After seeing it, Wu Yinan couldn't help but change his expression, his face was full of surprise. Sometimes, he would even frown slightly, with a pensive look, as if he had encountered some problem.

In such a state, other people were extremely puzzled and curious, and wanted to step up to see what happened, which made the owner of the witch hall look so embarrassed.

Finally, about ten minutes later, Wu Yinan let out a long breath, raised his head, and looked at Luo Wei and Chen Fei in front of him.

Immediately, everyone's eyes gathered, because everyone knew that it was Wu Yinan who was about to announce the result of the competition.

"I declare that the winner of this competition between Jingfang faction and Witch Doctor faction is—"

Before he finished speaking, Luo Wei was full of confidence, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, glanced at Fade Chen, and then prepared to step forward to welcome his victory.

But just as he was about to take a step forward, Wu Yinan said the last words, "The winner is—Jing Fang Pai, Mr. Chen."


Inside the house, there was a cry of surprise.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how could he win?" Luo Wei found it hard to accept.

Yang Heng and the younger generation also had surprise written on their faces at this moment, and their expressions were stunned.

"what happened?"

"Master, are you not mistaken?"

Wu Yinan glanced at the surprised disciples, and said calmly: "Those who don't believe, you can come and see the prescriptions of the two."

Luo Wei, Yang Heng and the others stepped forward one after another and carefully checked their prescriptions.

At the beginning, there were still a few young disciples who were puzzled and dissatisfied. They seemed to think that Chen Fei's prescription was not better than Luo Wei. But then, when Yang Heng pointed out several flaws in Luo Wei's prescription, several young disciples saw the subtlety of Chen Fei's prescription.

His prescription perfectly solved the shortcomings of Luo Wei's prescription, and the match between the monarch and his subjects was almost perfect. It can be said that Fade Chen's prescription won without dispute.

Then, several disciples of the younger generation returned to their seats with strange expressions.

Especially Luo Wei, whose face was gloomy and ugly at the moment.

At this time, Fade Chen looked at Wu Yinan, and said, "Master Wu, Jing Fang Pai won this match. Your previous promise should be fulfilled!"

When this matter was mentioned, Du Cang also became excited, and looked at Wu Yinan expectantly.

Wu Yinan's face darkened, and he didn't speak immediately.

As for the elders on his left side, upon hearing this, they stood up abruptly at this moment, glaring fiercely at Du Cang and Fade Chen.

"Impossible, our Witch Doctor Sect will not join your Jingfang Sect."

"It's impossible for us to surrender."


"But, before the owner of the witch hall—" Du Cang wanted to defend himself.

At this time, an elder said: "You have come to compete several times before, but you lost all of them. This time, you only won one game. It's like asking our witch doctor faction to surrender. It's too much to think about." It's easy!"

"This—" Du Cang wanted to say something else.

But at the side, Fade Chen stopped him, and took the initiative to say: "Then what does this senior mean, let's compete again?"

The elder's complexion sank, he looked at the people around him, then at the young disciple opposite, and finally at Wu Yinan, then nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Master Wu, do you mean the same?" Fade Chen looked at Wu Yinan.

Wu Yinan nodded and said, "Yes."

Fade Chen didn't say much, and said: "Okay, the second competition, you guys are the best, let's start!"

This kind of proud and confident attitude made the young disciples of the witch doctor hall feel dissatisfied, but also felt a kind of pressure.

For a moment, several people looked at each other, as if they were deciding who would fight against Fade Chen.

After all, in that match just now, the Jing Fang strength that Fade Chen showed cannot be underestimated. Few of the young disciples present had the confidence to win against Fade Chen.

Just as they were roaring in low voices, Yang Heng stood up and said, "This game, I will come!"

When Yang Heng stepped forward, the scene fell silent, and all the young disciples looked over, waving their arms and fists to cheer Yang Heng up.

Obviously, Yang Heng, as Wu Yinan's eldest disciple, has excellent medical skills. In addition, he has won Du Cang twice before, and his strength has long been recognized. It is natural for him to play now.

Fade Chen looked at Yang Heng who was walking in front of him, with a calm expression on his face, and said, "How do you want to compare?"

Yang Heng said: "Whether it is prescription, acupuncture, massage or witch doctor, the ultimate goal is to cure the patient's disease. Therefore, I do not limit the method and method, and only compare the treatment effect with you. .Whoever can cure the sick person wins. What do you think?"

"It's exactly what I want." Fade Chen nodded with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, several young disciples started discussing immediately, and they were all extremely excited.

"Brother, this decision is very smart, we will win."

"Senior Brother Luo was a little careless in the last competition. Compared with that kid on diagnosis and prescribing, which is the method that the opponent's Jingfang School is best at, he lost carelessly. Now, Senior Brother Yang is not limited to the means, only to compare the effect. We can discover the means of our witch doctor faction to the greatest extent and win the game."

"Eldest brother is going to get serious, there is a good show to watch."


Amidst the discussion, Wu Yinan was about to ask someone to select a few patients to come in again.

But at this moment, Yang Heng took the initiative to say: "Master, I think, why don't we go outside for on-site diagnosis, and don't bother the patient to come in."

Hearing this, Wu Yinan was stunned for a moment, and then saw the flickering eyes of the eldest disciple, and immediately understood what he was thinking.

He wanted to openly win this competition in front of many patients and passers-by outside, and make a name for the Witch Doctor Hall.

Wanting to understand this, Wu Yinan looked at Fade Chen, and looked at Fade Chen with a questioning expression on his face.

Fade Chen's face remained calm, "I have no objection."

"That's good, let's go out!" Yang Heng took the lead and walked out first.

Fade Chen and Cang Du followed up immediately, and the rest of the people in the room got up and came out one after another.

When they came to the outer hall, the staff of the Witch Doctor House had obviously explained the situation to the patients. Many patients were full of anticipation and excitement, raising their hands and yelling, wanting to be selected.

After all, there are not many opportunities to be seen and diagnosed by Yang Heng, the younger brother of the Witch Doctor Hall. Moreover, as long as you are selected, the diagnosis fee is free.

This kind of opportunity is something ordinary people can't wait for.

The selection of patients was carried out by Wu Yinan himself, with Du Cang also assisting.

In order to facilitate the comparison, it is definitely not suitable for diseases that are too common, and diseases that are too complicated and cannot be seen after a short-term treatment are not suitable.

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