In the fourth round, he killed his opponent again, and Fade Chen won.

As a result, everyone on the scene was stunned, staring at this scene in a daze, speechless for a moment.

Even the person who analyzed how Chen Fei would be frustrated just now obediently shut his mouth and stopped talking.

As for the Mi Country and Shadow Country teams, they looked at each other and exchanged glances.

After these few rounds of competition, they could see that Fade Chen was deliberately targeting their team and wanted to weaken their strength as much as possible in the individual competition.

Immediately, the two sides approached the past and communicated with each other.

As for Fade Chen, still speechless, he walked out of the venue proudly and returned to the Huaxia team.

The competition continued, and at this point, almost all the remaining players were well-known masters. The players from the United States and the Shadow Country also encountered certain resistance. However, in the end, most of them made it through smoothly.

Soon, the fifth round began, and Fade Chen appeared again.

And this time the opponent, coincidentally, is Long Wutian of the US team.

When the name was announced, Zhao Kejin glanced at Fade Chen. Fade Chen nodded knowingly, and then stepped into the venue.

Seeing this scene, Long Wutian on the opposite side couldn't help but look gloomy and ugly.

After the first few rounds of the competition, she certainly knew that Fade Chen deliberately targeted the players from Shadow Country and Mi Country, directly killing them and weakening their team's strength.

But now facing her Long Wutian, coupled with the rebellion of the Long family, Chen Fei can be said to have the determination to kill Long Wutian.

Long Wutian herself knew this very well. If she heard Fade Chen say that she was going to kill herself before the game started, she might laugh it off, or even sneer at it instead.

But after these few rounds of competition, Fade Chen's strong strength has already made Long Wutian feel a little scared.

She understood that if she was thrown in the same position, even if she could defeat her opponent, she would definitely not be able to kill her opponent as cleanly as Chen Fei.

Therefore, Chen Fei's strength should be higher than hers.

Thinking of this, Long Wutian couldn't help but feel a touch of fear in his heart, and his face changed.

The American team leader Nock next to her saw her emotional changes, stepped forward, and said to Long Wutian: "If you lose, you just admit defeat. Preserving your strength is the most important thing. After all, there are Bart and the others behind."

Hearing this, Long Wutian couldn't help but nodded, and said: "Mr. Noke, I will do my best. Even if I can't defeat that Fade Chen, I will try to consume him as much as possible."

"Well, good!" Nock nodded.

Immediately, Long Wutian took a breath, stepped into the venue, and looked up at Fade Chen.

The referee took a look at the status of the two sides, and then said loudly: "The game, start!"

Almost at the moment when the referee spoke, Fade Chen charged towards Long Wutian with a figure like lightning.

At this moment, Long Wutian just felt an extremely violent wind in front of him, sweeping towards him fiercely. That terrifying coercion and momentum made her feel a burst of fear from the bottom of her heart.

Vaguely, Long Wutian seemed to see the cold killing intent in Fade Chen's eyes.

It was an undisguised fierceness.

This look instantly dissipated the last bit of courage in Long Wutian's heart. She knew that if she did it herself, she would definitely lose, and she might even be killed by Fade Chen directly.

The strong desire to survive caused Long Wutian's expression to change drastically, he opened his mouth, ready to surrender, "I—"

But just when she opened her mouth, a violent wind poured into her throat, choking her speechless.

After finally adjusting his breathing, Long Wutian spoke again, ready to admit defeat, "I admit—"

But at this moment, a fierce aura appeared in front of Long Wutian with a crimson light.

With a fierce killing intent, the scorching flames slashed down from the air.

Long Wutian didn't have time to react at all, when the last word was still in his throat. The red flame blade slashed down from the top of her head, and then swept across her entire body.

Just now, she was a beautiful woman and a great expert. At this moment, the body was directly divided into two halves, splashed with blood, fell to the ground, turned into two corpses, and died beyond death.

For a moment, the scene was shocked, and everyone was dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe what happened before them.

The American team, after being stunned for a moment, finally came to their senses.

Nuoke was furious, rushed out, and roared: "Long Wutian has already surrendered, why do you want to kill the killer, this is an illegal behavior!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear her admit defeat!" Fade Chen's voice was cold.

"You did it on purpose, you pretended you didn't hear it, and you wanted to kill her on purpose." Noke roared, then looked at the referee team aside, and protested frantically, "I resolutely protest this behavior... "

Luis, the leader of the Shadow Country, also stood up at the moment to help protest.

On the Huaxia team's side, Zhao Kejin's complexion darkened, and he stepped forward to argue with them.

The unwilling Huaxia team members behind him wanted to help, but were stopped by Fade Chen. He knew that this was a discussion between the team leader and the organizer, and it was not appropriate for the players to intervene, otherwise the nature would change.

After arguing for about a quarter of an hour, the discussion and debate finally came to an end, and Zhao Kejin walked back with a serious expression.

The Huaxia team members stepped forward one after another.

"President Zhao, how is the situation?"

"How did the referee decide?"


Zhao Kejin looked at Fade Chen and said, "The organizers believe that Fade Chen did not violate the rules in this match. But in the next match, in addition to the contestants themselves, the team leader of the contestants can also admit defeat aloud. Once they admit defeat, You can’t continue to shoot, otherwise it will be regarded as a serious violation, and you will be eliminated directly, or even disqualified from the competition.”


"There was no such rule before, how can there be a temporary change of the rule, this is too much fun!"

"This rule is completely aimed at Chen Fei, which is too unfair."


Looking at the aggrieved teammates, Fade Chen had a calm expression on his face, smiled lightly, and said, "Don't be angry, it's okay, it won't change the result. I'm sure I'll be the champion of the individual competition."

Hearing Chen Fei's confident words, all the team members were also encouraged.

Zhao Kejin told Fade Chen: "Prepare well and don't be careless. The semi-finals will be next, and the opponent must be a master."

"I understand!" Fade Chen nodded, then retreated.

The game continued, and the focus of everyone's attention, besides the game, was Fade Chen.

Players from various countries pointed and talked about Fade Chen one after another.

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