At this moment, even Fade Chen was a little curious as to why Huang Yong would bring this up. Could it be that this guy really wants to speak for himself? However, Fade himself didn't believe it was possible.

Just when everyone was questioning, Huang Yong continued: "It's good for everyone to remember this matter. Among the four masters who were killed in the dark list, Adam and Eve were from the United States, and Eve was even from the Addis family of the United States. .”

"And this time, the country where the International Youth Martial Artist Competition is held is in the United States, and the location is not far from the base camp of the Addis family."

"The Addis family is powerful, I don't think you need me to repeat them."

"Everyone can think about it, what will happen to our Huaxia participating teams when they arrive in the United States and the competition venue."

"I'm not worried about the strength of our young Huaxia fighters. I believe they can achieve good results. But what I worry about is that they can't compete with peace of mind."

"You know, the Addis family has always protected the weak, and they will take revenge on their enemies. At that time, if the Addis family retaliates against Mr. Chen because of Eve, it is very likely to threaten the safety of Mr. Chen and other team members. "

Hearing this, Zhao Kejin already realized what Huang Yong wanted to say, and couldn't help but frowned, wanting to say something.

But Huang Yong immediately continued: "I know, some people want to say that the organizer will guarantee safety, or that our contestants are very strong. I really believe in these, but accidents have to be guarded against. "

"Besides, even if the Addis family doesn't know how to assassinate. If we make some small moves secretly, or even just making noise so that our players can't sleep well, it may affect the results of the game."

"What I want to ask is, if that happens, what will happen then?"

After speaking, Huang Yong looked at Zhao Kejin.

The warriors below also became lively with a clatter. Among them, especially the people from several major forces who had confronted Fade Chen at the entrance just now, they couldn't wait to shout at this moment.

"Yes, this is a big problem, Fade Chen cannot be selected!" Lu Xuanling said directly.

"It's not good for what he does to affect other people." Master Huizhi from the Thousand Buddha Hall said in a deep voice.

"It's safest to change someone." Mei Changlin said coldly.

"Vice President Huang's words are worth considering." Shao Donghua also rarely expressed his attitude directly.


Fade Chen snorted coldly, scanned the crowd, and finally looked at Huang Yong, and said, "According to Vice President Huang, when Eve illegally entered the border of China and did something to our people, we should Catch her without a fight and let her do whatever she wants?"

"That's not what I meant." Huang Yong shook his head and said.

Fade Chen said coldly: "Then what was wrong with me killing her?"

Huang Yong rolled his eyes, "What I'm arguing with you now is not these things, but whether it will affect the safety of our other team members and even the entire team because of you, and even the entire China score."

"I will solve the matter of the Addis family." Fade Chen said.

"You will solve it? How will you solve it?" Huang Yong sneered, "The Addis family is one of the top ten chaebols in the United States. It has been passed down for more than 300 years. The family is extremely powerful and has penetrated into all walks of life in the United States and even the world." All industries."

"It is said that only one manor of the Addis family has five heaven-level guru guards. Do you really think that once you reach the heaven-level realm, you will be invincible?" Huang Yong looked at it with a sneer and sarcasm To Fade Chen.

Fade Chen looked proud, and said, "Of course I'm not invincible, but I'm just an Addis family. I really don't pay attention to it."

"Haha, Addis family, you don't pay attention? What do you think you are?" Huang Yong sneered.

Many warriors below also discussed heatedly.

"This kid is too crazy!"

"Does he know what the Addis family represents?"

"It is said that within the Addis family, there are as many as 30 heaven-level fighters. This is not counting the people they invited from outside."

"Hehe, young man, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. When the time comes, you will regret it when you hit the wall."


The scene became more and more chaotic, Zhao Kejin frowned, slapped his palm on the table, and said sharply, "Calm down, everyone."

In an instant, the scene fell silent.

Zhao Kejin glanced coldly at everyone present, and then said: "I don't care what your opinions are. But let me tell you that the matter of Fade Chen getting the quota was decided by General Xu himself. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can Go talk to General Xu."

These words really shocked many people for a while.

However, some whispers and discussions were unavoidable.

"General Xu handpicked him, Fade Chen. Why? Could there be some inside story?"

"Why? I don't believe this is General Xu's decision."

"Could it be that General Xu was deceived by him."


Seeing this, Zhao Kejin frowned, patted the table, and was about to make a sound.

But at this moment, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and everyone's gazes gathered in the past.

Immediately, they saw a man with short hair in a military uniform and standing upright, stepping in.

In an instant, the scene fell silent. Almost everyone couldn't help standing up and looking at the man.

Seeing this, Zhao Kejin, who presided over the meeting, immediately got up and greeted him, "General Xu, you are here."

The person who came was none other than the Chinese military god, General Xu Junshan Xu, who was second on the Shenlong list.

Xu Junshan nodded and sat in the most empty seat in the middle.

Zhao Kejin whispered something in Xu Junshan's ear, and quickly described the situation at the scene at the moment.

After listening, Xu Junshan's face remained unchanged, he just nodded slightly, then looked at the crowd, and said, "I've heard what everyone thinks."

"The matter about Fade Chen's quota is indeed determined by me. I think Fade Chen is worthy of this quota."

As soon as these words came out, the scene couldn't help being quiet, and the faces of the warriors couldn't help changing, and there was something strange in the eyes they looked at Fade Chen. Many people really don't understand how Chen Fei can be favored by Xu Junshan.

However, facing the famous Xu Junshen, no one dared to ask questions at this moment.

Xu Junshan glanced at the crowd and said calmly: "Today, I was supposed to preside over the meeting. But something happened, which made me late."

Xu Junshan took the initiative to mention these things, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After a pause, he continued: "I believe that what happened will spread soon. Even if I don't tell you, you will know soon. So, I was here today to tell you about it."

Such words aroused everyone's interest even more. Everyone looked at Xu Junshan intently.

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