Xu Junshan and Steve were nowhere to be seen for a long time, but, faintly, Fade Chen could feel the strong fluctuation of the real energy coming from a distance. There are also ground vibrations from time to time on the ground.

It was in this rumbling tremor that the battle didn't last too long.

Less than half an hour later, two figures flew back one after the other.

It was Xu Junshan who took the lead. At this moment, he had a majestic face, serious eyes, and a great coercion on his body.

It's just that, faintly, it seems that a faint bloodstain on the corner of Xu Junshan's mouth can be seen.

Such a situation made many of the American hawk generals below excited.

"Then Xu Junshan was injured, and General Steve won!"

"He's holding on, he must be hurt."

"Such a good opportunity, we can't let him leave, quickly mobilize people and annihilate him here."


Just when they were excited, Steve also flew back behind Xu Junshan.

Compared with Xu Junshan's serious face, Steve's condition at the moment is quite bad. His face was pale, his eyes and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his left arm was behind his back, but he couldn't stop his trembling movements.

This situation was completely beyond the expectations of the hawk generals, and the atmosphere of them sank when they were so excited just now.

"General Steve is injured."

"General Steve's condition seems to be worse than that of Xu Junshan."

"Could it be that General Steve has lost!"


Just when everyone was guessing, Xu Junshan came to Fade Chen and said, "Clean up, we are going to leave."

As soon as these words came out, countless people became emotional, because it meant that Xu Junshan had won.

For a moment, those American hawk generals all looked at Steve.

Steve fell to the ground, nodded slightly, and said flatly, "Let them leave."

"But, general, they—" a hawk general was dissatisfied and said at this moment.

"I lost, let them go." Steve said again.

General Hawk Faction is still unwilling to give up this great opportunity, "General, I have already contacted the White House before. Our people are already on their way and will arrive soon. As soon as our people arrive, we will Sure can-"

"I said, let them leave, don't you understand me!"

With a sharp shout, Steve's face was stern, and he was rarely angry.

Now, these hawkish generals were stunned for a moment, and immediately shut up, not daring to speak.

After all, although Steve's actual position in the military is not high, he doesn't have much interest in participating in those military affairs. But if it is really about strength and power, there are really not many people above him.

At this moment he was angry, and these hawkish generals were also scared, and dared not say much.

After a few seconds, a hawkish general squeezed out a few words with a serious face, "General Steve, the people from the White House are here, and we need you to talk over there."

"I see." Steve's tone returned to his previous flat appearance, he nodded slightly, and then stepped into a car not far away.

After getting in the car, someone immediately handed over a special satellite phone, "General, the number from the White House—"

"Yeah!" Steve nodded and took the phone, "I'm Steve."

After talking on the other end of the phone, Steve quickly told the story of the battle, and finally said with a serious face, "I lost the battle with Xu Junshan."

"Xu Junshan's strength has surpassed mine. Moreover, I still haven't figured out whether he really used his full strength in that battle."

"But one thing is certain is that Xu Junshan is closer to the god-level realm than me. Maybe in fifteen or twenty years, Xu Junshan may step into the god-level realm."

Hearing this, there was a silence on the other end of the phone.

After waiting for nearly three minutes, the voice came, "You have done a good job. Now, let Xu Junshan and Fade Chen leave the country as soon as possible, so as not to cause more accidents."

"Yes, I understand!" Steve nodded, then hung up the phone.


At the same time, Fade Chen and Xu Junshan returned to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Qiuhan and others immediately surrounded him with worried expressions on their faces.

Fade Chen waved his hands, supported Xu Junshan, and said to them: "I'm fine, General Xu is injured, I'll go and heal him."

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen brought Xu Junshan into the room.

Sitting on the bed, Xu Junshan couldn't control it any longer, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face turned pale instantly, and his expression became much uglier.

"General Xu, you—" Fade Chen looked shocked and worried when he saw this.

Xu Junshan smiled, "Xiao Chen, don't worry, I'm fine, I just vomited some blood. That old man Steve was hurt more than me."

"General Xu, your internal organs are injured, you need to heal as soon as possible." Fade Chen said with a serious expression.

"How do you know?" Xu Junshan looked at Fade Chen in surprise.

While preparing, Chen Fei said: "General Xu, don't forget that I am not only a warrior, but also a doctor."

Xu Junshan slapped his head and laughed, "I almost forgot, Xiao Chen, you are a master of Chinese medicine!"

"It's worth it to let the master of traditional Chinese medicine heal me." Xu Junshan smiled heartily.

"General Xu, I'm going to start." Fade Chen solemnly said to Xu Junshan, seeing him nodding, he immediately started the treatment.

In this way, the two stayed in the room for three full hours before finally finishing the treatment.

Xu Junshan circulated his breath and felt much better, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Then he turned his head, looked at Fade Chen who was sweating profusely, and said with a smile, "Xiao Chen, your medical skills are too powerful. My injury has almost healed by more than half, thank you very much."

Fade Chen shook his head, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xu Junshan with serious and solemn eyes, "It's nothing. I want to thank you, General Xu."

Xu Junshan moved his mouth and waved his hands, wanting to say something not to worry about. But seeing Fade Chen's serious face, he couldn't say anything, he could only grin.

At this moment, Fade Chen, with a serious face, got up and bowed to Xu Junshan, sincerely expressing his gratitude.

Because, he knew very well how much pressure Xu Junshan would bear and how much risk he would take when he left Huaxia and emerged in the country of America this time, but he still came.

Moreover, the battle with Steve was not as simple as Xu Junshan said.

Steve's injury was serious, and Xu Junshan's internal organs were also seriously injured. Although Fade Chen had already given him some treatment and wanted to recover from the injury as much as possible, the impact of the injury was still there, and it would affect Xu Junshan's future practice in martial arts.

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