"Inappropriate? There's nothing inappropriate about this, I think it's normal!" Luo Rongrong looked at Fade Chen with a strange expression.

Fade Chen frowned, and said, "It was a charity gala, but now the tickets are so expensive, it has become a money-gathering gala. Doesn't this deviate from the original intention?"

"Gathering money?" Luo Rongrong heard the words, looked at Fade Chen with an exaggerated expression, and said excitedly, "What are you thinking! This is in the United States, not in China, how could such a nasty thing like you think happen? Besides , All the income from this dinner will be donated to the people in impoverished areas, and will be used to the best of their ability. Therefore, the more money the better."

Ke Yan also coughed, and said: "The people present are all world-class stars. If there is no quota limit, the entire Los Angeles city will be flattened. Therefore, this ticket is also equivalent to a quota limit. Anyway , for those who can afford it, it’s not a lot of money.”

Fade Chen shook his head after hearing what the two said, and muttered: "Anyway, I think this method is a bit strange. If you really want to donate money, it's better to donate the ticket money directly to people in poor areas. You don't need to go through any organizers." .”

Luo Rongrong heard the words and said to Fade Chen: "Your thinking is too narrow. Holding a celebrity charity event is not just a matter of donating money. It can also use the influence of celebrities to attract more people's attention, so that Everyone is concerned about the poor people in need. Let the stars be our role models!"

"Role model? I heard that many celebrities in the United States take drugs and fight, and their private lives are chaotic. I'm afraid it's not suitable for such a person to be a role model!" Fade Chen said.

"What nonsense are you talking about. You think the stars of the American country are those guys from China. The stars of the American country are all talented and beautiful, and they are not comparable to those small fresh meat in China. Don't use your domestic opinions to evaluate the American country. star." Luo Rongrong was a little angry.

Seeing this, Fade Chen wanted to refute, but Zuo Xuan at the side tugged on Fade Chen's sleeve. Fade Chen changed his words the moment he spoke, "Maybe, I made a mistake!"

Although Fade Chen softened, Luo Rongrong still had an angry expression, and she was a little dissatisfied with Fade Chen.

Completely ignoring Fade Chen behind him, he cursed directly in front of him, "I thought it was for the sake of my compatriots that I gave you a ride. But I didn't expect that it was another little pink who was brainwashed by the country. It's bad, I don't have any opinions at all, and I can't communicate."

Ke Yan also looked emotional, shook his head and sighed: "Rongrong, don't be angry. People who are not at the same level have different visions. It is normal that they cannot go together."

After expressing his emotions, Ke Yan turned his head to look at Fade Chen, with a disdainful expression on his face, and said: "There is a bus stop in front, you can get off there!"

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but change his face, and wanted to speak.

But Zuo Xuan who was at the side spoke out first, "Ke Yan, Fade Chen is our compatriot, since we are all in the car, it's not good to put him down now."

"Besides, what happened just now, Fade Chen just expressed his own point of view. You disagree, everyone is seeking common ground while reserving differences, there is no need to speak so seriously."

Hearing this, Luo Rongrong couldn't help but angrily said: "Xuanxuan, it's not a matter of opinion. It's that Fade Chen is too arrogant. He obviously has no knowledge, but he said that American stars are not good. It's just too annoying."

Ke Yan also said coldly: "I will get my green card from the United States soon. He and I will not be compatriots soon."

"Ke Yan, what you said is too much, you—" Zuo Xuan's expression sank, with anger on her face.

At this moment, it was Chen Fei's expression that relaxed. He gently tugged at Zuo Xuan's sleeve, and said: "Zuo Xuan, thank you very much. I appreciate your kindness. It's okay to get off the car. I'm fine."

With that said, Fade Chen said directly to Ke Yan: "You don't need to go to the bus stop, I'll just get off here!"

Hearing this, Ke Yan snorted coldly, stepped on an emergency brake, and stopped the car, "Get off!"

Fade Chen opened the car door, leaned out and got out of the car.

Seeing this, Zuo Xuan wanted to persuade Fade Chen, "Fade Chen, don't be impulsive, this place is no better than in China, and the public transportation is not so developed, so it is difficult to get a ride here."

"It's okay, I have a way to get there." Fade Chen waved to Zuo Xuan with a smile, and got out of the car voluntarily.

Without stopping, Ke Yan immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out with a bang.

In the rearview mirror, the figure of Fade Chen carrying a luggage bag became smaller and smaller, and soon disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, Luo Rongrong said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Some people only know what to do if they have been taught a lesson. Hmph, it's ridiculous to dare to insult the country in the United States."

Ke Yan also snorted softly, and said with a sarcastic tone: "The self-esteem of the poor is extremely ridiculous!"

Seeing this, Zuo Xuan's expression sank, and she said, "You guys are going too far."

Hearing this, Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong were both startled.

Luo Rongrong looked at Zuo Xuan in surprise, and said, "Xuanxuan, what's wrong with you? Are you angry with us because of that stranger?"

Zuo Xuan frowned and said, "Your words and actions just now are a little too much."

Hearing this, Luo Rongrong immediately went crazy, "Xuanxuan, I don't agree with what you said. How did we pass it just now? It's obvious that the guy didn't know what to do. His vision is too low, he is self-righteous, and he doesn't understand the United States at all. .”

"We educate him, but he is still angry. What does this have to do with us?"

Zuo Xuan held back her anger and explained aloud: "Fade Chen is just expressing his own opinion. Besides, his worry is also normal. After all, the ticket price for this charity gala is too high. There will be some criticism."

"What is there to criticize, this is the country of America, not China. Don't you think, Xuanxuan, that the United States will corrupt the government? Impossible, let me tell you, the quality of the people of the United States is very high, and they will not do such things here."

Zuo Xuan said in a deep voice: "The problem of corruption and corruption is not uncommon in the United States. It's not a matter of lack of quality."

"Let's not talk about this, that guy said that American celebrities have bad morals and messy private lives. This is a complete slander to our favorite celebrities. Don't you like Dale very much, Xuanxuan? Don't you get angry when you hear such words? "Luo Rongrong said.

Zuo Xuan frowned and said, "Fade Chen was talking about some American stars, not Dell and Tommy."

"He obviously heard that we like American stars, but he deliberately said that. Xin's singer."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, I'm sleepy and going to bed." Zuo Xuan realized that she couldn't communicate with Luo Rongrong at all, so she didn't plan to continue.

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