
Just when Liu Yuhan was about to say something, the phone rang.

Liu Yuhan took out his phone and looked at it, his face immediately changed.

"What's wrong?" Su Momo asked.

Liu Yuhan handed the phone to Momo Su, and said, "Wu Peng said he was not feeling well and couldn't attend the wedding, and he has left now. He asked me to say sorry to you."

"This Wu Peng, he really—" Momo Su's cheeks flushed red for a moment, "He doesn't trust my brother-in-law so much, and me so much? Fortunately, I still treat him as a friend, and even escaped at this time. Don’t even dare to send me text messages, it’s just hateful!”

"Momo, don't be angry. It's his own loss if he leaves. When your brother-in-law wins and the wedding ceremony is held, it will be too late for him to regret it." Liu Yuhan persuaded.

"Yes, my brother-in-law will definitely make him regret it." Su Momo said angrily, with a little more determination in her pretty eyes.

Just as Su Momo and Liu Yuhan were talking, a light and ethereal sound of music, like the coming of fairy music, came from the sky, instantly quieting the lively scene.

At this moment, all eyes were on the lotus pond in the center of Wanhe Garden.

In the huge lotus pond, a mist floated up gently, and slowly spread towards the surroundings, covering the entire space in a hazy white mist.

Among the pavilions and pavilions next to it, palace lanterns with exquisite shapes and simple shapes slowly lit up.

Colorful rays of light pierced through the mist, bursting into blossoms of light in the air.

At this moment, the entire Wanhe Garden seemed to have become a heavenly palace in mythology.

The fairy music is ethereal and the lights are brilliant.

Even in the air, there was a refreshing fragrance, which made the guests present feel refreshed after just taking a deep breath, and immediately revived.

For a time, it aroused the admiration and surprise of countless guests.

"How did you do it? It's amazing!"

"As expected of Master Chen, this handwriting is impressive!"

"If anyone can make such a scene for me, I will marry him right away!"


"This mist, why does it feel somewhat similar to the taste of Holy Spirit water!"

"It's not that it's somewhat similar, this is Holy Spirit water!"

"Damn, use Holy Spirit water to make mist. This, this is too wasteful!"

"The Holy Spirit water was produced by Master Chen, so what a waste."


At this moment, not to mention ordinary wealthy people, even some well-informed martial arts experts are all amazed, with envious expressions in their eyes.

In this heavenly palace-like scenery, a number of guests stepped forward and presented their generous gifts.

Some of the guests with special identities and high status will attract the attention and cheers of the audience every time they appear on the stage, making everyone amazed.

Needless to say, Zhu Kuishan, Mu Ningbian, Xu Junshan and other domestic leaders, the presence of foreign Anita, Lisa and others caused a trance.

Even, when Steve, the God of War of the Stars and Stripes in the United States, sent someone to deliver a gift, many people were so shocked that they were speechless.

After all, the Stars and Stripes God of War is Fade Chen's opponent, so giving a gift to Fade Chen at this moment is really meaningful.

The honored guests from the secular world appeared one after another, and then the masters of the martial arts world began to enter the arena to give gifts.

Although these people may be among the secular people, their fame is not too great. But everyone's identity is a top-notch existence, and many people were instantly stunned when they said it.

The Patriarch of the Chen Family of the Hidden World Sect, the heads of the four heavenly sects, and even Zhong Zhuyan, the eldest daughter of the Zhenwu Family, also sent congratulatory gifts.

When everyone was amazed at the honorable status of the guests, it was unavoidable that some people secretly began to worry.

Will the members of Zhenwu Song family and Yuwen family show up?

After all, the enmity between Fade Chen, the Song family and the Yuwen family has already settled down and cannot be relieved at all.

Just when many guests at the scene and outside wanted to see the results.

After all the VIPs had entered the arena, Fade Chen's relatives and friends began to enter the arena next.

After everyone sat down, Fade Chen came forward in person and announced the start of the wedding loudly in front of everyone.

Immediately, the music became more and more clear and joyful, the mist in the air stirred mistyly, and gusts of breeze blew past.

Fade Chen wore a blue robe, leaped lightly, and immediately flew into the air.

The movements are extremely chic, like the scholar knight in ancient legends, which is amazing.

Fade Chen, who flew into the sky, stretched out and landed directly into the lotus lake.

Under his feet was a lotus leaf. Fade Chen stood gently on it with both feet. The lotus leaf did not sink, but trembled slightly, supporting Fade Chen.

With such a skill, many people were surprised.

"It's so handsome, it's like the legendary banished fairy descending to earth!"

"Fade Chen's strength is too strong."

"It's just a pity that the lotus leaf seems to have withered a bit, but it's not worthy of this dreamlike scene."

"There's no other way. After all, it's the season, and it's normal for the lotus leaves to wither."


Amidst the discussions among the crowd, Fade Chen, who was standing on the lotus leaf, looked down on the surface of the lotus lake. With a smile on his lips, he called out "Qiu Han" softly.

Suddenly, a string of bubbles appeared on the surface of the misty Lotus Lake, and the water surface began to fluctuate, as if something was about to emerge from the water.

"What, what is this for?"

"Could it be that the bride is underwater?"

"That's impossible! As I remember, Lin Qiuhan doesn't seem to be a martial artist. He couldn't stand being submerged in the water for so long!"


Just as everyone was speculating and discussing, the fluctuation of the water surface became more and more intense.

Finally, the surface of the water parted, and a translucent bubble broke through the writing and popped out.

Then, the bubble rises, and a slim woman is wrapped in it.

Although separated by fog and water bubbles, everyone can still see that the woman in the water bubbles is extremely beautiful, like a fairy in the Heavenly Palace.

Finally, the bubbles completely surfaced, and under the bubbles was a huge lotus leaf. Completely support the bubble and the figure inside.

Such a scene caused another heated discussion.

"The bride really came out of the water, it was amazing."

"It's stunning, the bride is so beautiful."

"Like a fairy!"


While everyone was cheering, Fade Chen clapped his hands lightly.

Immediately, the air bubbles enveloping the bride shattered into countless water vapours, and exploded the surrounding mist by the way.

The face of the bride is completely presented in front of everyone.

At this moment, Lin Qiuhan, who is well-dressed, is wearing a light gauze skirt, long hair shawl, and an elegant hairpin on her head. She looks like a fairy in the heavenly palace with every frown and smile, which is intoxicating.

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