already fought against each other, and they had roughly figured out their strength.

With a "boom", Fade Chen shot a burst of energy, directly knocked back the three people on the scene, and then snorted coldly: "Is this your strength? If that's the only way, then don't waste time , prepare to die!"

"Arrogant boy, you are looking for death!" Ku Xuan, holding a huge stone hammer, said with an extremely cold expression.

Eve, with flaming red lips, was full of resentment at this moment. She glared at Fade Chen fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "I will kill you to avenge Adam."

Mo She remained silent, but her movements were extremely fast, and she took the lead in attacking Fade Chen.

Mo She took out a fist-sized earthen jar from her arms and threw it towards Fade Chen.

Fade Chen snorted coldly, and a burst of breath came out, and the crock was blown to pieces.

But after the crock was shattered, a cloud of gray-green powder was spilled out of it.

Following the explosion, the powder quickly spread in the air, and quickly enveloped Fade Chen.

But in the blink of an eye, Fade Chen was completely covered by these powders.

The audience at the scene also noticed the abnormality at this moment, and smelled the unpleasant smell, and all of them suddenly changed their complexions and turned their heads to run wildly.

"Those powders are poisonous!"

"Run away, the powder is coming here."

"This smell, I can't—"


Although the onlookers stood far enough away, they still did not expect the explosion and power of the poisonous powder.

At the downwind position, a few onlookers who moved a little slower accidentally inhaled a mouthful of powder.

Immediately, in less than ten seconds, their complexions turned black and they fell to the ground. They twitched and foamed from the corners of their mouths. Then, within half a minute, these people lost their breath, their bodies froze in place, and even the flesh on their faces began to rot.

Such a scene frightened the audience, and they ran away crazily.

As for the countless viewers watching on the Internet, although they were not in danger, they were still stunned by this terrifying scene, and their faces turned pale.

"It's horrible, this toxin!"

"Mo Snake, it's too vicious!"

"This guy from the Tianzhu Kingdom killed our innocent people in China, so no one can punish him?"

"Chen Fei, how is Grandmaster Chen?"


Being reminded of this, everyone's attention returned to Fade Chen again.

Afterwards, when they saw Fade Chen who was completely covered in poisonous fans, countless viewers couldn't help but feel their hearts sink and their expressions turned ugly.

"Chen, Fade Chen was wrapped in poisonous powder. This, can this still live?"

"Fade Chen is a master, so he shouldn't be defeated so easily!"

"But, as you all saw just now, the power of that poisonous powder is really terrifying."

"I hope Fade Chen is okay, it must be okay!"


At this moment, Fade Chen was surrounded by poisonous fans.

Except for Mo She, the rest of Ku Xuan and Xia Wa did not dare to approach.

However, they still stood in a triangle with Mo Snake, blocking Chen Fei's escape route.

A minute passed, and the poisonous powder that enveloped Chen Fei gradually dissipated in the air, and everyone's eyes also paid attention to it.

Especially Mo She, who was wrapped in a yellow robe, his eyes were gloomy and fierce, staring at Fade Chen among the poisonous powder.

Finally, the poison powder dissipated completely, and Fade Chen's figure appeared in everyone's sight.

When everyone saw Fade Chen at this moment, they couldn't help being shocked.

Because Fade Chen stood proudly, with a serious and expressionless face, but there was no sign of poisoning on his face. Even Fade Chen's clothes were not stained with any poisonous powder.

"This, how is it possible—" Even Mo Snake, who hadn't opened his mouth until now, was so surprised that he let out a cry at this moment.

After shouting, Mo She turned around and fled.

Because he knows that poison is his greatest weapon. As a result, his most powerful methods were useless against Fade Chen, so he was definitely not Fade Chen's opponent.

However, by the time Mo Snake realized this, it was already too late.

Just when he turned around and was about to flee, Fade Chen had pulled out a streamer in the air and chased Mo She directly.

Mo She felt the terrifying airflow behind him, and was terrified in his heart. He ran wildly, and at the same time took out various things from his body, and kept throwing them behind him.

Immediately, terrifying venomous snakes, centipedes, and colorful venoms scattered like celestial maidens, attacking Chen Fei head-on.

But what Mo She didn't expect was that Fade Chen wasn't afraid of these poisons at all. A mass of red flames surged from the palm, and it was shot directly, burning the poison in front of him instantly, and the body quickly chased it out.

On the contrary, the remaining poison drifted away, forcing Ku Xuan and Eve, who were chasing after them to help, to slow down and go around from the side.

And during their delay, Fade Chen had already caught up behind Mo Snake.

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