"Brother, that's amazing." Wu Zikong gave Zong Han a thumbs up.

Yu Qin and others also congratulated Zong Han.

On the side, everyone in the Zhenwu family laughed when they saw this.

Song Lei looked even more disdainful, and said, "It's ridiculous to celebrate with such little strength."

"You—" Wu Zikong glared at Song Lei angrily, wanting to say something.

But at this time, it was Song Lei's turn to go up.

Full of pride, he deliberately glanced at Zong Han, Wu Zikong and the others, stepped forward and punched the instrument.

Suddenly, the data jumped, and the number 30312 was presented in front of everyone, which surprised everyone.

"So tall!" Wu Zikong exclaimed, his face turning pale.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, you know how powerful it is now!" Song Lei came back with a proud expression on his face. When he was speaking, he still deliberately glanced at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen ignored Song Lei's provocative eyes, but patted Zong Han and Wu Zikong's shoulders, and comforted him: "Just show your strength, don't be discouraged."

The two nodded and didn't say much.

At this time, the test continued, and one member after another stepped forward to test their strength.

It has to be said that Song Lei's strength of more than 30,000 catties is indeed outstanding among the crowd. Even if they are the children of the Zhenwu family, there are only five or six people who can exceed 30,000 jin.

Among them, the current best result is 32,463 jin, which was created by a child of the Zhenwu family who is as famous as the Song family.

In the end, only Zhong Zhuyan, Yu Wenju and Chen Fei were left who hadn't been tested yet.

Both Zhong Zhuyan and Yu Wenju are the children of the top real martial arts family, with strong strength, everyone is looking forward to it.

Zhong Zhuyan went out first, and under the attention of everyone, he took a deep breath, then gave a coquettish shout, and punched the instrument.

The number jumped, and finally stopped at the number of 33689 catties, creating the best result so far and winning a burst of cheers.

Amidst the cheers, the staff walked up to Zhong Zhuyan with a document, and asked, "Confirm your identity, are you Zhong Zhuyan from the Zhong family of the Huaxia True Martial Family?"

"Yes, I am!" Zhong Zhuyan nodded, then looked at the staff curiously, and asked, "Is there any problem, I—"

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing." The staff smiled at Zhong Zhuyan and said, "Your grades are good, and you have reached the entry line for the Sixteenth Palace, so I will write down your name first, and the sixteenth palace will be listed later. Adults, you may be chosen."

After hearing these words, the others all showed surprise eyes, and they were all extremely envious.

"This, this is on the candidate list."

"Maybe selected by the Sixteenth Palace, how lucky!"

"It would be great if I was chosen!"


Amidst the envious comments, there were inevitably some strange eyes.

At this moment, Song Lei looked sour, and murmured a little dissatisfied: "Can this kind of achievement be shortlisted? It's not much better than me! Besides, this is still relying on the various top real martial arts families of the Zhong family. This result is due to resources. If I have those resources, maybe I can also be shortlisted."

When Song Lei said this, many people around him nodded, and they also had the same thought in their hearts.

Although the voice is not loud, any of the staff here is a heaven-level master, so they can naturally hear Song Lei's words.

In an instant, the staff turned around, glared at Song Lei, and shouted: "If you don't have the strength, you can practice hard on your own. A big man speaks in a strange way, what virtue!"

"Also, you have to understand that there are differences between men and women, and strength data cannot be directly equal."

"Zhong Zhuyan's result, when converted into a man's result, is equivalent to a strength of 40,000 jin. Do you think you can achieve it?"

After being yelled at by the staff, Song Lei's complexion suddenly changed, and his expression turned ugly.

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but the staff ignored him at all, but waved to Yu Wenju, signaling him to come out for the test.

Yu Wenju glanced at Zhong Zhuyan with a smile, and then stepped out. Before coming to the instrument, he barely stopped, and directly punched the instrument with a bang.

The instrument trembled violently, and there was a roar, and the numbers on it jumped rapidly.

In the end, the number stayed above 48365 catties.

Suddenly, the scene was silent, and then a loud noise broke out.

"This, is this true? Forty-eight thousand catties, it's too scary!"

"It's almost 50,000 catties. Is this Yu Wenju's strength? It's too strong."

"This score is more than twice mine. Is the gap between us that big?"


Even the staff members changed their complexions instantly. After being stunned for a moment, they immediately came to Yu Wenju and registered Yu Wenju's name with a smile.

Obviously, this result exceeded the criteria for shortlisting, and even surprised the staff.

Among the noisy discussions, only the last Fade Chen remained untested.

The staff almost forgot about him, and it was only after being reminded by others that they remembered it. They waved to Fade Chen and signaled him to come forward for the test.

Fade Chen walked up to the instrument, instead of testing it directly, he asked, "Can I try it first, and then officially start the test?"

The staff was stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect Fade Chen to make this request, but they still nodded and said: "Yes. But, hurry up, there are still many people to be tested, so don't waste time."

Fade Chen nodded, then casually punched the instrument.

Finally, the number jumped to 20125 catties and stopped.

Seeing this, many people laughed secretly and started pointing at Fade Chen.

"That's all, it's a waste of time to try again."

"Didn't you say that guy is the number one master of the younger generation in the secular world? Why is this strength?"

"Blow it too far!"

"Hehe, what a joke."


Just when everyone was ridiculed, Fade Chen took a breath, focused his eyes, and punched the instrument with a bang.

The number jumped for a while, and finally stayed at 41,000 jin.

This time, the low-key cynicism suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Fade Chen in surprise, their faces full of surprise.

Even the staff in charge were a little stunned at the moment, hurried over and wrote down Fade Chen's name.

So, for Fade Chen and the others, the strength test was over.

The final top three are Yu Wenju, Chen Fei and Zhong Zhuyan.

Yu Wenju and Zhong Zhuyan were shortlisted, and everyone took it for granted. Fade Chen broke into the second place, which was a bit unexpected.

The eyes of many people looking at Fade Chen changed, and the topic of discussion behind them also changed from ridicule to emotion.

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