"Then she—" Fade Chen couldn't help but change his face.

Before Fade Chen asked again, Xu Junshan continued directly: "Long Wutian has already left the country, and now there are no clues."

"What, she escaped!" Now, not only Fade Chen, but other team members were also surprised. Then he looked at Xu Junshan with a puzzled expression.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his expression was obvious. Didn't it mean that the higher-ups had grasped the movement of the Long family? Why did Long Wutian escape?

Xu Junshan saw the doubts of Chen Fei and the others, and said: "Long Wutian and the other Long family members are not in the same group. It can even be said that she has a lot of credit for the Long family's early launch this time. "

"What? What's going on here?" The team members were extremely surprised.

Xu Junshan said: "According to the results of Long Haoyun's confession, after Long Zetian's death, Long Wutian tried his best to persuade him to launch the rebellion plan in advance. Moreover, Long Wutian also took the initiative to help him contact foreign forces for help, that is, Attack your August and others from the Addis family."

"It was Long Wutian's intentional instigation, so, could it be—" Suddenly, Fade Chen figured out something, and looked up at Xu Junshan.

Xu Junshan nodded and said: "You are right. Back then, you killed Long Zetian, which was what Long Wutian wanted."

"She heard that Long Zetian had taken a fancy to Chen Ziling, so she deliberately said that she would help him get it. Then she personally arrested people, let Chen Fei find out all this, and angrily killed Long Zetian and the others."

Hearing this, Fade Chen felt cold, and recalled that incident again.

Calm down now, there are indeed many doubts.

Chen Ziling and the others were arrested by Long Wutian. She didn't leave very far at that time, but she waited until Chen Fei started to hurt others, and then she appeared belatedly.

Moreover, the surveillance video in that private room at that time was also extracted intact. Long Zetian is an existence respected as the prince, how could he leave such a big loophole in the surveillance video in the private room where he usually hangs out.

Thinking about it now, Long Wutian left all of this on purpose to anger Fade Chen and let Chen Fei kill Long Zetian, which was at odds with the Long family, and finally caused the Long family to launch a rebellion plan many years in advance.

Connecting all these things, Chen Fei sorted out the cause and effect of the whole thing.

But in the end, he still had a question, "But, Long Wutian is Long Haoyun's daughter after all, why would she do this?"

Xu Junshan's face was still stern, and he said in a deep voice, "Because Long Wutian is an illegitimate daughter."

"Illegitimate daughter?" Fade Chen and the others were shocked.

Zhao Kejin further explained: "Long Wutian is the daughter of Long Haoyun and a servant in the family. After Long Haoyun claimed to be a royal family, he paid great attention to the rules of superiority and inferiority. As a lowly Of course he doesn't like the daughter of a maid. In addition, Long Haoyun's father told them that the throne of the Long family can only be passed on to boys. Long Haoyun soon gave birth to Long Zetian."

"With Long Zetian's son, Long Haoyun doesn't care about Long Wutian even more, even beating and scolding is a frequent occurrence."

"It wasn't until the year when Long Wutian was five years old that he was favored by the people of Lingyan Pavilion and brought back to the sect to practice martial arts. Over the years, he has achieved success in practice and has a good status. Only then did the relationship with Long Wutian ease. gone."

"It's just that this kind of relaxation is indicative. Long Wutian still hates Long Haoyun and the Long family very much in his heart."

"So, she wants revenge and wants the Long family to be destroyed, so she has all the previous behaviors."

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help taking a breath, his face was stiff, and he couldn't speak for a while.

He didn't expect that there was such an inside story in this matter. Long Wutian wants to take revenge on the Long family, and also wants to take revenge on himself. Therefore, she deliberately intensified the conflict, causing Fade Chen and the Long family to collide and fight.

The end result, no matter what, is a good thing for her.

Thinking back to Long Wutian again, Fade Chen couldn't help but feel a little palpitation. This woman's mind is so gloomy, and she hides it so deeply, it's completely unexpected.

Almost all the other players looked surprised and moved.

And the one who was most surprised was Yu Qin, Long Wutian's fellow apprentice. At this moment, she still couldn't accept such a result, and she was a little dizzy.

Seeing this, Xu Junshan waved his hand and said: "The meeting is over, you all go back to rest and prepare. A week later, officially set off to the United States to participate in the International Youth Warrior Competition."

At the end of the meeting, everyone got up and left.

Chen Fei and Chen Ziling walked out of the meeting room together, ready to leave.

But when the two came to the door, they were surprised to find that Huizheng, Huiming, Zou Pu, Yu Qin and others were standing at the door, even Zong Han and Wu Zikong were among them.

When they saw Fade Chen and Ziling Chen coming, they immediately greeted them.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but his complexion changed slightly. He looked at a few people and said, "Are you okay?"

Zou Pu stepped forward directly and said, "Fade Chen, we have no other intentions, just want to thank you well and treat you to a meal."

Huizheng also nodded and said, "If it wasn't for Benefactor Chen, we might all be buried at the bottom of the sea. Great kindness, we will remember it in our hearts."

Yu Qin also nodded quickly, and said, "Yes, yes, you are our savior."

Even Zong Han and Wu Zikong took a deep breath at this moment, came to Fade Chen, and said, "Thank you for saving us."

This time, Fade Chen was really surprised.

After being slightly stunned for a moment, he nodded and smiled and said, "It's just right, I'm hungry too after the meeting has been going on for so long, let's go have a meal together."

After speaking, a group of people chatted and laughed and left.

Behind the slightly opened window upstairs, Xu Junshan, Zhu Kuishan, and Zhao Kejin saw this scene, and slightly raised the corners of their mouths, revealing a smile.

Zhu Kuishan said: "These little fellows finally know how to unite."

Zhao Kejin said: "It was Fade Chen who convinced them. His performance far exceeded my expectations."

"This is the real purpose of the special training!" Xu Junshan said softly, then waved his hand, and said to the two, "Okay, don't worry about those little guys. Let's continue to discuss the issue of leading the team."

"I definitely can't lead the team away! Who is suitable to lead the team, you can talk about your own opinions."


After eating and drinking in the hotel, the relationship between Fade Chen and the team members became much more harmonious and intimate. Even Zong Han and Wu Zikong put aside their previous resentment towards Fade Chen and formally reconciled with Fade Chen at the dinner table.

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