"But, that violent energy?" Master Zhuo was still worried, and pointed to the energy aura hovering like a dragon above the alchemy furnace at the moment.

Fade Chen didn't say much, but shot out a few bursts of energy from his right hand, like chains, binding the blue dragon flying in the air, and then with his fingers, the chain tightened instantly, pulling the roaring blue dragon back into the alchemy furnace.

Then, Fade Chen quickly patted the alchemy furnace with his left hand a few times, and the medicinal liquid in the alchemy furnace enveloped the breath, and then condensed it with continuous rotation.

Finally, Fade Chen clapped his hands on the pill furnace, and dozens of nail-sized black pills popped out of the pill stove. Fade Chen immediately picked up a jade plate, raised his arms in the air, and accurately placed all the pills All packed in a jade plate.

Putting the jade plate on the wooden table next to him, Fade Chen smiled at Master Zhuo and said, "Master Zhuo, Neiyuan Pill, it's finished!"

Master Zhuo looked at the round pills exuding a strong fragrance in the jade plate, opened his mouth wide, and stared round his eyes, looking at this scene in disbelief, said: "Well, is this really Neiyuan pill? "

"Of course it is! It's just because there is no addition of catalpa and locust trees, and the effect will be worse if those ordinary herbs are used instead." Fade Chen laughed.

"This, this is incredible. Mr. Chen, your alchemy technique is really superb. I don't even know how to describe it." Master Zhuo was a little excited.

Outside, Elder Cai and the others who saw the strange situation here also came over curiously at this moment. As a result, they looked at the pills on the jade plate, and after listening to Master Zhuo's words, they immediately understood what happened, and then looked at Fade Chen in disbelief.

"This, Mr. Chen, how did you do it?"

"That's right, the energy in the pill furnace changed, and it was about to explode. As a result, you not only controlled the energy, but also successfully refined a furnace of medicine that had been discarded. This, this is really perfect!"

The elders were excited, Fade Chen waved his hand with a smile and said nothing.

Immediately, Master Zhuo and the others thanked Fade Chen for a while, and even wished to take out all the treasures in the sect for Fade Chen to choose.

After all, Fade Chen's kindness is not as simple as making a batch of pills. Instead, he rescued Zhuo Dongquan, the head of the sect, and preserved the foundation of Lingyunzong. If Chen Fei hadn't made a move, I'm afraid Ling Yunzong's foundation would have been destroyed in half.

Therefore, Fade Chen is equivalent to keeping the mountain gate of Lingyunzong. Such kindness, coupled with beheading Gu Lingfei, sending back "Lingyun Jue", and finding out the traitor Elder Hu that Elder Cai and others haven't mentioned yet. It can be said that Fade Chen pulled back Ling Yunzong who was at a critical juncture by himself.

It's no wonder that Master Zhuo and the others were extremely excited and respected Fade Chen extremely.

Fade Chen politely declined the thanks from Master Zhuo and the others, using the excuse that it was getting late and was going back to rest.

But just as he was about to leave, suddenly, his nose twitched lightly, smelling a special smell, and then his eyes fell on the ground fire mouth under the alchemy furnace.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter with you?" Sect Leader Zhuo asked upon seeing this.

Fade Chen stared at the mouth of the ground fire, and said, "Master Zhuo, how did the flames of the ground fire come from?"

Master Zhuo was a little strange. Why did Fade Chen suddenly ask this, but he still replied: "Behind the mountain, there is a hot spring. The channel draws out the lava ground fire and builds this ground fire hole."

"Mr. Chen, is there any problem with this fire mouth?" Zhuo headed the door.

"Nothing!" Fade Chen shook his head, didn't say anything, then turned around and walked away.

After the group left the back mountain, Master Zhuo returned to the side hall, and when he learned that Elder Hu was a traitor, he was immediately angry and angry, and then he was grateful to Fade Chen for a while.

In the end, Master Zhuo took Elder Cai and his party to personally send Fade Chen back to the resting place.

Afterwards, while Sect Master Zhuo was dealing with matters within the sect, he asked the disciples at the gate to open the gate, allowing the medicine seekers waiting at the gate to come in.

In this way, it continued to be busy until midnight, and the entire Lingyun Sect was brightly lit, making it extremely busy.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, many people came bustlingly at the gate of Lingyun Sect, and as time went by, more and more people gathered in the square in front of the mountain gate.

Because Ling Yunzong's ceremony to sacrifice to heaven will be held today, many people rushed up the mountain at this time.

Ling Yunzong mobilized almost all the disciples to start preparations for the grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Prepare items, entertain guests, and more.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Elder Cai even came to find Fade Chen once, and wanted to arrange Fade Chen to be the VIP seat of Elder Ling Yunzong as a respect.

Fade Chen declined their kindness, saying that it was enough for him to sit with ordinary medicine seekers. Then, together with Huo Dongwei and Mr. Liu, they sat in the seat of the medicine seeker.

Before ten o'clock, thousands of people gathered on the mountain, including medicine seekers from all over the country, envoys from other sects who came to express their congratulations, and local officials.

At ten o'clock in the morning, with the sound of a melodious bell, Ling Yunzong's ceremony to sacrifice to heaven officially began.

The noisy scene suddenly fell silent. Sect Master Zhuo, wearing a brand-new Taoist robe, led the elder disciples of Lingyun Sect out with a serious face, and then began the complicated and majestic ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

Although ordinary people don't understand these ceremonies very well, the majestic and awe-inspiring attitude and atmosphere made everyone present feel an invisible sense of solemnity.

After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the disciples of Lingyunzong took their seats, and head Zhuo came to the stage. He briefly introduced the matters of the ceremony, was full of expectations for the future development of Lingyunzong, and expressed his gratitude to those who supported Lingyunzong.

After some speeches, Ling Yunzong officially returned to the Xuan-level sect, and the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

Then, finally came the time that many medicine seekers were most looking forward to, and that was the on-site medicine application of Ling Yunzong.

All of a sudden, hundreds of medicine seekers bustled and bustled, and the scene seemed to be boiling with boiling water, and it became active in an instant.

Ling Yunzong had quite a lot of experience in this, so he didn't rush, and methodically arranged the elders and inner disciples to ask the medicine seekers for relevant information, and then donated the pills for free.

Many people who got the elixir kowtowed their heads in gratitude, and even burst into tears. The scene was lively and enthusiastic.

Since there were too many people rushing up, Huo Dongwei's identity made it inconvenient for her to squeeze with them. At this moment, she was at the end, sitting on the same seat with Fade Chen, without moving at all.

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