"There is such a thing! But, why didn't I see Senior Xuanyuan leading his disciple—" Duan Guzhou was still puzzled.

Fade Chen explained lightly: "My master and his old man felt that we were not good at learning, so he didn't let us show our faces outside at that time, so as not to embarrass his old man, so he didn't let us show up."

"This, this—" Duan Guzhou felt a little dazed for a moment, as if he couldn't function properly.

And following Duan Guzhou's words, everyone who had been stunned for tens of seconds finally woke up, and suddenly became lively.

"Senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan, it turned out to be that one, that legendary figure!"

"Fade Chen is Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, is it true?"

"I remembered. Before opening the secret realm, didn't it say that Fade Chen was retreating in the back mountain hut? That was his master's hut. He could break through the formation and enter it, which can be explained."

"It's just that this still can't be directly proved."

"Senior Xuanyuan hasn't shown his face for many years, and I haven't heard that he has taken in a disciple. Now, a disciple suddenly appears, I always feel that I can't believe it!"


Amidst the lively discussion, Duan Guzhou also looked at Zou Dukong with a puzzled look, his eyes flickered, obviously thinking whether Zou Dukong's words were true or not.

The others, almost all looked over with the same doubts as Duan Guzhou.

Zou Dukong looked at Duan Guzhou, and said in a deep voice, "Master Duan, do you think I would lie about this kind of thing?"

"Or, do you think that I will use the matter of Senior Xuanyuan to deceive people."

As soon as these words came out, Duan Guzhou's expression couldn't help but change.

Indeed, analyze from a rational point of view.

Zou Dukong would never lie about this kind of thing, after all, it didn't do him much good, but the disadvantages were huge.

Therefore, Zou Dukong's words are very likely to be true.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, Fade Chen's identity is real, which can explain why Zou Dukong is so optimistic about and defends Fade Chen.

The reason is very simple, it is because of Senior Xuanyuan Jiangshan.

Thinking of this, the expression on Duan Guzhou's face changed for a while, and his expression became a little complicated.

It is obviously not an appropriate choice to continue to attack Fade Chen at this moment. Anyway, he is Senior Xuanyuan's disciple. If Senior Xuanyuan blames him, let alone Tianwuzong, even if the four major sects combined, he might not be the opponent of Senior Xuanyuan.

However, Duan Guzhou would really be unwilling to let it go at this point.

After all, I have already said what I said, if I take it back like this, it will be a slap in the face and make him lose face.

Besides, the disciples of his own sect were injured by Fade Chen, this matter, no matter what, needs an explanation. Otherwise, how would Tianwuzong retain its face, and how would it maintain its prestige among warriors in the future.

Thinking of this, Duan Guzhou's eyes changed, and finally he raised his head and said, "I believe what Master Zou said."

After a pause, he then changed the topic.

"However, even if he is a disciple of Senior Xuanyuan, if he does something wrong, he must be held accountable."

"I believe that with Senior Xuanyuan's status, he will agree with me."

As soon as these words came out, Zou Dukong couldn't help but frowned, his expression was a little ugly.

He couldn't help reminding: "Master Duan, don't be impulsive."

Duan Guzhou snorted coldly, looked at Zou Dukong, and said, "Master Zou, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me, you think I'm wrong. Or, in your heart, is Senior Xuanyuan the one who An unreasonable person who defends his shortcomings?"

Zou Dukong naturally couldn't admit it when he was questioned like this.

He waved his sleeves and quickly explained, "Of course I didn't mean that."

"I just want to say, before the truth of the matter is known, I ask Sect Leader Duan to proceed with caution."

"I'm already acting cautiously." Duan Guzhou snorted coldly, "Otherwise, even if Fade Chen is Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, he must give us an explanation for killing Guo Ming."

After finishing speaking, Duan Guzhou's eyes fell on Fade Chen, and he asked in a deep voice: "Fade Chen, I will not ask about Guo Ming for the time being. But, how should you solve the problem of you injuring Du Wuxuan, Han Zhi and Huibao?"

Fade Chen frowned slightly, and said, "I've already said that, they want to sneak attack and assassinate me, so it's only natural for me to attack them."

"Now that things are going on, do you still have to be stubborn?" Duan Guzhou's face darkened.

"Even if you are Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, you can't act recklessly like this." Duan Guzhou sternly shouted.

"What exactly do you want?" Fade Chen stared at Duan Guzhou and said coldly.

Duan Guzhou said in a deep voice: "My request is very simple, you must give an explanation for the fact that you injured Du Wuxuan and Han Zhi, my disciples of Tianwuzong."

"What do you want to say?" Fade Chen narrowed his eyes, and his tone became deeper and deeper.

But Duan Guzhou's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "I want you to never use my Tianwuzong's unique skills from now on."

"Then, join my Tianwuzong, please repent for three months."

Hearing Duan Guzhou's request, Fade Chen couldn't help but change his face.

It has no effect on Fade Chen not to use Tianwuzong's unique skills. After all, his own unique knowledge is more powerful than Tianwuzong's unique knowledge, so it's fine if you don't use it, there is no loss.

But if you enter Tianwuzong, you have to ask for three months of repentance, and there is something to say.

"How to apologize and repent?" Fade Chen snorted coldly and looked at Duan Guzhou.

Duan Guzhou said in a deep voice: "According to the rules of my Tianwu Sect, if you apologize for your sins, you need to enter the meditation hall."

"If you stay in the meditation hall for three months, you will be considered as an apology and repentance."

After Duan Guzhou finished speaking, many people, including Fade Chen, seemed a little surprised.

After all, in their opinion, Duan Guzhou's request seemed a bit too light.

It only needs to stay in a room of Tianwuzong for three months, which is not difficult for a warrior at all. After all, at this level, sometimes it takes ten days and half a month to meditate casually.

Three months is nothing.

After thinking about it, everyone seems to have found the reason.

Fade Chen is a disciple of Senior Xuanyuan, and his status is too special.

Although Duan Guzhou wanted to punish him, he had to look at Senior Xuanyuan's face. Therefore, deliberately proposing such a punishment of repentance, avoiding the serious and taking the light, can be regarded as saving his own face, and not offending Senior Xuanyuan, it is a choice that kills two birds with one stone.

Many people discussed it and agreed with this reason.

Even Chen Fei himself began to guess in his heart at this moment, whether Duan Guzhou really thought so.

But at this moment, Zou Dukong said with a sullen face, "Master Duan, you are going too far by doing this!"

Duan Guzhou's complexion darkened, and he cast a warning look at Zou Dukong, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zou, don't meddle in my Tianwuzong's affairs in the end."

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