This sentence instantly attracted everyone's curiosity, and the discussion buzzed.

"Anyone else wants to come out? Who is it?"

"I don't know! But a famous gourmet like Miss Lisa has been suspected. Can the newcomer handle it?"

"Yeah, I'm skeptical too. No matter who comes, no matter what he says, as long as Claude throws back the suspicion just now, the other party will have nothing to do. Because this is simply something that cannot be proved innocent."

"This time, I think Lin Qiuhan and Fade Chen are impatient, and rushed up to fight Claude in a desperate manner."

"That's impossible. Who is Claude? It's Kele Company behind it. If Kele Company is really allowed to make this 'Super Hero Functional Wine', the autumn group's health wine will have no chance. "

"Look, people are coming out."

In the eyes of everyone watching, a white man in his fifties came out. The man has short curly hair, flushed cheeks, freckles that are common to white people, a big belly, and a serious look on his face.

Some Chinese people, especially young people, were puzzled when they saw this white man, feeling that they didn't know him.

But when those foreigners, especially the older ones, saw the man, their eyes immediately flickered, and the camera pointed at the man, snapping and snapping. That fanatical attitude was even several times higher than that towards Lisa just now.

At this time, Lisa proudly introduced to everyone: "This is my teacher, Mr. Douglas!"

"At the same time, my teacher is also the founder of "Heavenly Kitchen", a special chef at a Michelin restaurant, a world-renowned gourmet, and a visiting professor at Harvard University..."

A series of titles burst out, even people who don't know Douglas, at this moment, immediately know that the person in front of him is a big cow.

When Claude on the stage saw Douglas appearing, he couldn't help shaking his whole body, and the expression on his face instantly darkened a lot.

At this time, Lisa and the teacher faced everyone together, and said, "Teacher, please."

Douglas nodded and said, "Actually, when Lisa invited me here, I didn't know about the hype about the health-preserving wine, nor about the testing standards for the health-preserving wine."

When everyone heard this, they were a little confused.

Douglas What does that mean, you don't know anything, what are you doing here?

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Douglas's tone sank, and he said: "But I know one thing, that is... The health wine of the Autumn Group is definitely the best drink with excellent quality, taste, and efficacy. I can be sure To put it bluntly, Yangsheng wine is the most delicious drink I have ever drank in all these years since I was a child."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then they were shocked. They never expected that Douglas would give such a high evaluation to the health wine.

Claude's complexion sank, his face became more and more ugly, and he forced an excuse: "I respect Mr. Claude, and I respect Mr. Claude's taste. But what I want to say is that delicious food does not mean that food and drink safety, that test report..."

Before Claude could finish speaking, Douglas interrupted him directly, saying: "As for the so-called unqualified inspection report, it is even more nonsense. Lisa mailed me a few bottles from the factory The health-preserving wine came over, and I sent someone to test it, and there is no problem."

"Not only that, the health wine also has a strong medicinal effect. After I drank the special health wine made by Mr. Chen Fei, it also cured the joint rheumatism that has plagued me for many years, allowing me to keep my career as a chef. So , This time I came to China specifically, the main purpose is to express my gratitude to Mr. Chen Fei."

When everyone heard this, they were shocked again. Especially those western reporters and personnel, many of them are fans of Douglas, know that he does suffer from joint rheumatism, and he has been treated many times without significant effect. There was even news of his retirement.

Unexpectedly, a few bottles of health-preserving wine from Huaxia cured Douglas' chronic illness for many years.

Such an amazing liquor, plus the guarantee of Douglas' fame and reputation.

Many people at the scene suddenly changed their minds, from the skeptical attitude just now to firmly supporting Chen Fei and the others. This is the effect of Douglas' years of fame and reputation.

So, all of a sudden, questions from the reporters flooded towards Claude.

"Mr. Crowder, what do you think of Mr. Douglas' words?"

"Mr. Douglas said that there is no problem with the health wine test. I would like to ask Mr. Claude, why do you insist that it is unqualified?"

"Mr. Claude, did you really reveal the hype before?"

Listening to the turbulent words, Claude suddenly felt dizzy, and the sweat on his forehead slipped down drop by drop. He felt himself in a trance, and the whole person seemed to fall down.

But just before he fell, he gritted his teeth fiercely to wake himself up. He knew that at a time like this, he couldn't admit defeat, absolutely not. Otherwise, the "Super Hero Functional Wine" that was just about to go on the market is absolutely doomed.

And he promised his family that the investment money he applied for would never be recovered. In this way, it is definitely a huge blow to Claude's evaluation in the family. It will only make his position in the family deviate even more, and even be completely abandoned by the family in the end.

Thinking of these consequences, Claude also ignored Douglas' identity and fame, and said, "I have always believed in Mr. Douglas's words, but this time, I think Mr. Douglas's words are a bit exaggerated."

"What do you mean by that? You say I'm lying?" Douglas suddenly blew his beard and stared at Claude fiercely. Many supporters of Mr. Douglas also glared at Claude fiercely.

Claude suddenly felt a huge pressure, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "I don't know, I'm just expressing my feelings. As for the hype rumors mentioned before, there are also things that failed the test."

"What I want to say is that these are just the news I read from the news. Even if Miss Lisa and Mr. Douglas talk about how good and effective health wine is, what does that have to do with us? I'm just talking about some hot news. .”

This guy is completely playing a rogue at the moment. Even if the negative news turns out to be false. They will never admit that these fake news have anything to do with them.

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