At the same time, Fade Chen and his group sitting on the helicopter were completely unaware of Zhu Kuishan and Zhao Kejin's worries.

On the contrary, at this moment, they seem to be relaxed, as if they have a bit of travel comfort.

After flying for four hours, the helicopter finally landed on a fishery administration ship.

The captain received Fade Chen and the others with a serious face, and explained the current situation to Fade Chen and the others in detail. Because the other party has hostages, the fishery administration boat cannot approach directly.

The members of the team also took advantage of the darkness to quietly approach the drilling platform, trying to kill the terrorists and rescue the hostages.

After introducing the situation, the captain took Fade Chen and the others to the equipment room, and asked Fade Chen and the others to choose the weapons they were used to.

Chen Fei and the others are basically Zongmen warriors. Except for Zhao Hu, they are basically not proficient in the use of thermal weapons, so they just picked a pistol at random.

What's more, for the team members who have basically reached the middle stage of the heavenly level, ordinary pistol bullets, even rifle bullets, cannot break through their defenses.

Therefore, thermal weapons seem a bit tasteless to them.

After choosing the weapon, the captain asked Chen Fei and the others to go back to the cabin to rest and wait for the night to fall.

In the cabin, Zong Han and the others didn't feel sleepy, instead they laughed and chatted.

"The special training mission this time really made it look like that!"

"It's just that I suspect that after spending so much effort, using so many people and so much equipment, the effect of the training will not be that great!"

"If we hadn't guessed it, there might be some training effect. But now, we have guessed their purpose. I don't think we can count on the training effect. Let's show ourselves and try to show off!"

"That's right. I haven't had a chance to show myself since I left the mountain. This time, I'll show off and let them see how good I am."

"Me too. I heard that some people in the army are dissatisfied with us getting so many places directly, and doubt the strength of our disciples of the heavenly sect."


Fade Chen did not participate in Zong Han's chat, but closed his eyes and meditated.

The more he thought about it, the more Fade Chen felt a little strange. If this task is really just a special training, then President Zhao and his team's preparations are too rough, and they will be seen through so easily, which probably won't achieve the effect of the special training.

Could it be that the superior has other arrangements?

Although he vaguely felt that something was wrong, Fade Chen really couldn't think of any clues. In the end, he could only warn himself, Chen Ziling, and Zhao Hu to be more careful when acting and not to be careless.

In this way, after resting until late at night, the captain personally came to wake up Chen Fei and the others.

A group of people came to the deck to gather.

Looking at the vast sea, and the bright moon above the sea, Wu Zikong and others, who rarely see the sea, couldn't help but take a few more glances to appreciate the rare beauty.

Seeing this, the captain couldn't help but frowned slightly, but didn't say much, explained the mission process according to the procedure, and then ordered Chen Fei and the others to set off.

A small boat was put on the boat, Chen Fei and the others boarded the small boat, started the small boat, and approached the drilling platform.

The small boat sailed on the calm sea for an hour, and faintly, one could see a sharp-edged rectangle outlined by lights on the pitch-black sea ahead.

"The drilling platform is coming soon." Zong Han was in charge of leading the team. At this moment, the engine was turned off, and the small boat was manually approached towards the drilling platform.

After paddling for about forty minutes, the boat was like a leaf, quietly gliding into the shadow below the drilling platform through the shadow on the sea.

The control boat stopped, Zong Han gestured to everyone, and then took the lead, quickly and silently climbed up the steel structure of the platform.

The rest of the people followed suit one after another and climbed onto the drilling platform.

The drilling platform standing in the sea, like a huge steel beast, swayed slightly with the ups and downs of the sea.

Fade Chen and the others did not directly board the platform, but clinging to the steel pillars one by one, observing the situation on the platform.

Perhaps the other party is short of manpower, or it may be that the other party does not understand the drilling platform. Around the platform, only one person was arranged to guard each side, plus two mobile patrolling guards, the overall defense force was not tight.

After confirming the situation, Zong Han made arrangements with gestures.

Zong Han, Huizheng, Zou Pu and Huiming carried out raids on the guards in four directions at the same time, while Wu Zikong and Yu Qin were responsible for solving the two patrolling guards.

As for the rest of Chen Fei, Chen Ziling and Zhao Hu, they stayed below to prevent accidents.

At the beginning of the action, everyone moved swiftly and swiftly, like phantoms, flying along the steel pillars to the platform, almost before the guards could react, they knocked down the opponent with only a few slight bangs , and did not alarm others.

"Mission completed! Everyone, gather on the platform." Zong Han issued an order.

Everyone gathered, Zong Han was about to arrange a plan, how to attack the personnel on the platform.

But at this moment, a piercing siren sounded suddenly, and a red headlight spun and shone on the platform.

Such a sudden change could not help but surprise everyone.

Zong Han's expression changed instantly, "What's going on?"

Then, everyone immediately discovered the source of the mutation, which was the two patrolling guards. One of them somehow woke up and pressed the alarm device, triggering the alarm of the drilling platform.

In such a situation, everyone's eyes instantly turned to Wu Zikong and Yu Qin.

Zong Han also looked down, looked at Wu Zikong, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Didn't you say it was resolved?"

Wu Zikong's expression was a little ugly, and he quickly explained: "It's solved, I knocked him out, but I didn't expect him to wake up so quickly."

"The solution means to kill it! The stun is not enough!" Zong Han gritted his teeth.

Wu Zikong was a little stunned, "But, this is just a special training in acting, and the other party is not really a terrorist, so I didn't think about killing people, this—"

"You—" Zong Han glared at Wu Zikong angrily.

Seeing that the two would continue to fight, Fade Chen frowned, and said: "Now is not the time to fight for these things. The enemy has already discovered our invasion. Now, we must deal with the enemy first."

"If you find it, you will find it. Just rush over. With our strength, we can definitely win." Wu Zikong hurriedly wanted to make up for his mistake just now.

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