The area of ​​the venue was not small. There were nearly 300 booths from various countries and pharmaceutical companies. Fade Chen and the others walked around for an hour, but they didn't see all the booths.

Of course, the focus of their attention is naturally the booths of several big countries and well-known pharmaceutical companies. Among them, the most important thing is the American pharmaceutical giant, Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals, which is located at the center booth of the venue.

Perhaps it is the various rumors and influences of human drug experiments during this period that have made Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical's life a bit unsatisfactory recently. Therefore, for this exhibition, Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals attaches great importance to it. Not only did it get the most important central booth, but it also specially invited international-level designers to spend a huge amount of money to carefully decorate and arrange the central booth.

Even if you don't see the new medicine displayed by Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals, this booth alone can already be regarded as a work of art. Attracted many visitors to stop and watch, constantly taking pictures.

Fade Chen looked around for a while, then left with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, the group returned to Huaxia's booth. Lu Ming and the others had already arranged the booth, and they were talking with a group of people in suits and leather shoes, business attire.

When Mr. Chai led the team back, Lu Ming briefly introduced the two sides.

Chen Fei and the others immediately understood that these men in suits and leather shoes were really businessmen. And they are all Chinese businessmen in the United States, and several of them are engaged in business related to medicines.

After these Chinese merchants learned of Mr. Chai's identity, they couldn't help showing a little surprise. After all, being able to enter the Huaxia Imperial Hospital meant that their medical skills were absolutely outstanding. However, when they heard that Mr. Chai was engaged in the business of Chinese medicine, their interest dropped a lot, and they lost the surprise and enthusiasm just now.

Therefore, these Chinese businessmen are even less interested in Chen Fei and others behind Mr. Chai. A simple nod of greeting is considered a greeting.

Afterwards, they turned around and were with Lu Ming and the others again, talking about the upcoming new drug.

There were even two Chinese businessmen who were very optimistic about Lu Ming and the others' medicines, and signed a guaranteed agency contract on the spot, expressing their willingness to actively promote the new medicines developed by Lu Ming and the others.

After signing the contract, Lu Ming and his group sent the Chinese businessmen away with a smile. ? Then he looked proudly at Mr. Chai and his party, with an unusually obvious arrogance in his eyes.

Regarding this, Old Chai remained silent.

Lou Weibo and the others could only sigh in a low voice, thinking in their hearts that Chinese medicine is not popular, and it is completely unable to compete with Western medicine in business, and it is also a conceivable result that they are not favored by businessmen.

About half an hour later, with a jingle bell, the new drug exhibition officially started.

The organizer's staff stood up, picked up the microphone, and gave a speech.

Then, the 18-member expert group stepped out amidst the host's introduction.

The experts of these expert groups are almost all world-renowned doctors or biomedical scientists, and they are quite famous.

After the introduction by the expert group, the exhibition went straight to the right track. That is, various booths began to display their new drug products. Experts from the expert group will test and evaluate these new products in public. Throughout the whole process, reporters from all over the world followed and reported live.

It can be said that any new drug in this exhibition, as long as it can get a good evaluation from the expert group, it can definitely be said to have a bright future. Before the exhibition ends, all kinds of businessmen and investors will definitely flock here.

Therefore, regarding the evaluation by the expert panel, it can be said that each booth attaches great importance to it, and all of them put out their best things, hoping to be recognized by the expert panel and become famous in one fell swoop.

The judging begins, and the first one to do the judging is booth No. 62. Obviously, there are more than 500 booths on site, and it is impossible for the expert team to review them one by one. Therefore, preliminary screening has been carried out in advance, and about 50 booths have been selected for the expert team to conduct on-site evaluation.

At this moment, in front of booth No. 62, experts gathered, and a thick group of people surrounded them behind them. Journalists, staff, and even tourists.

Fade Chen and the others had no new medicines to show, so they naturally followed them to watch. Even Lu Ming and the others, after leaving two of them to look at the booth, the rest followed, wanting to see the expert panel's evaluation.

After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

At this time, experts have already started to test and review the new drugs at booth 62.

Some are listening to the other party's staff introducing their new drugs, some are using various equipment to test the effect, and some experts even brought mice directly to conduct animal drug tests on the spot. It can be said that they are not strict.

Five minutes later, experts commented on a new drug at booth 62.

The full score is 10. Each expert will rate this new drug. After removing the highest score and the lowest score, the average score will be the final expert panel score for this new drug.

In the end, the new drug at booth 62 got a score of 4.8.

This score is not high, not even reaching the passing line of six points. Firstly, the new drug at booth 62 did not have many bright spots, and secondly, the experts' standards were relatively high, so the overall score was relatively low.

According to previous experience, a new drug that can pass the passing line by six points is considered a good existence. A new drug that can get seven points is very good, and it will attract the attention of the entire industry. If it can get eight points, it is a real good medicine, and it will be the existence of the boom.

As for the nine points, there is no need to mention that after dozens of exhibitions, only three new drugs have scored more than nine points, and all of them are super hits, with annual profits exceeding tens of billions of dollars.

This kind of explosive product is something that can be encountered but not sought after. Even top scientists and laboratories cannot guarantee that a nine-point drug can be developed.

Therefore, in general, the drug with a score of 4.8 is considered acceptable, especially in some less developed countries, it can be regarded as a drug that can be widely used.

The staff at booth No. 62, although somewhat disappointed with the result, were generally expected, and thanked the expert group.

Afterwards, the panel of experts went to the next booth for evaluation. The focus of attention of the entire venue also moved with the movement of the expert group.

Each booth, each type of new drug, and each score were judged one after another. Some people were happy, some were sad.

But generally speaking, the scores of the 30 to 40 new drugs at these 20 or 30 booths are not high. There are only five models with a score of more than six points, and the one with the highest score only has an average score of 6.3 points, which is not too high.

Most of the remaining new drugs scored between four and five points. The lowest new drug even got a low score of 2.8 points. The booth staff directly dismantled the booth on the spot and left the venue with a pale face.

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