"Ah!" Lisa was taken aback, then her face sank, she lowered her head and was about to plead, "Mr. Chen, what I did just now was my fault, I..."

Seeing this, Fade Chen waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Miss Lisa, you misunderstood. I said no, it's not that I won't give you health-preserving wine. It's that I won't give you the current health-preserving wine."

"Is there any other health wine?" Lisa asked doubtfully.

Chen Fei explained: "The health-preserving wine on this production line is formulated for the entire group of ordinary people. Although it also has a certain effect on treating rheumatism, there are many other things, such as treating insomnia, restlessness, getting angry, Body weakness and other symptoms. Therefore, if you take this health wine directly, the treatment effect on your teacher's rheumatoid arthritis will be slower."

"What do you mean, Mr. Chen?" Lisa asked.

Fade Chen said with a smile: "I can adjust the formula, weaken other effects, and specifically strengthen the effect of treating rheumatoid arthritis. In this way, the treatment effect will be much better."

Hearing this, Lisa was suddenly excited, tears came out of her eyes, she threw herself at Fade Chen, and embraced Fade Chen intimately and warmly. The bodies were tightly pressed together, and Fade Chen could feel the strong elasticity under Lisa's wheat-colored skin.

However, his wife was right by his side. Fade Chen didn't dare to think wildly, his hands were stiff and did not move, and then he coughed twice, "cough cough."

Only then did Lisa come back to her senses, let go of Fade Chen, her face was already blushing a little. I don't know if it's because of shyness or excitement.

"It will take some time to adjust the formula and re-produce. Miss Lisa, please wait a moment. In two days, we will send someone to deliver the medicinal wine in person." Fade Chen explained.

Lisa immediately said, "Thank you so much, Chen!"

Afterwards, Fade Chen and Quin Lin bid farewell to Lisa. Fade Chen began to get busy with preparing special health wine for Douglas. Lin Qiuhan returned to the company and contacted Lisa, and the two sides began to clarify the incidents caused by Weibo together.

Lisa formally apologized to Autumn Group on Weibo, saying that she was misled about the previous incident, which is why she made those remarks. Now, after the on-site tasting, she has truly realized the power of the health wine, and she did not hesitate to praise the health wine and the autumn group on Weibo.

Lin Qiuhan immediately announced that the Health Wine Branch of the Autumn Group had officially hired Lisa as the company's gourmet officer to control the taste and quality of the company's products.

In this way, the turmoil caused by Lisa's Weibo finally calmed down. Even because of the impact of this incident, many of Lisa's foreign fans learned about Huaxia's health-preserving wine, and couldn't help becoming interested, and even came to Long'an City specifically to find a chance to taste the health-preserving wine.

Of course, there is still a group of people who do not believe in the so-called reconciliation between the two parties. He thought that Lisa was bought by the Autumn Group, so she was talking against her will.

At the same time, Fade Chen also produced the health-preserving wine customized for Douglas, sent it to Lisa, and sent it back to the United States for her teacher.

But just when things were going well, news came from Claude again.

Claude announced that Kele Company will establish a new functional wine beverage company in Hannan City, a neighboring city of Longan City, specializing in the production of the newly developed "Super Hero Functional Wine" developed by Kele Company.

The so-called super functional wine is a functional wine packaged by Kele Company, Marvel, DC and other companies in the United States, using various superheroes.

For example, a Hulk superhero functional wine is characterized by the addition of strength-enhancing substances to the wine.

For example, a Spider-Man superhero functional wine is characterized by relieving muscles and increasing the speed of movement.

Such functions immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially young fans.

However, after stripping off these fancy coats, the professionals quickly realized that these so-called superhero functional wines are health wines with certain special effects, and they are not much different from the aperitif wines and reminder wines on the market. difference.

And on the second day after the Super Hero functional wine was just released, another news came immediately.

An ordinary old man in Huaxia listened to everyone's rumors, and after drinking health-preserving wine, he became seriously ill in bed. After the old man's family took the wine to the relevant testing agency for inspection, they found that there was no problem with the health-preserving wine.

The old man's family didn't believe it, so he asked someone to send the wine sample to a well-known foreign testing agency for inspection. As a result, the results detected by the other party were surprising. It is said that there are many substances in the health wine that do not meet the standards of the United States, which are very likely to cause various harm to the human body.

As soon as such news came out, the health wine company that had just calmed down was immediately involved in this even bigger disturbance.

After hearing the news, Fade Chen rushed to the company immediately. Sure enough, the company is already busy.

Lin Qiuhan in the CEO's office, with a serious face, made calls one after another, and answered them again.

"Honey, how is the situation now?" Fade Chen stepped forward and asked.

Lin Qiuhan looked a little unhappy, and said: "Now, all the major news media have reported this matter, and it has spread on the Internet. But the thing is very strange. The old man's family mentioned in the news has not contacted our company at all. We took the initiative to contact and couldn’t get in touch.”

Chen Fei nodded and said: "I suspect that someone deliberately fabricated this matter to discredit our company. After all, there is a huge loophole in the content of the news itself. Our health wine is expensive, and it is usually sold to the outside world. The quantity is not much. But in the news, an ordinary old man can buy health wine, and the family can find a relationship and send the sample to the United States for testing. This is not something that ordinary families can do.”

"I asked my acquaintances in the United States to inquire about it. The testing organization is indeed a well-known testing organization in the United States, but the so-called samples were not sent from China at all, but sent by local people in the United States. And that person, there is The background of Ke Le Company." Quin Lin said in a deep voice.

Fade Chen's expression froze immediately, and he said in a cold voice: "Kele Company has just opened a new company near Long'an City and released the latest functional wine. Then, our health wine was detected to have quality problems, which is too much. What a coincidence!"

Hearing this, Lin Qiuhan's complexion couldn't help but darken, and said: "Claude, I contacted him and asked about related matters. But he denied it completely, and did not admit that this matter had anything to do with them."

"I didn't expect that Claude turned out to be this kind of person. The acquisition failed, and he secretly used such low-level means." Lin Qiuhan's face was livid, and he was obviously very angry.

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